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Use nonconformist in a sentence

Definition of nonconformist:

  • (noun) someone who refuses to conform to established standards of conduct
  • (adjective) not conforming to established customs or doctrines especially in religion

Sentence Examples:

Hicks was a nonconformist.

That'll please the pious Nonconformists.

No nation noisy nonconformists needs.

People don't call on Nonconformists.

A college mission excludes Nonconformists.

A Protestant is essentially a nonconformist.

None of your nonconformist faces here.

Even the nonconformists had come round.

Senator Kenyon was a moderate nonconformist.

Also, there were people called Nonconformists.

It is conducted entirely on nonconformist lines.

The audience consisted almost exclusively of Nonconformists.

That makes you a nonconformist, doesn't it?

We might as well be Nonconformists at once.'

Quieter times for Nonconformists were however at hand.

Let us all be Nonconformists in that respect.

Think of the effect on the Nonconformist vote.

What does the Nonconformist conscience think of this?

Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist.

The same influences have been at work among Nonconformists.

He was a minister of a well-known denomination of Nonconformists.

My work has a large circulation among Nonconformists.

Don't talk to me as if I was a nonconformist.

Apparently the house was behaving like a nonconformist chapel.

The Nonconformists of the village were outraged at the suggestion.

This might have been balanced by the zeal of nonconformists.

Could any tune be more acceptable to the Nonconformist conscience?

Suggested by certain recent manifestations of the Nonconformist conscience.

Charles Doe, a distinguished nonconformist, visited him in his confinement.

Many persons were Radicals, many Nonconformists; but some were both.

He suspended all penal laws against all classes of Nonconformists.

The Nonconformists still formed an important part of the City.

They imported the Schism Act, forbidding Nonconformists to open schools.

And the Nonconformists are right, and know that they are.

"Whoso would be a man," says Emerson, "must be a nonconformist."

She had, as the English would say, the Nonconformist temperament.

There have been several acts giving Nonconformists equal rights with Churchmen.

This is, or was, more peculiarly the Nonconformist point of view.

Churchmen cling to it as a sheet anchor in controversy with Nonconformists.

If I lived in England I should be heart and soul a nonconformist.

Morton who kept an academy for the training of nonconformist divines.

The storm of persecution burst forth on the Nonconformists with fury.

Maybe they anticipated a time when they might need a few nonconformists.

Rocked in a nonconformist cradle, she now sleeps in a nonconformist grave.

"From which I gather you are a Nonconformist candidate for the ministry."

Nonconformists need not claim him for their own with much eagerness.

The Nonconformist conscience, I beg you to believe, makes cowards of us all.

Woodbridge has some claim to consideration from the Nonconformist point of view.

There must not be jokes about Nonconformists: many advertising agents are Nonconformists.

Persecution had created a small measure of tolerance throughout all nonconformist bodies.

"I did not know that Nonconformists had such nice things to eat."

And this reviving seriousness was by no means confined to Nonconformist circles.

The hymns of Watts slowly found their way among the Nonconformist churches.

By this act the licenses to preach previously granted to Nonconformists were recalled.

While we were proceeding through one of the wards, the Nonconformist chaplain came by.

Early in the session he brought forward two measures for the relief of Nonconformists.

It was the occasion of one of the fiercest disputes that ever arose among Nonconformists.

The fact is noticeable, since the custom is not widely observed by Nonconformists.

Busby (who had been his tutor) meeting him, said, "Who made you a nonconformist?"

His parents were devout nonconformists and brought up their son in the evangelical faith.

They had no difficulty in regard to fellowship with Nonconformists in worship or in work.

This is after all our world, and we cannot live in it and be absolute nonconformists.

The nonconformists, led by our pilot, came through for the State in the end.

Some Nonconformists did not enter into the movement; others did, and that most heartily.

"The Nonconformists are timid, and dream not that the day of deliverance is at hand."

The result was that all nonconformists and all Puritans drew closer together under trial.

Luther did not carry that principle so far as some of us modern Nonconformists carry it.