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Use nostalgia in a sentence

Definition of nostalgia:

  • (noun) longing for something past

Sentence Examples:

He could not live for long away from them without a strange, acute nostalgia that stole his peace of mind and consequently his strength of body.

In fact, when the period in which a man of talent is obliged to live is dull and stupid, the artist, though unconsciously, is haunted by a nostalgia of some past century.

Nostalgia should be kept in mind where no proper motive for violence is to be found and where the suspect is a person with the above-mentioned qualities.

Just where this begins to be abnormal, must be decided by the physician, who must always be consulted when nostalgia is the ground for a crime.

All this did not seem very sane, but she could not think otherwise, and the desire of departure was violent in her as a nostalgia.

The mood sank into an inexplicable nostalgia; he dragged the back of a hand impatiently across his vision.

It must not be supposed that nostalgia is a modern weakness, or the monopoly of human minds.

He passed two cats without a single insulting remark, and his entire demeanor was eloquent of nostalgia.

The conductor of the orchestra, living on memories of past dinners, grew visibly leaner; he was pining away, a victim to gastric nostalgia.

Then Dodson had a momentary nostalgia for goodness himself, but he soon overcame it, and stretching himself on his sofa, he, too, slept.

He was not on her plane, but, as he heard her, he for the time believed in its existence and felt a remote nostalgia.

He had thought little of his family and less of his native town, but a nostalgia for open spaces and free wanderings had been always with him.

Accident has cast them amid certain surroundings, but they have always a nostalgia for a home they know not.

Children's music boxes invariably contain this selection, and the melody cannot help but activate a pleasant nostalgia.

From this day there commenced for him an existence of anxieties, emotions, alarms, and irrational terrors which gave him nostalgia for his native land in a most acute form.

It would give the people something to look forward to with anticipation and to look back upon with nostalgia.

For the first time the nostalgia of the vast Roman and classic world took possession of her.

As it always comes to its children, the nostalgia of the repulsive, heavy-footed Midlands came over her again, even whilst she was there in the midst.

Shame and anger took her, and along with these an immense nostalgia for that which had once been and was not.

She struggled with herself, surprised and half angered by the force of her own emotion, and pleaded at once against, and for, the satisfaction of the immense nostalgia which possessed her.

If one longs for home while roaming amidst pleasures and palaces, how much more intense, suppose you, must be the nostalgia of the soldier confined in a far distant prison?

Furthermore, when invoking literacy, people maintain a nostalgia for something that has already ceased to affect their lives.

Nevertheless, the characteristics of literacy affected practically all pragmatic experiences, conferring upon them a unity and coherence we can only look back upon with nostalgia.

He wound up with a simple sentimental impulse, full of nostalgia and tenderness for things that seemed to stay steady and put.

The nostalgia for her husband which had rushed up with that scent was struggling with a deeper jealousy than any she had felt yet.

It was a voice and a tune and a lyric that aroused nostalgia even in the hearts of Floridians and Californians and Hawaiians who had never seen snow in their lives.

It is a delightful combination of appreciation of early design, nostalgia, and useful fact.

I do not believe that it was any form of nostalgia, any longing for home surroundings, which made gardeners of the most unlikely of us.

In fact, I, too, was beginning to suffer from nostalgia, and was much desirous of returning home.

A girl, moving alone and rather wearily among the chattering throng, caught this hint of changing seasons, and a wave of nostalgia passed over her that was like physical illness.

He often spoke to me of the curious effects upon men's minds of the illusions we call nostalgia.

It seemed to weave a spell over him, to call up a nostalgia he had lost all remembrance of since childhood.

He wanted to get home, wherever home was; he experienced a sort of nostalgia for the body, though he could not remember where that body lay.

It was a strong and direct appeal to nostalgia, and the quality of his voice, together with the words, dissolved her into tears of positive distress.

Ray had loved her greatly; how greatly, she was only now beginning to understand, and her very soul hungered for that love with a nostalgia that was making her ill.

He still remembered the cities and the oceans and the forests he had known so briefly, and was cursed with the human nostalgia for a past that seemed more desirable than an unknown, fearful future.

I hinted that a pet monkey might solace his nostalgia, but to such suggestion Joy-of-Life remained persistently deaf.

Where nostalgia was the only complaint, it would yield, but was almost hopeless if disease had undermined the constitution.

Dan learned that the kindly woman into whose house he had brought Lou suffered from nostalgia.

I know a score of ladies who are suffering from nostalgia with far less excuse for loneliness than you have.

Such a severe form of nostalgia is, however, uncommon here, and would be cured, I am told, by a twelve months' trip.

You may not find any, to speak of, but meanwhile you will have wandered away and in so doing will have left the bloom of your nostalgia behind.

Yes, she understood him, the ache of repentance in his soul, the nostalgia for cleanliness that hurt him so.

When one is dying of nostalgia, of little avail is it then, that others about us speak our native tongue.

It has all the nostalgia of a half-forgotten dream, and yet it is so confidently set forth that we may enter its background without difficulty.

What words to listen to by a heart already touched by the attraction of 'grace and by the nostalgia of eternal life!

The last, before the one now in his hand, had made him ill of nostalgia, fairly shaking his iron determination never to quit for a moment his life work as a missionary.

To begin with, the sentiment of nostalgia is but a slender backbone for any work of literary art.

We drove home in an open motor under a thickly starred and gorgeous heaven; but the unfamiliar constellations gave me sudden nostalgia.

He goes to it for consolation whenever he feels blue and sullen, whenever nostalgia claims him as her own.

Moreover, this novelist, this psychologist, is also an artist and a poet, possessed by what he somewhere calls the "Nostalgia of the Distant."

With her habitual avoidance of the definite, she does not, or will not, tell her husband the cause of her vague unrest and spiritual nostalgia.

At the moment some preoccupation, a nostalgia or a regret, contracted the angle of her mouth.

He almost felt the old sense of imprisonment, of aching nostalgia, of having lost his liberty.

The longing for the Middle Ages is merely a very frequent form of nostalgia, and nostalgia I have defined as the pursuit of pure illusion.

No subject indeed illustrates like this of love the nostalgia, the infinite indeterminate desire of the romantic imagination.

You know that feverish sickness which comes over us in our cold miseries, that nostalgia of unknown lands, that anguish of curiosity?

Back even a few decades, no carrier of the nostalgia gene had any outlet but conversation and dreams.

And every time he forced himself furiously back to the books, but he couldn't stop the nostalgia entirely.

I suffered a sense of discomfort, therefore, amounting to physical nostalgia, and was, in fact, wearied to death of the staring silence of the prairie, before I came upon the objects of my search.

Starvation, nostalgia, and disease, together with brutal treatment, had reduced these gallant Union soldiers to half naked savages.

And this antagonism was inevitable: for the earth, as it is made, is forever hostile to that other earth, immortal, invisible, where alone the highly imaginative can live without nostalgia.

There is sadness, as well as serenity and romantic nostalgia, hanging in the aura of these high-country towns.

It was the hopeless hour, the hour of home visions, the hour of longing, the hour of nostalgia.

I hope I have treated his nostalgia successfully, by giving him first a dose of salts, and secondly, promotion.

His illness was chiefly nostalgia, longing for that Mexico he loved so much and served so well.

The beggars won't have attained to the dreams which made them happy; the children of the rich will live on nostalgia, remembering the dream which was once reality to them.

With the coming on of the hot days Regina's nostalgia, nervousness and melancholy increased.

Gradually the succession of broken houses yielded to whole but deserted villages; and these woke even more the sense of loneliness, of nostalgia.

The crossing had been smooth, and she had not made a single complaint, fighting bravely, I suppose, all the time, against the growing nostalgia.

General Crandall, leaning against the window frame, his eyes on the incoming fleet, voiced the chronic nostalgia of the man in the service.

He promised well, but on the fifth day he was seized with nostalgia, and I had to drive him the eighteen miles to the railroad and put him on a train to return to his beloved mountains.

He had hunted it up, this morning, out of nostalgia, or perhaps through some obscure working of that impulse that made him look out at the stars each night.

Gradually, as he watched, an odd feeling of nostalgia began to stir in him, an old, childish longing.

He had a nostalgia for unknown things and an absurd impulse to walk abroad to find them beneath the moon and stars.

In addition to the nostalgia there were loss of flesh, insomnia and a sense of oppression in the chest.

At first when this wish formed itself in her mind the nostalgia of the fields and roads took possession of her.

The sound of a train whistle in the distance sent a pang through him of helpless nostalgia for travel and railway carriages and the smoke of stations and the unfamiliar smell of hotel rooms.

Val Kenton grinned, said nothing, but he felt a sharp nostalgia for those days so long gone in which he and Tony had fought side by side on far-off planets.

With a rush of nostalgia Mark was remembering all the mechanics and mathematics of his four years in Government Spacer School.

Nostalgia had possessed him ever since he had come again to the Manor Cartier after Zoe had left.

Once returned, the warriors looked back with something of nostalgia to their colorful days in foreign regions and in novel circumstances.

Happiness, nostalgia and strength merged and fused until his mind turned slowly and hung staring down upon the stages of his life.

Yet the knowledge of his late intimacy with these secrets had no quality of nostalgia for him.

Yet the love for their old homeland remained, and became with them a rather poignant nostalgia.

She thought of Boston, New York, Washington, Europe, and for a moment nostalgia overwhelmed her.

And on all the little party a solemn, awe-struck stillness would fall as we listened, and on some of us the sweet nostalgia of bed!

He would know in some little measure the tides of her own huge life, his longings, loneliness, and nostalgia explained and satisfied.