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Use knocker in a sentence

Definition of knocker:

  • (noun) a boastful immoderate person
  • (noun) a person who knocks (as seeking to gain admittance);
  • (noun) one who disparages or belittles the worth of something
  • (noun) either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman
  • (noun) a device (usually metal and ornamental) attached by a hinge to a door

Sentence Examples:

He remained in a listening attitude for half a minute and then plied the knocker again.

He opens his eye faintly at the dull stroke of the muffled knocker, and closes it again without asking "who was it?"

And I heard the knockers knocking, or thought I heard them, as plain as I hear that grasshopper in the hedge now.

She was obliged to stand upon tiptoe to reach the knocker.

And there I seized the knocker in a frenzy, and made such a racket as might have awakened the dead.

He plied the knocker again, and the noise volleyed in the emptiness beyond.

Dinner had been served in a small room at the back of the house, and the President could not command a view of the knocker without going out on to the veranda, which ran all round the house, and walking round to the front.

The knocker was tied up, the windows darkened, and all walked about the house with sad and anxious countenances.

He was writing to one of his sitters when his knocker clanged and a man in livery entered bearing a note.

Then the knocker, the scurrying of dreams away, and the voice of Marguerite Grey in the dark.

Again the knocker and his cheery greeting.

He paused before a dozen neat houses with brass knockers and painted shutters, and took each in turn for the lawyer's.

Josephine would have gone on to further details, but as they crossed the hall to the west wing, the knocker on the front door banged with a decisive sound, and Sally opened to find Donald Ferry on the threshold.

I sounded the knocker loudly, and with the end of the reverberations I heard a foot come through the long passages.

She dropped the heavy iron knocker on the door of a big red log cabin, and her heart thumped at the resounding stroke.

The justice of the quorum raised the knocker, and struck the door three times.

He got off, sounded a peremptory call on the horn, and tattooed with the knocker.

We are going to hang our best brass knocker upon it, and this ornamentation will enhance its beauty.

Don't be a knocker, be a booster.

The two decrepit leaves which barred it were ornamented with an old rusty knocker.

I plied the knocker at the parsonage door and asked for the rector.

It was with trepidation that he stepped to the half-lighted door and fumbled for the knocker.

He saw Lewis's eyes fix on the ponderous knocker.

As she did so the doctor mounted her doorstep, plied the knocker and rang the bell.

The door was divided in the middle, with a large brass knocker as an appendage to the upper half.

The adorable thing is that, once having made up her mind, she never flinched, not even when her hand was on the knocker.

Every time the knocker clanked she held herself together with both hands.

Stretches for the knocker across the child, who, misinterpreting his intentions, sets up a howl.

As I left my friends, I felt the knocker looking at me, and when I came out into the great square, framing the heavens like an astronomical chart, the big stars repeated the lesson with thousand-fold iteration.

A shadow darkened the window, and a moment afterward there was a fall of the old silver knocker on her door.

A frantic clang of the knocker on the front door brought them all to the windows.

It devolved on him to answer the knocker this afternoon.

Says he, eying the splintered panel and the gap where the knocker had been.

It was locked, and I had not hammered on its shining brass knocker before a neighboring housewife put forth her head from a window in the gathering dusk, and informed me that the captain was not at home.

Opposite is another ancient palace, now a scholastic establishment with a fine Neptune knocker.

There wasn't penthouse enough to keep the rain from the knocker.

I boldly climbed the steps and groped around for the knocker.

There was a knocker on the door; he raised it gingerly and let it fall.

And, indeed, at that the clang of the knocker sounded through the house.

The knocker fell with a clang of brass.

Knockers were often very handsome in Spain, and even nail heads were decorated.

These were almost all disused about sixty years ago, when knockers were generally substituted as more genteel.

Bartlett used the brass knocker and its echo reverberated down the street.

I guess what you want is a cozy little nook with a brass knocker and a nice motherly woman to look after you.

Staring at it, she found that it was a doorway; and going nearer and staring harder, she saw the door, far in, with a knocker of iron upon it, a great many yards above her head, and as large as the anchor of a big ship.

The hall door was decorated with a large, bronze knocker of curious design.

As she spoke, they were startled by a loud bang of the knocker on the big front door.

As Scrooge looked fixedly at this phenomenon, it was a knocker again.

And cursed, as he had never cursed man before, the architect whose enlightened scheme had found no place for a knocker.

Dismounting at the old stone porch, I seized the knocker and beat a mighty tattoo.

And I need not tell you that the watchman, who was put on after Gideon, had orders to leave that knocker alone.

A formidable rap of the knocker soon resounded through the house.

Inquired the skipper, his nerves thoroughly upset by the knocker.

On the other hand the organizers ran across "the knockers" at every turn.

The plate was almost useless, being nearly illegible, but the knocker was still fit for duty.

Ned raised the knocker, and smote the brass knob.

A burly fist was pounding on the knocker.

At length, stifling his thoughts, he hastily clacked the brass knocker of the door.

He rapped on the door with his knuckles, ignoring both the knocker and the bell.

Going up he raised the knocker, and instantly the echoes resounded through the empty house.

Someone rapped loudly at the front door, and whoever it was had hard knuckles, for there was no knocker.

We heard a shuffling sound outside, and then two sharp taps with the knocker.

Up this walk the diver sauntered, and applied the knocker.

How would they have dreaded the sound of the knocker or the cry of the postman!

Muffled by the thick wood, the voice of the knocker yet came clearly: "Open in the name of the Revolution!"

The inhabitants are quiet, peaceable people who would not think of visiting us, even if we had a knocker to knock at.

Open to this importunate knocker.

Riding to the door, he dismounted, and used the iron knocker lustily.

The clank-clank brought forth no reply, and he used the knocker again, with additional force.

They stepped into the porch and the young man, anticipating his companion, lifted the knocker and gave a postman's rap.

His summons on the big, brass knocker was answered by a prim little lady, with gray hair and bright, dark eyes.

Running up the steps, Bertha clanged the old brass knocker at what seemed to Patty to be the kitchen door.

He's got a lot to learn about flinging those little knockers underhand.

If he was shut out of the house of a patient, as was frequently the case, he would return home; and whatever the hour of the night might be, he would take the knocker in his mouth, and knock till the door was opened.

Jones seized the ponderous iron knocker and struck several vigorous blows.

I wanted a knocker for an oaken door; and I wanted it just so.

He was interrupted by a sudden peal at the doorbell, loud and long, supplemented by violent blows of the brass knocker.

If the door were closed its big brass knocker and massive iron latch invited the passer.

Meanwhile, we had reached the door of this famous lady's house, and were clanging the great knocker.

For having made one more loud appeal to the knocker, having taken off his hat, the better to feel the soft river breeze, he stood as before "looking off into space;" but with one hand resting more decidedly upon the silk umbrella.

The Doctor smothered an exclamation of impatience and strode over to the door and threw it open to the knocker.

And with a jerk that made the bright brass knocker give a tremendous double knock on the bright blue door, and sent the bright tin saucepans scattering in every direction, the house started suddenly down on the road on a double-quick trot!

Nearer and nearer they came; then a clang of the great bronze knocker at the principal entrance awoke her thoroughly.

As she raised the huge brass knocker her heart beat pitifully, yet she told herself she must be brave to the bitter end.

The brass knocker is scoured to its brightest.

The Vizier's knocker was a caricature; but it showed your style.

Said the General, to a servant answering the ponderous, lion-headed knocker.

He had gone to a school of mines, where he had learned to identify minerals, and he had kept up with the mining magazines; and while these poisonous knockers had been lamenting the results of the war he had jumped in and turned it to his advantage.

An idle old lady, living in a narrow street, had passed so much of her time in watching the affairs of her neighbors, that she at length acquired the power of distinguishing the sound of every knocker within hearing.

Asked Harry, while a salvo on the knocker made the house echo from wall to wall.

Perhaps a week had passed before he was again startled by the note of the knocker.

"Ye've as much brass as would make a dour knocker," he said.

The knocker was a distinct line of social demarcation.

That house, whose clamorous knocker used to keep the neighborhood awake, is already reduced to utter stillness.

Dobbins is hitched to the post, and the Doctor pounds away at the big knocker.

And, as she spoke, a weary step ascended the steps to the door, and an uncertain, faltering hand raised the knocker.

In two strides, the smith had reached his father, just as the latter was raising his hand to the knocker.

A portico, rising over six stone steps, protected a door painted brown and bearing a brass knocker.

The sound had a tang of impatience, for he had used the knocker more than once without result.

With a beating heart he raised the knocker; but all remained silent: no ready footstep answered to the summons.