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Use oligarchy in a sentence

Definition of oligarchy:

  • (noun) a political system governed by a few people;

Sentence Examples:

Oligarchies are nothing new in the history of the world.

The Government seems to be a sort of oligarchy in the hands of the hereditary princes.

The reader is aware that the form of government established in England was an oligarchy.

His object was to break down the oligarchy within and without.

There was not a little of defeat in this last victory of the oligarchy.

For the Roman oligarchy this time had now come.

The corporations had gradually become self-elected oligarchies of the worst kind.

The old oligarchy established the tradition of her diplomacy.

The conflict between an oligarchy and a natural democracy is ages old.

Labor, in all the oligarchies of the world, was prepared to rise at the signal.

Call it the shadow of an oligarchy, if you will; it is the nearest I dare approximate it.

By another stroke he converted the oligarchy of Byzantium into a democracy.

This change of direction must be either toward industrial oligarchies or socialism.

Much may be said on the chance of the oligarchy.

Who else but the concerned ruling oligarchy?

Generally the oligarchy has held the reins of authority.

The oligarchy remained supreme.

In the former it was a most exclusive and jealous oligarchy.

We are governed by an oligarchy; the only article maintained is that respecting the taxes.

The friend of oligarchy must be the opposite of all this.

I believe that oligarchy follows next in order.

And what manner of government do you term oligarchy?

And this, speaking generally, is the way in which oligarchy is established.

Well, I said, and how does the change from oligarchy into democracy arise?

Solon left the essential powers of the state still in the hands of the oligarchy.

The oligarchy was saved, but the struggle between rich and poor was by no means over.

The people no longer rule; an oligarchy rules in the name of the people.

Do you mean some form of democracy, or oligarchy, or aristocracy, or monarchy?

Here we have a minority governing the majority; what else is an oligarchy?

Never has there been an oligarchy so favored.

The tiny oligarchy which controls it is irresponsible and feels itself immune.

For each party was run by an oligarchy, and run roughly on the same lines.

Compose a sentence containing the word "oligarchy".

About concrete matters indeed one naturally appeals to an oligarchy or select class.

"If he isn't a false-front dictator for some oligarchy."

Selfish oligarchies have scarcely ever been wanting in courage.

The abolition of royalty was first followed by an Oligarchy or the government of the Few.

It was not from the people that the oligarchies received their first and greatest blow.

An immense mass of power has been transferred from an oligarchy to the nation.

Now the ranks of the oligarchy were broken.

Never was an oligarchy more favored in its preparations than ours.

If ever a great oligarchy had good reason to fight, it was the Slave Power in 1860.

They mean to carry out their system of 'oligarchy' at whatever cost.

Moreover, if an oligarchy is established now, it will be a perpetual oligarchy.

Certain considerations might well incline the oligarchy to accept the plan.

From early days there had been struggles against the oligarchy.

Was it a gift of the people or of an oligarchy or of a monarch?

Its free parliament has become an oligarchy.

And in that sense any oligarchy is obscure.

Of course, humanity being as it is, an oligarchy, has its dangers and its temptations.

These classes overlapped; together they constituted the oligarchy of his nation.

And the issue of this war is the issue between democracy and oligarchy.

The Southern oligarchy put forward its youngest and best men.

The scoundrels of the oligarchy felt their doom to be approaching.

A republic of ignorant people, is a republic only in name; in reality, it is an oligarchy.

Taught by history, we know, that as the oligarchy rises and reigns, the republic dies.

Aristocracies or oligarchies have the same tendency and even in a greater degree.

The Colonel and his servant were exponents of the Old South and its gracious oligarchy.

The government set up could but be a military oligarchy.

The franchises of the people were all taken away and the oligarchy left supreme.

It is the oligarchy of capital which possesses, directs, administers, and exploits.

That oligarchy feared the contagion of the example upon other states.

The English oligarchy will not have it so.

Or do you think an oligarchy a better form?

He was hated and feared by most of the oligarchy.

It seemed that the Family Compact oligarchy would have everything in their own hands.

Everywhere, however, oligarchy is the form of government which succeeds to monarchy.

And it is clear that the way in which the oligarchies used their power varied also.

Ancient democracy was bound up with privilege as much as oligarchy was.

Combined with our present money oligarchy, it would be politically invincible.

That in the state is what Plato calls an oligarchy.

With an oligarchy the responsibility was too great and the penalty for failure too high.

On Saturday last I retired from the service of the oligarchy.

And why did he venture to affirm that a narrow oligarchy was dominant in the State?

I grant that our republic was in reality a paternal oligarchy.

An oligarchy of peasant proprietors may rule the waste and the village.

There evidently was a danger of a merchant oligarchy being thus constituted.

Venerable oligarchy, august monarchy, are two that would alone need large chapters.

In the tenth it was a feudal monarchy, resting on a strong territorial oligarchy.

That new power is the oligarchy of banks.

You will be only an oligarchy.

Indeed, it would be more proper at present to call it an oligarchy.

For this I want ten years of peace, and the English oligarchy will not allow it.

Oligarchies and tyrannies take their place.

Government is of an oligarchy in normal times, which often abuses its position.

They have seen the setting up of secret oligarchies in all the chief cities and states.

If I am in favor of an oligarchy, and he agrees with me, then he also wants an oligarchy.

It may be an aristocracy or oligarchy, but it is not a democracy or a republic.

Thus do members of the Society constitute themselves a medical oligarchy.

Is it a Republic of Equal Laws, or an Oligarchy of the Skin?

He wished for an oligarchy, but did not desire the supremacy of a single family.

When such an attempt has been made in the past, the result has been an oligarchy.

Never was the English oligarchy exposed to greater danger.

Nothing but a revolution could overthrow this oligarchy, and there is its danger.

Lehman was beating the bushes for electronic oligarchy.

The government of a few, conducted on like principles, is properly called an oligarchy.

Power was in the hands of the senate, which was a regular oligarchy.

Tyranny springs from democracy much as democracy springs from oligarchy.

Hobbes and Harrington agreed in defining the new government as an oligarchy.

The first phase of the contest between the oligarchy and the populace comes to an end.