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Use obesity in a sentence

Definition of obesity:

  • (noun) more than average fatness

Sentence Examples:

Obesity forced her to leave her occupation.

This explains why exercise reduces obesity.

Youthful obesity occurs in descendants of degenerates.

There are many instances of remarkable obesity.

It is perhaps obesity; it is perhaps dropsy-query.

Obesity is relatively uncommon except in moderate degrees.

This is another instance of disease due to obesity.

The women turn their obesity to good account.

This may become so considerable that obesity results.

There is no unusual degree of obesity at any age.

Men are less subject to obesity than women.

I am never sure whether it is that or obesity.

All his features had sunk into that hideous obesity.

Sleepiness is frequently observed in certain cases of obesity.

There was no tendency to obesity in her family.

Are the difference between obesity and decency of form.

Obesity should be relieved by a regulated diet and exercise.

No drug is of much good in obesity of any kind.

The treatment of obesity we have over and over again described.

Hippocrates has maintained that obesity was an obstacle to conception.

Naturally inclined to obesity, I am restricted to a dry diet.

There is often a more or less marked tendency to obesity.

The last cause of obesity is excess of eating and drinking.

John Turner crossed his legs with a grunt of obesity.

For instance, in a new cure for obesity if properly worked.

The only treatment we can suggest is to relieve the obesity.

Obesity is seldom found in persons who live on a vegetarian diet.

Throughout the whole race there is a strong tendency towards obesity.

All those persons of the same category, gradually regained their obesity.

A tendency to obesity often appears in generation after generation of a family.

At the age of sixteen, suffered from all the discomforts of obesity.

When the body becomes very fat, it is a disease, called obesity.

In the rear of the room a dietician was conducting a group on obesity.

The chief is a middle-aged man of medium height and inclined to obesity.

It is by dieting and exercise that obesity must be kept in check.

A basis for the understanding of obesity and growth was then established.

The dining-room was filled with members of extraordinary obesity, all eating heartily.

Those inclined to obesity may skip the greater part of this chapter.

It is useful in cases of obesity, liver affections, and others of that type.

He was a tall man, which conveniently helped conceal a tendency toward obesity.

Their fibers are generally softer, and when attacked with obesity nothing is spared.

Nothing is so common as to see faces, once very interesting, made common-place by obesity.

He was a man of middle height, slightly bald, and already disposed to obesity.

Castration in man is very frequently followed by obesity and symptoms of old age.

It is almost unnecessary to describe obesity, since it is known at the first glance.

The hands and feet are disproportionately small, and the body early inclines to obesity.

She was another of those wonders of obesity, unable to stand excepting on all fours.

He rolls in fat; and how long has obesity been the peculiar accompaniment of nervousness?

The women are rather pretty than beautiful, and they have a slight tendency to obesity.

Beer has a marked tendency to produce obesity, more so than any other alcoholic beverage.

This property of the thyroid gland is made use of in the medicinal treatment of obesity.

Her monstrous obesity was an offense, but she managed to convey an impression of dignity.

They cannot bear the extra food without excitement, and that is not favorable to obesity.

If there is a tendency toward obesity, sugar should be omitted from the meals entirely.

One kind of obesity is restricted to the stomach, and I have never observed it in women.

As his teeth chattered; and he hastened away, as fast as his obesity would permit him.

If it is going to be valuable, it will only be used for very marked cases of obesity.

In such cases, by not treating the obesity, the days of the patient will be prolonged.

Even his form was a deceit, for his vast bulk was not obesity but iron-hard strength.