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Use lisp in a sentence

Definition of lisp:

  • (noun) a speech defect that involves pronouncing `s' like voiceless `th' and `z' like voiced `th'
  • (noun) a flexible procedure-oriented programing language that manipulates symbols in the form of lists
  • (verb) speak with a lisp

Sentence Examples:

He spoke in a high, lisping voice, which was the latest London importation.

She was brought to him, a bright, cheerful little thing, just beginning to lisp unintelligible words.

Gaga even affected the infantile and lisped through excess of genteel deportment.

He was blushing hotly and lisping as elegantly as ever.

And everywhere leaves lisped to one another, and birds shrilled insistently.

The child who learns to lisp his prayers at his mother's knee is started aright.

Lisping infancy learns the vocabulary of abusive epithets, and struts the embryo tyrant of its little domain.

"He had been quizzing a great big boy who lisped, and the boy knocked him down, and they had fought."

"Ah," she cried, "you speak the language that my husband taught me to love, and the tongue my little children lisped; but they are all dead now, and I've come back to my native land to find no home but the one that charity provides."

Brossard almost dropped his candle in his first surprise, and his wonder grew until he could hardly contain it, when the curly head raised itself from monsieur's shoulder, and the sleepy baby voice lisped something in a foreign tongue.

She very soon got over her childish lisp, and even before she was four years old she spoke with perfect distinctness.

Asked auntie, who noticed an unusual lisp.

Yesterday evening, while returning home, I came into a dark and lonely lane, in which there stood a child some three years old, who, by a candle stuck into the earth, lisped a song praising the Emperor.

I've no sort of use for Jamie Lyman; he lisps, and he has warts, and he hasn't the pluck of a white rat.

He greatly delighted in rhyming and lisping notes and billets.

Next he was struck by her candid, ingenuous, inquiring gaze, and by her thin voice with the slight occasional lisp.

Why do some persons stammer and lisp?

It would be a long task to tell how her lisping tongue turned everything then to favor and to prettiness.

Their lisping tongues, their pretty broken speech, their simple words, their childish thoughts, all fitted with her own needs, for she was nothing but a child herself, though grown to be a lovely maid.

Very soon Baby will think from right to left, and will lisp in the luxuriant bloom of Oriental hyperbole.

There are lots of nice people in this little old town, people who lisp our language fluently.

He said in his soft, low-pitched, lisping voice, with the provincial accent struggling through its patent affectation.

School children were spied upon for incipient treason as though the lisping of childish lips might overthrow the throne.

Tommy perched herself on the rail of the upper deck, and caroled forth a lisping ditty.

She stammered as well as lisped when she essayed to speak now.

"I'm not," protested the little lisping girl indignantly.

A very striking peculiarity of the people in this particular camp is a sort of lisping, hissing accent to their speech.

It was a young curate with a lisp who told you, I'll wager.

Let reverence for the laws be breathed by every American mother to the lisping babe that prattles on her lap.

"I am glad to learn the truth, if it is the truth," lisped his Lordship, musingly.

She spoke an adorable lisping French.

The voice lisped, whilst trunk and branches swayed lightly, and the air was full of silent merriment.

The lisping voice ceased, and, with a convulsive start, the policeman came to himself.

Men who attain a knowledge of these things, who lisp a few syllables of the Word, often have not where to lay their head; hunted like beasts they perish on the scaffold, to the joy of assembled peoples, while Angels open to them the gates of heaven.

Said Bonaparte, peeping round into his face, speaking with a lisp, as though to a very little child.

The lisping cherub cried.

If the pupil fails to sound any element correctly, as in the case of lisping, the fault can be overcome by calling attention to the correct position of the organs of speech, and insisting upon exact execution.

Tommy stammered and lisped and twisted and turned, then she burst forth into speech.

A slight lisp gave an air of simplicity to his ditties, which never failed to charm his auditors.

It was a soft lisp of sound that startled the group.

Should we not curse them as a craven crowd, and teach our lisping babes to mock their memory?

He does not talk with a silly lisp or an inane drawl.

Now, we like the people we help and bless, and John during his care for his brother's family had become much attached to every member of it, for even little Agnes could now hold out her arms to him and lisp his name.

The master, who was evidently of that opinion, had a habit of parading them on all occasions before visitors and strangers; though one bad lost his upper front teeth and lisped badly, and the other had the voice of a penny trumpet.

And I have been panting on his bars, while all about me went the lisping laughter of my brother.

"Make me a ring, Maude," little Anne lisped when the dowager had subsided into her chair again.

He actually said it, "torch-bearing mobs," in the same goofy lisp.

With a wild spasm of joy William realized that his enemy lisped.

Bolt had been extremely careful not to lisp, caused a desperate sensation among his admirers.

She had a heavy voice and a slight lisp, which seemed to make it more impressive and more distinctively her own.

Avoid mouthing, lisping, hesitation, stammering, pedantry, omission of syllables, and suppression of final consonants.

No mother learns her child to lisp the name of a thing which has no being, but she chooses objects with which it is most familiar, and which are most constantly before it; such as father, mother, brother, sister.

Morning and night Ruth, in her little boat, wooed the lisping waters.

When it was dark once more, she was still sighing, but now it was in her husband's strong arms with her head resting on his breast, lisping like a grieved child that tries to justify the past fit of temper.

"Supper is served, Cal," she drawled in her gentle, almost lisping voice.

She is fair with blue eyes, and long flaxen hair, speaks with a lisp, and answers to the name of Bessie.

Exclaimed a voice, with a slight lisp in it.

He was a blue-eyed man, with a blush and a lisp at once, as of one shy, but at times he would look straight and bold at some one of the group, and then he seemed to lose his delicacy and become coarse and cold.

In the third quarter of the first year, the lisping or stammering was more frequent.

All that he lisped, all that he shouted, all that he screamed, had gone unheeded.

He had then, the defects of lisping and stammering which we, often turned into ridicule.

Again and again, with a measured monotony, came to him the regular lisp of the waves.

The sound of sleigh bells and song, and the lisp of wind in the grass, and songs of birds in the maples came to her.

The lame and lisping boy from Maine had ripened, under the Southern sun, into a master orator.

The boy gurgled back a low, happy laugh and lisped some childish reply, which only a mother could translate.

Snuggling closer, he lisped back in perfect English, "Eric's tired."

A round-faced girl with golden hair and the face of a wondering cherub interrupted, speaking with a lisp.

The loving appellation, taught Boy when first he could lisp, roused the man as perhaps nothing else would have done.

Peggy had hardly time to catch the sound of a familiar lisp before there came a quick exclamation of surprise, and a radiant vision, all pink and white and glitter of diamonds, glided forward to meet her.

Even lisping numbers "come," but mighty numbers are ordained, and inspired.

The boy, who can but lisp his 'Peace be with you,' has imbibed this portion of the national character.

The clear little voice lisped inquiringly.

He shouted almost incessantly in fluent Latin, but with the lisp peculiar to the African races.

It is said that his lisping, when he spoke, became him well, and gave a grace and persuasiveness to his rapid speech.

She lisped, tremulously eager.

There was something irresistible in the softness of her eyes and the fascinating lisp.

His face was puffy and pale, his speech was soft and lisping, yet there lurked about the man an air of levity and irony.

She very early ceased to lisp, and already in her fourth year she spoke with perfect distinctness.

She lisped the words in her soft, sweet voice, haltingly, like a little child.

"Well, even so, I am glad to get my shoes and slippers back," lisped Polly Vane.

He at first lisped and stammered and had a weak voice.

She threw herself at her mother's feet, looked up to her with eyes swimming in tears, and instantly hiding her face with both her hands, lisped out these words: "Only give me two kisses, such as you give my brother."

His tone of injury was excellently feigned, and his lisp was simplicity itself.

He drawled his words out with a decided lisp, and in a very soft voice, which contrasted oddly with his huge bulk.

Uncle James lisped with deceptive mildness.

Said he, in a lisping French.

They asked in a sort of playful, mincing lisp.

There, where he stepped his first step, lisped his first syllable, smacked his first kiss, and saw for the first time a star in the heaven, he is laid; he is given to the Night, to the Eternity which Khalid does not fear.

Why should she be the more convinced from these withered lisping lips?

Knight,' she said, with a charming affectation of a little lisp.

What good do they think they can do, a couple of sissies, and two or three kid vamps, setting up to lisp religion?

"Women are amorous little doves," he lisped, "they always want to be going home to their nests."

He entreated with a lisping tongue, his words full of love and charm.

"Formica," lisped Pasquale, "has a capital voice; how he would sing my arias!"

"These old coquettes," she had lisped, with an amused uplift of one eyebrow.

"You are the American cousin, of course," she said, with a slight lisp.

"I won't be spoken to in that manner," came the lisping, toothless voice from the darkness.

The sister had merely lisped, with downcast eyes and blushing cheeks, "Come to us shortly, dear cousin."

Plutarch tells us that Alcibiades lisped and that it gave a grace and persuasiveness to his discourse.

Shouted her companion, with a strength of voice that proved the affectation of his former lisping whisper.