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Use onerous in a sentence

Definition of onerous:

  • (adjective) not easily borne; wearing;

Sentence Examples:

The author certainly would not ask him to carry an onerous weight.

Onerous as these terms were, the agreement came not a moment too soon.

The Curator's duties were therefore sufficiently onerous.

Why did you involve yourself in such onerous obligations?'

I infer therefore that the appointment includes no very onerous duties.

Evidently the finishing was then quite as important and onerous a matter as the building.

Leaseholders, however, were under conditions almost as onerous.

Dan had certain prescribed duties, but these were not onerous.

The labor of revision has proved to be far more onerous than was expected.

The conditions under which such a grant must be held are too onerous.

As the parades were not onerous, there was plenty of time for recreation.

I agreed readily enough, for, unfortunately, my professional duties were not onerous.

The duties enforced by the feudal state do not appear to have been onerous.

His succession imposed a very onerous duty upon him.

I am very tired of all this business; my duties are very onerous.

"You will place me under another onerous obligation, Hippolyte."

He had volunteered that night for onerous service, and his offer had been accepted.

Her home duties are rendered more onerous because of her physical weakness and disability.

Her duties were not onerous; compared with the toiling field hands she led an easy life.

Can you claim that an export duty is not onerous?

Taxes were onerous and economic and business conditions very bad.

"He is willing to surrender, if the terms are not too onerous."

The labor of maintenance is more onerous than in the banana zone.

The school work of the day was not particularly onerous.

Heavy and onerous as the responsibility might be, it had been placed in her hands.

The duties of the hostess were sufficiently onerous.

The lies became too manifold, too palpable, and, to me, too onerous.

Perhaps no one else would willingly accept such an onerous post.

These somewhat onerous conditions were accepted by the promoters.

The editors of these papers must have a most onerous task.

"Confess, the service is more onerous than you expected?"

The position is an onerous one, and carries great responsibility with it.

The attendance is onerous; the actual work is not.

Concluded to form a cabinet to assist him in his onerous duties.

Shortly, I pray you, for my time is short, and my duties onerous and manifold.

He must have found the heavy pack quite onerous, but he did not rebel.

Traffic regulations in many parts are exceedingly onerous and often unfair to foreigners.

These duties were not very onerous or various.

They did not find his rule too onerous under those conditions.

The plan of search adopted by Professor Challis was an onerous one.

Responsibility may be onerous even when it involves no special exertion.

They are not onerous, and will not interfere with the daily life of the country.

Martyn's duties as chaplain were exceedingly onerous.

The task of independent thinking was onerous to such as they.

For a considerable time no one cared to take his land on lease at his onerous terms.

The post was of vast importance, and the duties onerous.

His duties were thus rendered exceedingly onerous, and his labor became excessive.

The duties of all these agents are very severe and onerous.

They are onerous, responsible, and will be at times arduous and disagreeable.

The burden of shaping Social Adjustments is no less onerous.

It imports onerous duties.

As for the child, her duties became rather onerous.

Life is a free gift, and often a very onerous one.

The duties of a national are by no means onerous, and the privileges are great.

We are convinced that we can never succeed with an onerous debt upon us.

His work was not onerous; and his salary was over-generous.

I do not disguise that standing by Rightness is an onerous duty.

It has now become so onerous as to demand a decisive change.

Her duties are alike onerous and troublesome.

The task will no doubt be very large, most onerous.

The duty of administering relief has always been heavy and onerous.

Such a responsibility would be too onerous for me.

Another daughter fulfills the onerous task of being "mother's right hand."

My congregations were large, and my duties onerous.

At Benicia the duties of the office are absolutely onerous.

The White worker is always seeking to simplify his tasks, to find a less onerous way.

It may be observed, that insurance was a more onerous matter in those days than in ours.

First, though, ascertain that the man is willing to accept this onerous position.

Anything onerous could not possibly put such a shine upon anyone at all.

This has always been the most onerous and trying duty of Park officials.

The expenditures necessary for the support of the colony, became, at length, very onerous.

There are a multiplicity of fees and charges which prove very onerous to the merchants.

Thinking being the most onerous of all, they have it done, also.

The post is onerous, but carries with it considerable influence.

His labors were certainly onerous enough without adding musical composition.

And Hendricks had accepted the onerous duty in his big, high-minded way.

Can you maintain that export duties will not be onerous?

"All taxes are onerous; but this will be less so than others."

I once had this onerous and pleasing duty to perform.

There was a good deal of drilling, but otherwise their duties were far from onerous.

The work of preparing medicines is therefore onerous.

His duties were not onerous, and the city was quiet.

Why, then, should an analogous circumstance not be considered as onerous in society?

The captain himself has to submit to many things onerous, which the guide escapes.

Imagination is onerous.

The obligation to nobility is not much more onerous.

In many cases, it must be admitted, the office of Chief is both onerous and precarious.

Not a very onerous annual payment for fifty or sixty acres of land!

He was disturbed by the onerous duty to which he had devoted himself.

His duties will not be onerous.

It has its difficulties, but it is not an onerous one.

Ordinary folk converted to avoid onerous taxes.

He found the studies many and difficult and the rules onerous.

The children of divorced parents occupy an onerous position.

Every one took part in them, and both for brains and body it was sharp and onerous work.

Its duties were onerous; but for this she did not care.

That onerous duty and dignity he had assigned to his brother, the Grand Duke Nicolas.

He merely gave up the most troublesome and most onerous of his offices.

Darkness only made road repairs more onerous and slow.

All arrangements had been made for sharing the onerous duties of cook.