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Definition of obesity:

  • (noun) more than average fatness

Sentence Examples:

Alkalis alone are incompetent to cure a case of obesity: this is capable of chemical demonstration.

He was short and fat, almost to obesity, although he seemed to have a vigorous constitution.

There is a mistaken idea prevalent among certain persons, that horseback riding induces obesity.

The relief of suffering and the consequent improved nutrition favor the development of obesity.

They were of an eagle-brown color, and many of them appeared well conditioned, even to obesity.

Action and Uses: Used in thyroid deficiency; sometimes in obesity, in which it may be harmful.

In any medical paper to-day you are almost sure to see an article on neurasthenia and obesity.

A chapter on obesity is a necessary concomitant of a book which relates so exclusively to eating.

My exercises will also be found of considerable benefit to persons who suffer from obesity.

He moved cautiously among the heavy furniture, and his great obesity was somehow more remarkable.

This storing of excess food is very limited, except in cases of obesity, which is a disease.

Fat people, obesity as a manifestation of personality, have aroused wonder and amusement the world over.

They are thick-set, have a decided tendency to obesity, and are seldom more than five feet in height.

During my whole life I have struggled against this terrible obesity, but almost always in vain.

The average height is five feet three inches, arms long, limbs large, and bodies inclined to obesity.

One would fain have put it off, had falling hairs, and marriage-vows, and obesity have permitted it.

The figures are very characteristic; Boers of both sexes in middle life develop a tendency towards obesity.

You eat though, and eating without appetite is often a great cause of obesity, when we do so too often.

"The greatest point," writes a specialist in the treatment of obesity, "is to find the right diet."

I at once made trial of your plan for the cure of obesity, and have already experienced considerable improvement.

A tendency to obesity is more common in this part of the country than I have noticed it elsewhere.

Getting fat is a fault; except when caused by the disease known as obesity, it is a bad habit.

Beyond all doubts, acids have the effect of destroying obesity, but they also destroy health and freshness.

He showed no disposition to resent the assault upon his obesity, and kindly caught her in his arms.

The Jewesses, in general, until they become enormously stout and weighed down with obesity, are of extreme beauty.

This student suffers from the stigma of obesity; it appears that even professors do not love a fat man.

The victim of obesity has no sympathies with the martyr to atrophy; he may envy, he cannot pity him.

He had an intelligent face, and was large in frame and of muscular development, exhibiting also a tendency to obesity.

Obesity, in fact, lessens both physical and moral activity, and unfits man for the ordinary business of life.

To avoid obesity after rich food it is therefore advisable not to drink with the meals, but at other times.

They would sit at luxurious boards, lead the luxurious life and continue to, until they died of obesity of the mind.

Instead of his former aged appearance, induced by obesity, his figure is now youthful, his countenance intelligent and sparkling.

They took note of the cases of childbirth, longevity, obesity, and extraordinary constipation given in the Dictionary of Medical Sciences.

His obesity commenced at six years of age, at which time he fractured his thigh and was confined six weeks.

I would perhaps be fortunate in the adoption of a new course, and in the exposition of the physical causes of obesity.

Some cases may show a colossal obesity, but in the partial forms of ovarian insufficiency they may be remarkably thin.

Sheep are rarely housed, unless it be with a view to their getting prizes for being in a condition of diseased obesity.

Many lean persons, impressed with the apparent discomfort and inconvenience of obesity, are content with their slender measure of flesh.

The plan of curing obesity by restricting oneself almost entirely to meat food is only advisable, however, under certain conditions.

Upon seeing him cross the fatal field with unsteady step, because of his obesity, a savage roar cut the tragic silence.

And forthwith he gave some particulars concerning a form of treatment, which he himself had followed, for ridding oneself of obesity.

Men frequently buy slender girls at a cheap rate, and feed them to a proper obesity before taking them as companions.

He justifies his name, being a coal-black pony, rather given over to obesity, but a good little fellow for all that.

There is this remarkable difference from the others of the same race, that here the tendency to obesity is of rare occurrence.

A diet consisting of plenty of meat, fats, and above all milk and butter and sweets, is the surest road to obesity.

Obesity is rarely met with among savage nations, or in that class of persons who eat to live, instead of living to eat.

The more exercise and fresh air, the more oxygen, and consequently destruction of fat by the one healthy means of remedying obesity.

Obesity should be reduced by diet, exercise, and such other treatment as may be found efficient and not detrimental to health.

We all know how, by resenting the sarcasm of the French King Philip, on his obesity, he lost his own life.

He has a striking countenance, full of paternal goodness; nor does his tendency to obesity interfere with the dignity of his movements.

Very few drugs indeed influence obesity at all, and the few drugs which do have an influence cannot be taken with safety.

His extreme obesity, though it deprived him of some advantages in the way of "reach," was, upon the whole, a benefit to him.

After a long and amusing conversation, I was introduced to his sister-in-law, a wonder of obesity, unable to stand, except on all fours.

Such a costume upon a personage not in his first youth, and more than inclined to obesity, must have had an odd effect.

It is to this period, we suppose, we must refer his testimony to his own obesity in his "Epistle to my Lady Coventry."

It was his obesity that was the great objection to him, for in every other point there was nothing against him.

He had assumed instinctively the gravity proper to his office and in his walk, notwithstanding his obesity, there was an impressive dignity.

His obesity was such that he was scarcely able to walk, and whenever he attempted to do so, suffered from difficulty of breathing.

After this has taken place, the body requires food, properly combined and proportioned, or else nerve starvation and obesity are the result.

When possessed of such an organization, obesity may be warded off by a rational system of diet, to be indicated in the following pages.

This appeared to depend partly on the natural obesity of the patient, and partly on a considerable degree of general swelling of the thigh.

The diet for reduction of obesity should consist chiefly of bulky vegetables, but not too much of any one article or set of articles.

His face assumed a scarlet hue, and his voice was hoarse with passion, probably from the fact that he was sensitive about his obesity.

They are inclined to obesity, have large lower limbs and stout long arms; yet they are by no means a strong or robust people.

We find him to be a heavier bird, equally inclined to obesity, and, as future experiments satisfy us, nearly as perfect in delicate richness of flavor.

Carbohydrates can be taken in large quantities without producing obesity, if only meat is not taken at the same time in more than a limited amount.

On the other hand, the Herefords, but more especially the Shorthorns, exhibit a natural disposition to obesity, and such animals alone should be stall-fed.

A tendency to obesity is not precisely a specific feature, but it is more often met with among the yellow races than among any others.

There is a current opinion among women, which every year causes the death of many young women, that acids, especially vinegar, are preventives of obesity.

This affords an explanation why many who eat very little, but drink large quantities of water, beer, cider, brandy or wine, labor under obesity.

When there is obesity, the bulk of the food should be greatly diminished, and anything that tends to stimulate the patient's appetite should be withheld.

Obesity is the result of the accumulation of the fatty properties of the blood in excess of what is needed to repair the waste of the system.

Simultaneous obesity will offer the best opportunity for this treatment, and by the mere reduction of superfluous fat a more youthful appearance may be obtained.

My method of reducing obesity being thus frankly explained, is perhaps likely to lose its value in the eyes of many, owing to its extreme simplicity.

"All your perfectly-developed women, as you call them, become masses of obesity sooner or later, and, if I were a man, I should not admire them one bit."

If such selfish love of obesity for sensual purposes merits the name of affection, I cheerfully grant that Australians are capable of affection to an unlimited degree.

The alkaline waters, however, are much less active in obesity than the saline mineral waters, unless, as sometimes happens, there is a complication of diabetes and obesity.

Most men weighed anything from twenty to sixty pounds more than they should, and the women also suffered much in appearance and health from obesity.

Obesity may be hereditary; that is to say, the father or the mother may transmit to their children a peculiar formation, having a tendency to make fat.

The stimulus of the flesh announces in him the dawning of sentiment, and the obesity of the flesh puts an end to the passion of love.

He was a man of great size, two or three inches more than six feet high; but the most noticeable thing about him was a vast obesity.

His mother was a blonde, expensively-dressed woman of the type which goes through life in the hideous belief that tight-lacing will make feminine obesity anything but revolting.

The hair on his back lay down now, and his pinched body rounded out till I began to fear obesity, while his tail took on a handsome curl.

Time had dealt gently with him, had spared his head of hair, and saved him from the obesity which attacks most men after a certain age.

The result is that among the better-to-do classes a great many people suffer from obesity, sometimes to such an extent that life is made a burden to them.

I will begin my treatise by an extract from a collection of more than five hundred dialogues, which at various times I have had with persons menaced with obesity.

Physicians who have derived their knowledge from books, and from the lectures of their teachers, must find it difficult to change their opinions in reference to obesity.

The early Saxon strain in him had taken the form of obesity, a tendency not confined, if we may trust the evidence of scholars, to descendants of Saxon kings.

For this reason they are of no use whatever for walking; they do not even bear upon the supporting surface, being kept off it by the obesity of the chest.

The only possible exception to this will be instructions on how to curb obesity, but even here it is suggested that a physician be consulted before embarking on a weight-reducing program.

Under such circumstances, it would seem but rational, before undertaking to relieve obesity, to establish its exact nature, and also the role taken by fluids in the phenomena of nutrition.

A man of unusual stature and weight, with prodigious muscular development about the arms and chest, but without obesity and with every appearance of activity as well as of strength.

The author states, as the result of his observation, that fat persons must not be bled; that loss of blood only weakens the system, and favors an increase of obesity.

And by the way, I want to acknowledge our First Lady, Michelle Obama, who this year is creating a national movement to tackle the epidemic of childhood obesity and make kids healthier.

Cases are recorded of individuals of excessive obesity, who, being subject to the authority of an absolute master, have been submitted to most rigorous treatment for the purpose of reducing their fat.

Many authors, both ancient and modern, and many physicians also, recommend, in order to reduce obesity, that the patient should eat a less amount by weight than the body loses.

At the end of twenty days a difficulty of breathing commenced, and soon became so oppressive, that she could no longer lie in bed; partly, no doubt, on account of her extraordinary obesity.

Titian's beauties all need an obesity remedy, and Jimmie criticizes most "beauties" so severely that we have got to searching them out, when we are tired and cross, just to vent our spleen upon.

Humphrey, who was of a sarcastic turn of mind, amused himself by a few jokes on the obesity of the royal applicant; but the request was granted, and York rode off well pleased.

I have established it as a fact, without a single exception, that it is always possible to diminish obesity, by living chiefly upon meat, and partaking only of a small quantity of other kinds of food.