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Use nonconformist in a sentence

Definition of nonconformist:

  • (noun) someone who refuses to conform to established standards of conduct
  • (adjective) not conforming to established customs or doctrines especially in religion

Sentence Examples:

This proposal really signified that Nonconformists were to retract their opinions altogether, or continue to be persecuted.

The Roman doctrine was over-developed, not primitive enough; the Protestant nonconformists were neglectful of ecclesiastical ordinances.

The Nonconformist writers are neglected, the Conformist writers are encouraged, until perhaps on a sudden the fashion shifts.

The houses of Nonconformists were invaded by informers, constables, and the vilest and lowest rabble of their assailants.

They have also a pious ambition for religious ascendancy, and do what they can to foment a holy zeal against Nonconformists.

In dealing with this problem, a broad distinction had generally been made between Nonconformists at home and Protestant communities abroad.

This appears to have been the first and the permanent settlement of Protestant Nonconformists of congregational principles in this place.

Without the aid of nonconformist sympathy, and money, and oratory, and organization, their operations would have been doomed to certain failure.

I defy any Liberal or Nonconformist opponent of the measure to show that I have misrepresented their purport in any particular.

In accusing the clergy and nonconformist ministers of shirking their duty we must remember the enormous difficulty of their task.

The execution of three Nonconformists in the following year was in fact followed by the almost utter extermination of their body.

Catholics, Anglicans, Puritans, Dissidents, and Nonconformists of almost any physiognomy, might come and be at home, unpunished for variations in belief.

Precocious, nonconformist Sylvie has been expelled from a convent for writing, in a letter, that she loves one of the nuns.

Now that party discipline has been broken down, what nonconformist Senators suffer most from is the tyranny of the teapot.

An anathema, formally pronounced by an Ecclesiastical Council against these Nonconformists, had no more effect than the admonitions of the Patriarch.

It should be understood however that on the Nonconformist side there is no desire for universal and indiscriminate facilities in the directions indicated.

I close with the remark that the Bible is regarded by the Evangelical Protestant Nonconformists from an independent point of view.

I have heard it urged that he was the supreme incarnation of the Nonconformist conscience, perpetually concerned with infinitesimal details of conduct.

See the independence in every step: that's his heel on the neck of the oppressor: it's the nonconformist conscience in baggy breeches.

Christie's volumes abundantly justify the conclusions which have at length been reached by Liberals in politics and by Nonconformists in ecclesiastical matters.

Nevertheless, for her father, the rector of the parish, he entertained, when the oats were plentiful, nonconformist sentiments, verging almost upon skepticism.

Most Nonconformists with an instinct for English history could see something poetic and national about the Archbishop of Canterbury as an Archbishop of Canterbury.

Few indeed of the parochial clergy were so abundantly supplied with comforts as the favorite orator of a great assembly of nonconformists in the City.

Internal Nonconformists, or unprincipled clergymen, who applaud and propagate doctrines quite inconsistent with several of those articles they promised on oath to defend.

Loathing the nonconformists as he did, he was not likely to be very zealous for a prince whom the nonconformists regarded as their protector.

Owing to some scruples, he preferred to enter the nonconformist ministry, in which he also zealously labored for the spiritual welfare of his brethren.

Of the differences among Nonconformists he made nothing, was a vehement advocate of union, and strongly opposed to whatever interrupted cordial relations between Churches.

The Nonconformist conscience, if it did but know it, owes quite half of its solidity to the mahogany four-poster in which it came to life.

This was but the prelude to organized attacks on the houses of the leading Nonconformists, whether they had been at the dinner or not.

He looked upon the whole proceeding as unrighteous; and pronounced the statute a "history," adapted to make Nonconformists appear to posterity as if they were disloyal.

Such men as the leading Nonconformists Priestley and Price were familiar with the speculative movement on the continent, and sympathized with the enlightenment.

The three-page prayer of the distressed heroine was used, in paraphrase, from quite a number of nonconformist pulpits, and the book was a huge success.

They would gladly have excluded Nonconformists from any status in the Universities, and opposed any measures intended to conciliate their prejudices or remove their disabilities.

Steven Russell was born a misfit, a nonconformist, and for the first five years of his life he made himself and his parents extremely unhappy.

The persecution of the Episcopalians afforded a strong point against the Nonconformists, especially before it could be met by a long list of ejected Nonconformists.

I admit a general appearance of squalor; it needs much philosophy to extract the wonderful and the beautiful from the Cromwell Road or the Nonconformist conscience.

And must not the minds thus contrasted tend to become respectively conformist and nonconformist, not only in politics and religion, but in other things?

It has, I own, given me great pain to observe the unfair and acrimonious manner in which too many of the Protestant nonconformists have opposed this bill.

Its prejudice against Nonconformists remained as fanatical as ever, and yet Nonconformists worshiped in their chapels and served as aldermen or mayors with perfect security.

In antithesis with this, attendance of the nonconformists upon public worship was regarded as a standing by their principles and a test of fidelity and courage.

He laid his hand on my shoulder kindly, with a yearning of his bowels towards me, such as true Nonconformists feel at the scent of any money.

A bill passed the commons for the ease and relief of the Protestant nonconformists; but met with some difficulties, at least delays, in the house of peers.

Franklin's father Josiah and his Uncle Benjamin were nonconformists, and conceived the plan of emigrating to America in order to enjoy their way of religion with freedom.

To the Nonconformist orator they are an unfailing target, and he ought to be very much obliged to them for supplying him with ammunition, but is not.

The nonconformists, dreading the caresses of known and inveterate enemies, deemed the offers of toleration more secure from a prince educated in those principles, and accustomed to that practice.

Nonconformist sentimentality, on one hand, and titled wealth on the other, have blinded him to the imperative needs of the time and the dangers that confront the Empire.

Then Emerson's readers were awakened from the torpor of submission to popular clergymen and politicians by the stern words: "Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist."

Its scope, its narrow margin of failure, coupled with the king's previous leniency towards Catholics and his bitter persecution of nonconformists, created a frenzy of fear among Protestants.

The toleration of Nonconformists was far from pleasing extreme Anglicans, and the influence of this party at the beginning of the eighteenth century menaced the liberty of Dissenters.

The nonconformist and the rebel say all manner of unanswerable things against the existing republic, but discover to our sense no plan of house or state of their own.

I hope in this effort we shall be united, conformists and nonconformists, joining hand in hand and heart with heart, so that our people may become an intelligent and religious people.

The sturdy Nonconformists who first peopled that country had been long accustomed to encounter and overcome difficulties: they had continually waged a war of mutual extermination with the Indians.

That he felt a little sore, in regard to the misunderstanding of his views by some Nonconformists, is clear, I think, from a letter to me which lies before me as I write.

Football, however, was formerly a favorite pastime among the Welsh, but as it was principally played on Sundays it was put down with stern severity by the Nonconformist preachers.

Liberty, justice, were idle names to Nonconformists of every kind; and all they knew of the glorious constitution of English law was when its iron hand was turned against them.

It is probable that, up to this date, it has looked for some relenting on the part of the young nonconformist, rather than movements so distinctly straightforward in the line of dissent.

Authorities understand the youthful tendency to be nonconformist and accept the fact that a certain amount of the behavior they deplore is an attempt to affirm new and differing youth attitudes.

Calloway, the Nonconformist preacher; but hardly had you left the town, when it was discovered that you had passed a considerable portion of the night with the family of that poor, persecuted man.

The broad result of such intercourse of the nonconformist leaders with this powerful and generous mind, enriched by historic knowledge and tradition, strengthened by high political responsibility, deepened by meditations long, strenuous, and systematic, was indeed remarkable.

Defoe, an ardent nonconformist, educated in one of the Academies (established on Milton's model) and especially trained in English and current history, advocated among other projects a military academy, an academy for improving the vernacular, and an academy for women.

Without taking this into consideration, it is impossible to form a right view of the comparative tenderness with which Churchmen passed over what they considered to be defects in reformed systems abroad which they condemned with much severity among Nonconformists at home.

The Declaration, after recognizing the established religion of the country, directed the immediate suspension of all penal laws against Nonconformists, and provided for the allowance of a sufficient number of places of worship, to be used by such as did not conform.

It might have occurred to him that, even if his statement were strictly accurate, the words 'no longer' pointed to a history of suffering and of struggle which resulted from the existence of an Establishment, and in which Nonconformists have figured as the victims.

The kinship has been acknowledged, and the right of difference allowed; but belief in the great superiority of English uses, Nonconformist difficulties, and a certain amount of jealousy and intolerance, had always checked the advances which were sometimes made to a more cordial intimacy.

The King received addresses from all quarters thanking him for his Declaration of Indulgence; not only from Nonconformists about the country, but from the newly reformed City Companies, of whom, however, not all were found to join in the cry of gratitude.

They remained the fundamental law long after the Act of Toleration of 1689 made easy the burdens of other Nonconformists, and until the gradual progress of enlightenment in the eighteenth century led to a willing neglect to enforce them; and they disappeared only in 1829.

A pure and intense, if not powerful, Nonconformist party began to organize itself, of whose life and aims in the early days we could say much did our space allow, which, sealing its testimony with its tears and its blood, handed down its sacred legacy to succeeding generations.