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Definition of litigation:

  • (noun) a legal proceeding in a court; a judicial contest to determine and enforce legal rights

Sentence Examples:

All litigation was stopped and injunctions revoked.

This often leads to interminable and costly litigation.

Even then these exercises often ended in ruinous litigation.

Litigation ensued, but in the end Humphreys was appointed.

The astronomical endowment was soon in jeopardy by litigation.

Costs play an important part in all English litigation.

And besides, I had no money to expend in litigation.

His craziness seems to take the form of senseless litigation.

You are promoting this litigation to form a groundwork for more.

The land claims began to clash, and interminable litigation followed.

In the ensuing litigation their attorneys cited two notable precedents.

Expensive, annoying, and unsatisfactory litigation could be reduced to a minimum.

You can't deny the blunder, and you'll save cost of litigation.

Enemies were as plentiful as gooseberries, and he never wanted for litigation.

We are all most anxious to bring to a close this ruinous litigation.

My estates are heavily involved through litigation started by my forbears.

Such men were paid off in full, litigation being the speculator's aversion.

Blundering, jobbing, squabbling, and litigation are also assigned as reasons for delay.

As an outgrowth of the facts stated, intricate and prolonged litigation followed.

Litigation ensuing among themselves, nothing had ever been done with the property.

I wish there was some way of stopping this harassing, paralyzing litigation.

Though inclined to litigation, they were not unwilling to arbitrate their differences.

Litigation and law expenses have, like locusts, devoured up the produce of industry.

"It would mean a lot of expensive litigation for one thing," another injected.

The negotiation, which was the beginning of much litigation, thus proved abortive.

Between this stepdaughter and Meyer there was considerable litigation over her property.

Teasing litigation and injurious reports of us have met all our efforts at conciliation.

Obviously, ecclesiastical supervision over the ordinary course of litigation was amply provided for.

An insidious method of influencing both law-making and litigation was the pass system.

In our own time, overlapping boundaries have led to bitter litigation and murderous feuds.

Litigation and war will be out of date and replaced by conciliation and arbitration.

It is now in litigation and the parson is contributing all he possibly can.

Perhaps you recall the litigation that resulted when triplets put in their appearance?

However, administrative litigation and other special litigation will be stipulated by special laws.

Litigation would be a wearisome business, and we couldn't buck her crowd down there.

Temple had had some litigation with a saw-mill proprietor who lived in east Texas.

It is an unjust libel upon solicitors that they tempt their clients into litigation.

It is surprising how addicted to litigation were the earlier settlers of the Western States.

As counselor, he is cautious and careful, dissuading from, rather than urging on, litigation.

It is surprising how addicted to litigation were the early settlers of the Western States.

Certainly he had expended enough money in litigation to pay for a hundred legal educations.

Do you think I want to scatter broadcast the seeds of litigation in a regenerated world?

After a prolonged litigation, costing enormous sums, the election had been finally annulled in 1806.

Costly litigation must ensue to test the validity and extent of the overhead trolley permits.

Men and women alike find exaggerated enjoyment in litigation, which many keep up for years.

Of course this arises largely from the fact that this litigation costs the workmen nothing.

The old Indian tenet itself has not escaped litigation at the hands of modern pessimism.

It required the time of one judge sitting six days a week to keep abreast of Apache litigation.

The phrase "in chancery," means in litigation, as an estate, in a court of equity. Cocker.

Shortened litigation and lessened expense by giving appellate courts final jurisdiction except in extraordinary cases.

Your grandfather and I see only, and at best, the promise of a long, perhaps ruinous litigation.

This recommendation was cordially adopted by all parties concerned, and further litigation was therefore avoided.

Let it not be supposed that in making these remarks we want to cause litigation, or insubordination.

My father quarrelled with Sir Peter, and harassed him by an imprudent and ungracious litigation.

The banker loathed litigation in all its forms and in his own affairs studiously avoided it.

Once in charge of appointed persons, no unseemly litigation could take place as to the possession of them.

It was declined, on the ground that the business day expired at sundown, and litigation ensued.

The claim was in litigation, and Hussein, becoming impatient, demanded payment from the French king.

It is evident that the irrationality of frequent appeals to expensive and bothersome litigation should arouse suspicion.

He was embarrassed by constant litigation, and his last years were full of trials and anxiety.

When litigation was so profitable, it was encouraged to the utmost, to the infinite wretchedness of the people.

Before that who ever heard me complain of exile, disease, litigation, elections, or the whirl of public affairs?

Mining cases are perhaps the most interminable, complicated, and technical known in the records of litigation.

The tenants took violent measures to assert the claims of their respective landlords, and much litigation ensued.

Litigation ensued, and the last named gained the lawsuit, when it had been pending one hundred years.

What should I do for persons who have just been harassing me with the most unprincipled litigation?

The entire judicial system seems designed for the speedy trial of cases and the discouragement of litigation.

Even now he is so crippled by the endless litigation he has had that he lives in absolute penury.

The barber was dreadfully frightened at the prospect of a ruinous litigation, and solicited my professional services.

Once again it had changed hands, and now the must and mildew of litigation had settled upon it.

If an inventor is poor and his patent is valuable, he is also frequently harassed out of it by litigation.

Here the cultivator surpasses his model, for he loves litigation and enjoys nothing so much as a quarrel.

The land commission confirmed Den's title, though the evidences are that it was annulled in later litigation.

A Past Overseer who detained the box in 1793 had to give it back after three years of litigation.

He was acquainted too with the matters in litigation, having been in the bosom councils of his deceased brother.

She secured her dowry by litigation, so that she was well off, even without her literary earnings.

They have imbibed a love for the science, a taste for litigation, which quits them only with life.

At the same time the increase of wealth and the enlargement of commerce, multiplied the occasions of litigation at home.

The men of law sprang into great prominence, owing in part to the interminable litigation over the land titles.

It is he who mingles with the people of the ward and steers litigation in the direction of his employer.

There is scarcely a litigation at law concerning a title to land, that may not be traced to an Indian deed.

He knew there was sometimes litigation over mineral claims, and he had to deal with a clever and unscrupulous man.

Does anyone imagine litigation to be anything more than a pastime, at which those who play ought to be content to pay?

Having a wholesome dread of litigation, they say of one who goes to law, "He sues a flea to catch a bite."

The giving of legal advice gratis to the poor would be a good thing if it did not lead to unlimited litigation.

Aside from the money expended on the litigation, there were no expenditures by the roads in checking up the work.

I cannot call to mind any feud or litigation between squatter and farmer having its inception in the land question.

Another charge which fell heavily upon the nunneries, sometimes not entirely by their own fault, was that of litigation.

A policy of publicity superseded the secrecy which had naturally grown to be a habit in the days of patent litigation.

It was a day of small fees, and a good deal of the litigation grew out of the intemperate habits of the farmers.

After long years of litigation his patent rights were upheld by the courts and much wealth and more fame accrued to him.

In certain metal-mining camps, where considerable amounts of materials have been mined to great depths, caves and cracking in the surface are reaching over unexpectedly wide areas, again threatening litigation.

As great cities have grown up, and properties large in amount have come under litigation, certain lawyers have found it expedient and practicable to devote themselves to special branches of their profession.

The system has given rise to much litigation between the United States and individual citizens, producing irritation and excitement in the mineral region, and involving the Government in heavy additional expenditures.

The perception of risks that might arise through contributing to these studies worried some organizations, particularly those from sectors where competitive advantage is imperative, or liability and litigation issues especially worrying.

Often, again, the question is suggested whether justice does not require that the courts of law should allow some effect to foreign legal proceedings, such as a judgment obtained or litigation pending abroad.

Their entire time is thus given over to litigation, with the result that their life instead of being devoted to beneficial undertakings and necessary personal affairs, is completely involved with the dispute.

The decisions of this board have usually satisfied the public: they have been nearly always confirmed, and have prevented boundless litigation. Many surveyors were employed, who acted in the several districts.

It cannot be seen wherein the second mine is required to maintain secrecy, for there is no danger of litigation from neighboring property holders, the one company controlling, practically, the mining in its neighborhood.

Again the introduction of the English law of contract and transfer of property, and the increase in the habit of litigation have greatly altered the character of the money-lending business for the worse.