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Use lisp in a sentence

Definition of lisp:

  • (noun) a speech defect that involves pronouncing `s' like voiceless `th' and `z' like voiced `th'
  • (noun) a flexible procedure-oriented programing language that manipulates symbols in the form of lists
  • (verb) speak with a lisp

Sentence Examples:

The room is filled with lisps and whispers.

As the lisping old woman draws nigh, the captive again opens his eyes.

In an excited lisp spoke up little Tod Smith, the youngest pupil in the school.

At a period when other nations have but lisped, our deep voice is heard afar.

That would make Judith a lisping child when she left England.

The drama "lisped in numbers, for the numbers came."

The lisping of the fountains was very audible.

The sound of water called to her in a lisping, inhuman voice.

Not a lisp of such a ruin had been heard by me previously.

He spoke with a slight lisp.

And little lisping George, staring at him curiously, "Are you Plinth Arthur?"

If Johnnie has not left off lisping at Easter, I shall have the ponies sold.

Neither of them will lisp a word about this handsome Isabella.

The youngest of my pupils was the lisping Billy.

"I thought it would be for the best, dear," came Ozzie's lisping reply.

"I have been locking baby," lisps little Billy, who, in return, gets rocked himself.

I lisp a little, it is true; but, thank goodness, no longer in numbers.

When I was a child, I never heard a lisp in defense of slavery.

When I first could lisp, I learned to pray for my cousin Henri and my cousin Charles.

"Very well then," the voice once more lisped.

They lisped like females at an embroidery frame.

The first word she lisped was his name.

Of his early rhyming powers he says: "I lisped in numbers, for the numbers came."

"Yes," lisped a very little girl; "one of 'e doors in 'e house too small for she."

Her kisses at first given with ardent emotion were now lisped softly against my cheek.

She stood there for a minute, listening to the lisping chatter of the current.

I lisp in numbers, and the numbers come like mad.

As soon as they begin to lisp they are talking of their lovers.

As yet a child, nor yet a fool to fame, I lisped in numbers, for the numbers came.

I can only spell after the language of the Holy Ghost, lisp out his own words.

Blue ventured "yes," and Red lisped in confusion, "Do you think so, really?"

And answering cries: "Down with the lisping, smooth-tongued Southerners!"

Declared the little, lisping girl with an earnestness that made them all smile.

They were more delighted than ever with him when they discovered his lisp.

He lisped, and his manner was awkward.

He spoke less, and lisped in very low tones.

Was lisped by a score of lips, as the attention of the people was attracted down the road.

Her soft voice with its slight lisp came to his ears like a caress.

We would never have known a lisp from his lips.

Well, I want to know if she lisps, and if she answers to the name of Bessie.

Soon the child began to lisp, and they bent their heads to listen.

Her eyes filled up, she lisped aloud, "I wish I had stayed with my husband!"

Asked the Captain, with his pleasing lisp and blush returned again.

The waves which had been lisping all day long gave forth an ominous dull roar.

My companion lisped in his silkiest tone.

She said her prayers with a little lisp at that time.

With the lisping of invisible leaves the Great Master's music-book unfolded.

She then speaks in a thick tone, with a lisp.

All the good jobs are taken, and I can do nothing but lisp in numbers.

"My name is Sarah, but mamma called me Sadie," lisped the child.

He said, in a kind of lisping tone, coming yet nearer to me.

Said a voice with a slight tendency to lisp.

He was beginning to lisp a little along that restless line of thought in 1910.

For whom that lisp that steals the heart away?

Now they heard only the lisping of water.

"I'll stay up to supper, no bed," Then lisped little Laura to Ned.

"Name's Jimmy Lee," was the lisped answer.

The lisping captain sent me to the cells.

"Please don't lisp a word of this suspicion at present," she warned her friends.

Lisped little Geoffrey, when his mother returned.

If you lisp a syllable of it, you will need a patch on your skull.

Shall we be inferior to our grandfathers, who hardly lisped the first words of science?

She lisped, and there was a suggestion in her accent of East Prussia or Western Russia.

Both father and son had the same slight lisp in speaking.

She is three years old, is lisping funny baby talk and bubbling with laughter.

Certain diplomatic affairs he did not lisp, even to his Secretary of State.

And depend upon it, he heard Bow Bells before he lisped his first word.

She went on saying in his imagination, with her peculiar lisping voice.

She can aid it to lisp the first accents of its native tongue.

She lisped on the name, and made it a funny flower.

She screamed out in her lisping voice.

Lisped she, in an accent of infinite joy and relief.

One whisper breathed abroad, or lisped in a slave's hearing, were the World's ruin.

Miriam spoke slowly, for she knew she lisped when she was nervous.

Does the pure child lisp to the angels pure?

He reproduced Kitty's high lisping tones perfectly.

Fortunately there are no brilliant sayings to record; he did not lisp in periods.

Don't children of Elsie's tender years lisp sometimes?

I never dared lisp a word of it to the priest.

Do not let them lisp in any number of your publication.

I became as a little child, and rushed like a lisping babe into the arms of my mother.

His cultured lisping speech and his well-bred air interested Jim.

She had a lisp and a happy smile.

"Bring wine and cake," he lisped, when the servant answered.

"So glad to see you, mamma," he lisped, as he handed her out.

"Well then, only a little one," she lisped, just touching my cheek with her lips.

The two men rode through the river, and their words were drowned in the lisp of the water.

"Delighted to see you all," lisped Polly Vane.

Freddy had curly hair and a lisp.

She lisps and that makes me nervous.

When the lisping lips of my young child asked me, "Papa, who made me?"

Cried a little lisping fellow, one of the privates.

Their only notes are a strange lisping sound often barely audible.

Again do we kneel at mother's knee to lisp the evening prayer.

Walter lisped the words after her and pressed both hands to his breast.

She had still that phantom lisp.

Lisped Rosa with a melancholy smile.

His name was on their lips continually; even the little children lisped it.

She spoke in a low, eager voice, with a curious lisp in her utterance.

Stapleton herself, spoke good English, but with a curious lisping accent.