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Use liable in a sentence

Definition of liable:

  • (adjective) subject to legal action; "liable to criminal charges"
  • (adjective) (often followed by `to') likely to be affected with; "liable to diabetes"
  • (adjective) held legally responsible;
  • (adjective) at risk of or subject to experiencing something usually unpleasant;

Sentence Examples:

The former is liable to the objection that one Presidential term should be in some cases slightly longer than another.

Let any man who practices without venturing to put his name on the register be liable to fine and imprisonment.

In such cases, the liquid used is liable to be thrown into the womb itself, and may give rise to serious troubles.

Just then it occurred to me that I was not the only person liable to be bitten by that snake.

Many kinds of pears do well, but, unfortunately, this fine fruit is very liable to be attacked by fruit fly.

"On his account we got into this trouble with Simmons, and are liable to be exposed any day," said Matthew.

Accordingly, those persons who make lies their refuge, must be liable to be doubted, even when they speak the truth.

It is an advantage to have the center of the magnet a little soft, as it is not then liable to break.

The work of Grotius is liable to a more serious objection, though I do not recollect that it has ever been made.

During the king's time, any man who was even found in possession of beef was liable to very severe punishment.

It is chiefly notable for being one of the swiftest streams in Japan and liable to sudden and great floods.

If on certain points Theobald's ideas were liable to change, the explanation is that he was amenable to the opinions of others.

Certain bones, those of the limbs in particular, owing to their exposed position, are more liable to fracture than others.

Unusual proper names and technical words that are liable to be mistaken in copying should be printed letter by letter.

Yet in this last case there did not appear to be any circumstances rendering the company liable in civil damages.

His words were indeed bold, and yet I could not deny that they were reasonable, and liable to be fulfilled.

It renders it impossible for them to clean their paintings, which are, besides, liable to crack and lose their color.

Packard is insane because she rejects Calvinism, then we are insane, liable to arrest, and to be placed in an insane asylum!

Pray let me know if I am fast in the binding, or whether I am liable to become lost, strayed, or stolen.

Even the greatest of women is liable to feminine moments, and may know when she is not looking her best.

They did not know what to expect in the way of a shock; anything seemed liable to happen just then.

The dirt and leaf which collect on this board are liable to fill up the grids if not regularly removed.

The third is most efficient, but very liable to serious interference by floods, which entail a heavy loss of plant.

Beside this inconvenience, they are very liable to rot, unless they be frequently taken out of the water and dried.

The surface of the vessel may be hard, but the vessel is liable to fracture on receiving a trifling shock.

The employers of labor, that is the farmers, are consequently liable to be placed in the minority by their servants.

The last is liable to suffer from damp during winter, and some spare plants should be wintered in a frame.

"Once a horse finds out what fun it is to run away, he's liable to want to do some more of it."

Diseases of the respiratory organs, the glands, and of the nervous system, are specially liable to be transmitted by inheritance.

After this notice, an attempt on the part of the vessel to violate the blockade makes her liable to capture.

Persons remaining on the premises in forbidden hours after being ordered to leave by the landlord are liable to punishment.

An exceedingly hard metal, used in places for electrical work where the current is liable to burn out ordinary conductors.

The majority of the non-union men came from distant points and were liable to be affected by change of climate.

The whole space seemed liable to overflow, and we crossed numerous little drains, that intersected each other in every direction.

At the best he is liable to be placed in an atmosphere of suspicion that does not help him to do well.

Do not pitch your tent near a standing dead tree; it is liable to fall over and crush you in the night.

We are not gifted with second sight, and must be sometimes liable to err through the impossibility of foreseeing consequences.

Your house, perpetually liable to fire, menaces you by day with poverty, and by night with falling on your head.

That he was liable to say incompatible things on different pages, where his purposes were different, is also common knowledge.

A limited partnership must have at least one general partner who is individually liable for the obligations of the partnership.

If a bank refuses to pay a check what, if anything, must the holder do to hold the maker liable?

Their eyes are peculiarly liable to be injured by dust and gravel from their hunting so close to the ground.

Snake wood, for instance, is very liable to that fault, and too much care cannot be taken in examining it.

Yet in this last case there did not appear to be any circumstances rendering the corporation liable in civil damages.

There are certain things he wants to do, the doing of which, if known, will render him liable to punishment.

Princes are, I imagine, more liable than other men to feel a hatred of their condition, and to think favorably of suicide.

Penalty, twenty-five dollars to one hundred dollars, and makes the offender liable in double that amount to the party injured.

My partners look at me in the strangest way, as if they thought I were liable to become dangerous at any moment.

As a woman, I stood no show of being able to acquire a competency, besides I was liable to pursuit and arrest.

And hunger weakens the strength in a very marked way and makes you liable to be run over, or anything.

It is, above all, when the climber passes from one valley to another that the unexpected is liable to occur.

He was making everything as indefinite as possible to render himself less liable to be called to court in case of trouble.

They admit, at the same time, that he is liable to grief and fear, for that these are natural emotions.

This plan may usually be adopted without danger, but they are more liable to be broken or bent by vibration.

The above description applies to the most ordinary form of this insect, but it is liable to a good deal of variation.

I was in the open, without cover, liable to be shot down with impunity from the edge of the ravine.

This process goes on until the water finds a new outlet, at a higher level, not liable to similar interruption.

With no voice in making the laws, they were liable to heavy fines or capital punishment for breaking the laws.

The fish that live at these enormous depths are in consequence of the enormous pressure liable to a curious form of accident.

In addition to this, they are every moment liable to be visited by the prison officers appointed for that purpose.

By this regulation the saws are not liable to be suddenly choked, but come smoothly and softly into their work.

Wherever this legal responsibility is not enforced in the case of low-skilled workers, we have, or are liable to have, "sweating."

I discovered that when they roared around the camp they were not so liable to attack as when they were silent.

Where the ground was low, flat, and liable to be flooded, the farmhouse was always built by a brook.

The growing cotton is particularly liable to accidents, and suffers immensely in "wet seasons" from the "rust" and "rot."

What shall we say when we consider that in Africa also both parties will be liable to the chances of war?

A lawyer may pick out expressions and make them liable to exception, where no other man is able to find any.

Forrest is liable to have a herd of his own, and in that case, there will be two outfits of men.

Thus, various external checks which normally inhibit any passing over of masculine sexual energy into cruelty are liable to be removed.

If, however, the angle is too great, the wind from either quarter is liable to raise the side that is exposed.

Next time you see them you might mention that I'm liable to have an impulse of my own they won't enjoy.

I suppose some time they will be liable to make some accumulations, and they will now and then own a plantation?

Six thousand five hundred articles have been cataloged as theoretically liable to protective treatment, and some dozen have been actually protected.

If she talks again, as she is liable to do at any moment, do not check her, but remember every word.

"You are bound to Mobile, and you intend to run the blockade; and that intention proved, you are liable to capture."

Hazlitt's communication: as to the manner, I am sorry that it is liable to a construction which perhaps was not intended.

Don't you see the store is liable to be entered any night, if a clever fellow happened to find that key?

It is, however, liable to be mixed with clay or earth, which must be washed away before the sand is used.

Rested though he was, and not liable to nervous tremors, Jim felt his flesh creep at the uncanny sound.

You have simply rendered yourself liable to a sentence of imprisonment of not less than five nor more than ten years.

Ruth, there is a Damocles sword hanging over that nest of birds, and it is liable to fall at any moment.

Yet I don't see that, because a man appears to be drowned and was not, he should be liable for anything.

Mind you, it is a big risk, for I should be liable to be shot for aiding in the escape of a prisoner.

I fear, however, on mature reflection, that they will be liable to serious objections, and ultimately more expensive than a canal.

You know I am at my wits' end just now; liable to be seized at any moment for that wretched debt.

Also, we learned that the smaller the log the more liable it was to roll over and give us a ducking.

I further warn you that an approach within twenty thousand miles will make you liable to immediate action, regardless of time.

We are liable to receive a visit from the Union cavalry any day, and the letter ought to be kept handy.

Cortez well knew that this was treason, and that he was liable to answer for it with his life.

Could this strawberry-colored piece of womanhood beside her really be liable to such a life of danger and temptation and destruction?

The shareholders of many corporations are liable only for the amount they have contributed and paid, or have agreed to pay.

I discarded my uniform with what protection it gave me, and made myself liable to be shot without question or doubt.

The baskets, being of vegetable material, are liable to be attacked by various diseases while in the nursery or after planting.

They had inherited from their uncles, their aunts, their brothers, or cousins; and were liable to pay the duties.

It may be contrary to our natural convictions, and consequently liable to our suspicions; but it cannot be refuted by argument.

All letters are liable to seizure and inspection, and they are often broken, when any cause of jealousy or suspicion arises.

Every animal, from the serpent up to man, that is to say, every animal possessed of lungs, is liable to rot.

"You seem too kind and sweet of manner, to be liable to those angry, wild fits they tell me they have."

"I find the quiet of night very favorable to study, one is not liable to interruption when all others are asleep."

Although they were stirred up against foreigners, their hatred for the Armenians was liable to burst forth any moment.