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Use oligarchy in a sentence

Definition of oligarchy:

  • (noun) a political system governed by a few people;

Sentence Examples:

The gist of all the arguments in favor of the revolution is: better imperialism than an oligarchy of corrupt nobles.

The oligarchy was vanquished; the democracy had attained the helm.

Later he asked for some associates and colleagues, though not to take charge of the whole domain at once, as in an oligarchy, but he divided it into three parts, one of which he should retain himself and yield the remaining two to others.

The subtlest oligarchy of modern times was about to crumble.

Forgive my impertinence; you know how, in my heart, I revere your oligarchy.

I never agreed with him in it, and I disagree now, as I write these lines, more heartily than ever; for even now, though Ernest is gone, we are on the verge of the revolt that will sweep all oligarchies away.

Before the paralyzed Oligarchy could recover itself, its end would have come.

That is why we do our best to rid us of every one whom we perceive to be opposed to the oligarchy; and, in our opinion, if one of ourselves should elect to undermine this constitution of ours, he would deserve punishment.

For almost two centuries there was a struggle for mastery between the cardinal oligarchy and papal absolutism.

The Puritan oligarchy; the founding of American civilization.

In other words, the oligarchy would mean the capitalization of labor and the enslavement of the whole population.

Expansion gives the ruling oligarchy of the expanding nation, empire or civilization command of the strategic vantage points from which the principle of exploitation can be made continuously operative.

The oligarchy decided the issue in terms of ostentation and expediency.

The representative of the crown brooked no interference on the part of the assembly with what he considered his prerogatives and rights, and as a rule threw himself into the arms of the council, composed of the official oligarchy.

One after another these usurping dynasties were again ejected in favor either of a restored oligarchy or of a democracy.

Here we find, in reality, not republican governments, but despotisms or oligarchies.

The little oligarchy, however, was too strong to be ousted at any vestry that ever was called.

Those who dislike the autocratic power dislike the idea of an aristocratic oligarchy infinitely more.

Democracy without equality is a delusion more dangerous than frank oligarchy and autocracy.

The whole feudal order was built on an exalted oligarchy.

Rockefeller was wholly admirable as a force driving the country on to autocracy, oligarchy, possibly revolution.

Probably his amorous reputation influenced the oligarchy in their choice.

His advent had brought with it a new form of democracy, which cast down oligarchies and despotisms everywhere.

They knew that it was the oligarchy that feared and detested him.

One thing only is certain in this scheme, which is an effect seemingly collateral, but direct, I have no doubt, in the minds of those who conduct this business; that is, its effect in producing an oligarchy in every one of the republics.

And the "peculiar institutions" throw the control of what is called opinion more completely into the hands of a very small class of men, we might almost say a very small knot of men, than in any other oligarchy which we remember in modern history.

The autocratic little city kings, governing almost as they pleased, have everywhere been displaced by oligarchies.

Truly the oligarchy had at last produced a despot.

In the first place, her King is a cipher; his only function being to name the oligarchy which is to govern her.

The militaristic oligarchy was absolutely in control.

Yet the oligarchy had been built and rendered, supposedly, impregnable from the conceptions of his constructive brain.

The entrenched oligarchy called themselves Conservatives.

Around an autocrat there has grown up an oligarchy of priests and soldiers.

The people can allow their power to remain in the hands of others, just as a king can be content to reign without ruling, and the local government of rural England is an oligarchy elected by a popular franchise.

The explanation is that they had been an oligarchy, not of power or duty, but of self-indulgence.

Rhodes is pleased to term the restoration of home rule is simply that of a local despotic oligarchy.

Are the members of the vanquished oligarchy insecure?

We want a real democracy and not an oligarchy, however camouflaged by many high-sounding words.

The printer's boy had faced the embattled oligarchy, and had won.

Thus was formed the foundation of the princely domains of the English oligarchy.

Each borough now has a local oligarchy, an enlisted and governing band.

Such a government would be an oligarchy of the most odious and detestable character.

Only under despotisms and oligarchies has the Radical faith in "universal suffrage" as a political panacea arisen.

Under an autocracy or oligarchy, public opinion is the protector of the injured, and imposes limits on arbitrary power.

Jefferson holds, would reduce us to the despotism of an oligarchy.

The tyranny of nine to five is stronger, more insistent, in every department of life, than the most officious oligarchy.

"You couldn't say anything bad enough about aristocracies this morning, Hardy, and now to-night you are crowing over the success of the heaviest and cruelest oligarchy that ever lived, and praising them up to the skies."

I die prematurely, assassinated by the English oligarchy and its tool.

His great object was to convert the citizens of Sparta into warriors united by the strongest bonds, and trained to the severest discipline, governed by an oligarchy under the form of the ancient monarchy.

A socialist government therefore is primarily an oligarchy of directors of labor and distributors of subsistence.

It is a form of government very difficult to replace, for it holds in its hands the threads of such an intricate organization that it must be protected against crude attempts to change it, and so it tends to be a permanent oligarchy.

Do the friends of Democracy conceal their joy when a despotism or an oligarchy bites the dust?

With the right to initiate and to block legislation, with almost complete control over the judiciary, with great influence in administrative matters, it threatened to become an oligarchy of almost unlimited power.

In many instances this aristocracy was reduced to an oligarchy, and the town was controlled by a few men; and in extreme cases the control fell into the hands of a tyrant, who for a time dominated the affairs of the town.

Autocracies, oligarchies, and democracies are alike to be swept out of his path.

They had had long experience of the interests of all in the charge of an oligarchy; that type of democracy had brought them to the verge of ruin since nowhere could responsibility be fixed or penalties be inflicted.

The world finds room for kingdoms and empires and oligarchies; but undoubtedly man is born a democrat.

The essence of feudalism in bygone days had been military tenure and oligarchy.

When they were in power their reign was usually skillful and honest: the reign of a beneficent oligarchy.

Tillman, as I have shown, wrung democracy from the old slave-owning oligarchy.

Education is more potent against oligarchies and aristocracies than dynamite bombs.

It was on this account that he was most genuinely and sincerely a defender of the monarchy: a permanent institution serving the definite ends of national unity and the repression of tendencies to oligarchy in the State.

England has always chafed against a family oligarchy, however well it may do its work.

Nevertheless, the remedy was worse than the disease, for it would have established a close oligarchy, bound sooner or later to come into conflict with the will of the nation, and only to be overthrown by a violent alteration of the constitution.

Originally the citizens, assembled in public meeting, elected the Doge, and exercised a right to vote on important political matters; but the great families soon acquired control, and little by little turned the government into an oligarchy.

"That oligarchy must also in its end be overthrown," continued the initiator.

The consent of the nobles could be purchased only by concessions; and in order to secure the royal dignity in his family to one of his daughters, he was compelled to enter into terms with the oligarchy.

Disorders and conspiracies against the merchant oligarchy continued, and although they were unsuccessful party passion was incredibly bitter, and the exiles caused the republic much trouble by intriguing against it in foreign states.

The petty oligarchies in each looked forward for many years to a reign of supremacy, without question or molestation.

The southern oligarchy; an appeal in behalf of the silent masses of our country against the despotic rule of the few.

The whole trend of the great employing interests is to set up an oligarchy of wealthy parasites, neither toiling nor spinning, yet for whom the whole body of workers would be compelled to labor in degradation and poverty.

They are now completely under the domination of the oligarchy, and it is madness to suppose that they will ever be able to rise to a position of true manhood, until after the slave power shall have been utterly overthrown.

No fear of any human oligarchy will, henceforth, terrify me, or tempt me to succumb to it.

Stabilization through oligarchy is best illustrated by Chile.

He created a plebeian aristocracy and blended it with the patrician oligarchy.

In the 16th century the original democratic government gradually gave place to the oligarchy of the patrician families.

The natural leaders of the people and those who by superior attainments and education were fitted for leadership were straining every nerve and mustering every known resource to overthrow a corrupt oligarchy.

Communities oscillated between some form of oligarchy and some form of democracy.

Morris is to believe them capable of worshiping Satan or submitting to the dictation of the slave oligarchy.

The chief rule of every real oligarchy of money is, while they hold the lower classes in general under their yoke with great severity, to keep dangerous elements in good humor at the expense of the state.

Next comes oligarchy, the government of the rich for the protection of the interests of the moneyed class.

This great railroad oligarchy is gradually but surely overturning the principles upon which our government is founded.

Whatever may have been the views of congress in passing the act, or of the court in declaring it constitutional, it has proved disastrous to the interests of the people, and of great benefit to the corporate oligarchy that now rules the country.

From this designing and unscrupulous oligarchy no measure conducive to liberty and justice could be expected to spring.

The constitution was at first a moderate democracy; but this was soon converted into an oligarchy, all the power and the best lands having been taken possession of by the Sybarite families who had joined the settlement.

Democracy, like oligarchy, becomes ultimately subverted by an abuse of its own characteristic principle.

The oligarchy felt that inaction meant national suicide.

It is not the despotism of one man or of an oligarchy of men.

When the majorities and the oligarchies come into collision, liberty will succumb.

Self-government is the dream of the enthusiast, the vision of the inexperienced: oligarchy is the history of man.

It sprung from an audacious, unmitigated oligarchy.

The sovereign the oligarchy chose was James, and James imprisoned and then slew him.

They chose their instruments with precision, and an oligarchy has seldom been more adroitly served.

It is for this system of equality that the European oligarchy detests me.

Little of our effective oligarchy is as old as the Reformation; and none of it came over with William the Conqueror.

The joint proprietary was an oligarchy, and tenants and cultivators were serfs or slaves.

He believed that all wars were started by collusion between the "military oligarchy" and the armament firms.

What characterizes oligarchy is the extensive, relentless and ruthless use of "transcendent" (in lieu of "inherent") parameters to decide who will belong where, who will get which job and, ultimately, who will enjoy which benefits.

An oligarchy tends to have long term devastating economic effects.

Of these he makes three corruptions, tyranny, oligarchy, and democracy (????????, ?????????, ??????????), defining democracy to be a government carried on for the special benefit of the poor (???? ?? ???????? ?? ??? ??????).