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Use liable in a sentence

Definition of liable:

  • (adjective) subject to legal action; "liable to criminal charges"
  • (adjective) (often followed by `to') likely to be affected with; "liable to diabetes"
  • (adjective) held legally responsible;
  • (adjective) at risk of or subject to experiencing something usually unpleasant;

Sentence Examples:

It is possible that all of us are liable to momentary hallucinations at times of exceptional nervous exhaustion, though they are too fugitive to excite our attention.

The walls would be more apt to fall outward than inward, and would be more liable to crumble than to fall as an intact mass.

He had been sentenced to death as "an enemy of the State and liable to all the penalties of a brigand of the first category."

The men are skillful, experienced, and cool; they have no interest in forming an erroneous judgment, and they are not liable to fall into mistakes.

No, no, don't set in that chair, that's got a spliced leg; it's liable to land you on your beam ends if you ain't careful.

Fractures are of course liable to complications, especially those which are of a traumatic character, such as extensive lacerations, tearing of tissues, punctures, contusions, etc.

I am not the stuff of which obstinate heretics are made, nor have I any heroic tumor which would render me liable to the knife.

Such action on our part in no manner recognizes for a moment the so-called Confederate Government, or makes us liable for its debts or acts.

The thing is rather unwieldy, because of the weight, and is liable to heel over, owing to the excessive height of the center of gravity.

Such a nation is like a vessel tossed upon the waves above the falls of some mighty river, liable to be buried in the whirlpool of destruction.

She would always listen to the men, but when her own sex ventured on thinking for themselves she was liable to become restive.

It is advisable to look with suspicion on cans that appear old, rusty, and soiled; they are probably left-over stock and liable to be bad.

Opposed to this view is the fact that well-cooked food has proved distinctly less liable to cause food poisoning than raw or imperfectly cooked food.

It is only on sufferance that the counsel can appear at all, and he is liable to peremptory dismissal at any moment during the trial.

A rent, therefore, reserved in corn, is liable only to the variations in the quantity of labor which a certain quantity of corn can purchase.

Yet I hardly dare to trust it, because it involves a charge of carelessness against Clement, who is not often justly liable to such reproach.

Why, friends, if I should step outside of my duty I am personally liable to a fine that would make me a ruined man and a pauper.

Moderate emotional excitement is a healthful stimulus, both to mind and body; but intense and prolonged excitement is liable to produce delirium, mania, or paralysis.

He was still liable to fits of moody melancholy, similar to those which descended upon Saul, and was vehemently furious when aroused out of them.

Each word coined by the exercise of the inventive faculty of man to express an idea is liable to change as it passes from mouth to ear.

On the other hand they are very liable to break down or to fall over the precipices, so their possession is not an unalloyed satisfaction.

By placing his name on the back of a negotiable instrument for the purpose of passing title, a person becomes liable on an implied contract.

Dennis also attacked actors generally, as rogues and vagabonds in the eye of the law, and liable to be whipped at the King's porter's lodge.

He was no victim of that childish panic which is so liable, in a moment of desperation, to pervert the high-strung intelligence of the horse.

If he fails to do this he is liable in damages for the results that follow as the proximate consequence of his abandoning the case.

Women who are unable to pass water after confinement, may be liable to the disease from retained urine, decomposing in the bladder and causing inflammation.

He suggests that the pin, being of English manufacture, was liable to confiscation and the officer only did his duty in seizing it.

He was no victim of that childish panic which is so liable, in a moment of desperation, to pervert the high-strung intelligence of the horse.

Every kind of aloes is liable to produce bad consequences if given too largely, or if the horse be treated improperly while under its effect.

The preacher, on the other hand, is liable to utter propositions, which to many of his hearers are very doubtful, as if they were axioms.

At that stage they are not injured for food but are less palatable and are liable to develop a queer fungus blight in the center.

The next topic in order is Asceticism, which I fancy you are all ready to consider without argument a virtue liable to extravagance and excess.

Surgically the most important of the facial bones are the two superior maxillary bones, because of the number of diseases to which they are liable.

"To kiss her all to pieces," "to hug her to death," "to devour her," were processes to which she rendered herself fearfully liable.

Savages seldom travel after dark, partly because they are afraid of demons, partly because they would be liable to be pounced upon by wild beasts.

The woods were well suited to them, low and dense, and, as we saw, liable at times to wear a livery whiter than their own.

Let us not seek to quit the spiritual sphere in which we have long dwelt and communed together, for one liable to discord and misinterpretation.

To such a degree of refinement have the arts of deception been carried that the customer is liable to be tricked and duped at every turn.

It is said to give greater freedom of execution, the closeness of the shake being its best point, but is more expensive and liable to derangement.

In how many evening talks has she not warned us of the follies, affectations, or troubles to which our lives might specially be liable!

When the child is kept at the breast much beyond this time, most mothers render themselves liable to the injurious consequences we have mentioned.

The insurgent batteries are shelling the Boulevards hotly, and, worst of all, you are liable to be shot from the upper windows and cellars.

This route, though attended with many difficulties, and in some parts liable to be disputed by the enemy, was chosen as the least objectionable.

From this source is derived the perpetual cheerfulness of youth, and the want of it is liable to add a gloom to the countenance of age.

The signers of a note may become jointly and severally responsible, that is, each liable for the entire amount, as if he had signed it alone.

Some colors, as red, pink, lilac, bright brown, buff, and blue, wear well; green, violet, and some other colors are very liable to fade.

The extent of the respiratory system renders it liable to become affected by contiguity to many parts and its nervous connections are very important.

In a borough which is not a county of itself the inhabitants are only liable to repair bridges within the borough by immemorial usage or custom.

On the other hand, she felt that if she yielded herself and tasted the bitterness of disillusionment, she would be forevermore liable to acquiesce.

The same conditions affect the transit of such merchant vessels as, carrying the flag of one belligerent, are liable to capture by the other.

A person who, under false pretenses, entices another to promise marriage, cannot demand the fulfillment of the promise and is even liable to punishment.

I have already come into contact with such things, and though they are liable to leave an impression of soreness generally, their lessons are quite sound.

Indian supplies and traders' goods, too, were liable to loss and detention; and on very slight provocation, the demands of the Indians grew insolent.

If he is a trespasser he is liable to civil or criminal proceedings by both landowners, but the game is his unless forfeited under a statute.

We are all liable to forget this, and unfortunately we are much more conscious of the imperfections of others in this respect than of our own.

It is difficult to be sure that one has expressed clearly one's meaning in writing, and hence phrases in a letter are very liable to misinterpretation.

Their extreme thinness renders them liable to stretch a great deal, and therefore they are most difficult to cut out in any desired shape.

A gentleman, nay, a lady also, is liable, under any circumstances, when drawing, to be interrupted, and often is exposed to arrest and incivility.

The noses of others were wrapped up in flannel bags, or cots, and masks for the eyes, which are liable to freeze into balls of ice.

Leases are liable to forfeiture by the Governor in Council if the rent is not paid in advance, or the labor conditions are not complied with.

It contains too much water, and is liable to contain traces of iron which is inimical to both raw hides and leather in process of manufacture.

It will, then, appear that the type of insomnia is liable to variation with the course of each individual malady; and its treatment must vary accordingly.

In fine weather the walk to Milford is easy enough, but going over the pass you are always liable to get caught in a blinding blizzard.

The mighty Odin himself, the wise, the just, the beneficent Odin, degenerates into a common-place demon, liable to be exorcised by a parish priest.

The runner should be raised slightly for damp wheat; if not, the burrs are liable to heat the chop, and clog their grinding surfaces.

Till you have got rid of him, he is always liable to come across you and tickle you out of your innings: all your resolution is no good.

The miners did not venture much below the surface, for fear of the water, by which they were constantly liable to be drowned out.

The order rendering us liable to the punishment of flogging still held good, spite of the six martyrs who had gone to their death.

Because the answer is liable to have a tendency to incriminate me, at this time I invoke the fifth amendment and decline to answer that question.

As crayon painting is liable to become changed or removed, even by blowing upon it, we must present some method whereby it can be fixed permanent.

A disadvantage is that it requires a highly glazed paper to print upon, such as is unpleasant to read, heavy to hold, and liable to decay.

These are engaged by the half-hour, and are liable to be dismissed as soon as their work is completed, let the time be what it may.

Experience however has shown that colors brightened in this way are less permanent than others, and are liable to fade unless kept perfectly dry.

By so doing, the boiler steams easier, the flues are not so liable to leak, and a uniform steam pressure can be easily maintained more economically.

He would not have so complicated a code of behavior; and he would be less liable to deviate from the normal when disturbed by outside influences.

If his bowstring stretched in the heat or dampness, as sinew is liable to do, he shortened it by twisting one end prior to bracing it.

The stock pot should be made of either enamel or earthenware, since a metal pot of any kind is liable to impart flavor to the food.

He that sees with other men's eyes, is peculiarly liable to errors and inconsistencies: uniformity is seldom found in patchwork, or accuracy in secondhand literature.

Place in equal parts of sand and loam, and propagate by cuttings, which should have plenty of room, as they are liable to damp off.

A license may be denied to any tenement house if the records show that it is liable to any infectious or communicable disease or other unsanitary conditions.

The peaceably engaged foreign resident is now in all probability a trained soldier, and liable to be recalled to the flag of a possible enemy.

Fighting with his back to the mountains, he was liable, if he suffered defeat, to be entangled in their defiles and lose his entire force.

The metal is not allowed to run into the mold in a continuous stream, but is ladled in, thereby rendering the gun liable to flaws.

One of these structures, the cornea, on account of its exposure to the air, is liable to become dry, like the skin, and to lose its transparency.

She would have had Joanna also, but Joanna would not leave home at the season when her father was liable to his worst rheumatic twinges.

Such treatment by suggestion is applicable only to certain classes of disease and is always liable to fall into the hands of fanatics and impostors.

They will keep in condition longer, are not so liable to wear unevenly, and will always finish off the edge better than the coarse variety.

Plain-sawed oak looks well, but is more liable to warp than the quarter-sawed and this is quite an element in pieces as wide as the ones used.

Most valuable for the perusal of mothers, and of those fathers who may be equal to the task of advising sons liable to commit matrimony.

Yet those of them which by circumstances have acquired the habit of swallowing their prey without mastication have been liable to leave their teeth undeveloped.

It was in the third reel of this picture, which I see by the billboards is liable to thrill the nation, that the thing happened.

Roots and green feed that have been frosted are objectionable, as being liable to cause indigestion, though in their fresh condition most wholesome and desirable.

True, he is far from unwilling to render himself liable to the latter process, but he is scrupulously particular on the point of the observance.

Women, it should be said, though constitutionally more liable than men to feel the need of medicines, form the lesser portion of the drug-taking class.

The thatch will protect us from any ordinary rain, but we're still liable to be swamped by water running down the hill behind.

When one is liable to be moved elsewhere at four days' notice, there is no encouragement to take deep root, the frequent uprooting would be too painful.

A man who forfeited his liberty was liable to be held in service during six years, but in the seventh year he regained his freedom.

Chrome-tanned skins are usually stretched and nailed on square boards after setting, as, owing to their elasticity, they are liable to shrink considerably in drying.

Tuesday's French liner, then; and don't fail to investigate whether steamers of this class are liable to be of use as auxiliary vessels in case of war.

Moreover, they knew along the trail of the man there were liable to be pickings, for man, a fastidious feeder, never eats all he kills.