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Definition of onerous:

  • (adjective) not easily borne; wearing;

Sentence Examples:

As you turn from the groups to the individuals, you must understand that your labors will be onerous and detailed.

I worked with the captain and West at this onerous task, and Dirk Peters also turned up and lent the valuable assistance of his great strength, but he did not utter a word to anyone.

He obtained release from the more onerous of his official engagements, retaining only such functions as accorded with his proper calling as a man of letters and of science.

A detailed soldier in each camp of a thousand people was the best that could be done and his duties were so onerous that he ended by doing nothing.

If his burdens are onerous, she divides their weight by the exercise of her love and her sympathy.

To this hard condition they were obliged to submit, and they have groaned under the onerous duty ever since.

The Persian kings by their onerous taxation and cruel policy had completely destroyed the loyalty of their western subjects.

These various committees at times are burdened with the most onerous labors, for upon them falls the duty of verifying all the petty details of management.

Never had his position as magistrate seemed so onerous to him, nor his duties as major-general quite so arduous.

The duties were unusually dangerous and onerous, from the fact that their movements had to be concealed, and that they were in constant danger of being captured.

His labors are onerous, but his work is in a highly prosperous state, and is making a record of many conversions.

She was glad for more than one reason that Lucas had not pressed a very onerous part upon her.

While certain provisions of that compact may have proved onerous, its existence has fostered commercial relations which it is important to preserve.

He merely replied that his correspondence was already very onerous, and he hadn't any pen and ink.

These exercises in some institutions were formerly much more extended than at present, and must on some occasions have been very onerous.

A labor tax was also enforced, and it was perhaps the most onerous, because it returned almost regularly every moon for a certain number of days.

Leland's time being too fully occupied with her onerous duties to society to allow her to bestow much attention upon her child.

A naval court of inquiry was at once organized, composed of officers well qualified by rank and practical experience to discharge the onerous duty imposed upon them.

It was a most interesting study to see these men relieved for the moment from the surroundings of their onerous official duties.

The services of an examining judge are better paid than those of a judge in civil actions, but they do not therefore prove a temptation; they are too onerous.

It was necessary to pass a law compelling the Doge elect to accept the onerous distinction thrust upon him.

The providing of material of war is an onerous money question; but it is simple, and has some compensation for the expense in the resulting employment of labor for its production.

The expenses of the war were onerous, and felt as a heavy burden by the people, and one which was incurred by Republican policy.

So, again, rents will become more onerous, and it will be found by and by that the settlement of the last few years was only provisional, and that a further reduction will become necessary.

"Only to you," said the lady, kindly, but smiling a little, for certainly her duties were not very onerous.

He seemed to feel that his ancestors in helping to launch the government had forever relieved him from any duty more onerous than that of casting a vote.

And it is high time that the government should relieve the individual from the unjust and onerous tax.

Not the least onerous of the doctor's duties was the deciphering of private letters found in prizes, a channel by which important public interests are often betrayed.

Tasks like these were regarded as onerous by the men, who were led to expect some period of rest when not in the advanced positions.

Talking to Estelle Woodward was at no time an onerous duty, but it must be admitted that Arthur Chamberlain found it difficult to keep his conversation strictly upon his business.

As neither his duties nor mine were onerous, we had a great deal of time on our hands, which we employed walking and riding, or sitting in our common room reading and talking.

The divisions and subdivisions of the subject having been made, the remaining task, while onerous, will be largely a matter of copying and of filling in blank forms.

Yet he saw comparatively little of her, his own work proving sufficiently onerous; the quick jumps from town to town leaving small opportunity for either rest or reflection.

News shortly arrived that the King had been transferred to Madrid, and that Charles demanded most onerous conditions for the release of his prisoner.

In such operations as I have described the work of the Quartermaster-General is of an extremely onerous nature.

Then came a moment of consultation as to which of Harvey's men would be best suited for the onerous post opposite the enemy's door, and then a sudden and breathless silence.

He then did great services to the newcomers, who soon found the payment for them onerous; for Maxime too often demanded payment of men who knew how to reckon those services.

The sum was so vast that it was only by imposing the most onerous taxation upon his people that he was enabled to pay it, and the discontent excited proved his destruction.

"I leave the onerous duty of explaining everything to you, Kate," said the Doctor, before Kate could reply.

Not to mention ninety-nine of them, I am anxious to discharge, with as little loss of time as may be, the very onerous debt I owe you.

This was a particularly onerous task, for the dust made it impossible to see more than a yard or two ahead.

It was an onerous position, "and his appointment to it by Ferdinand was the highest proof of the estimation in which he was held by that monarch that could have been bestowed upon him."

Sherman entered upon his onerous work in the South-West when he was forty-one, and accomplished the march to the sea when he was forty-four.

Under government management, traffic would take the direct route, as mail matter now does, and the industries of the country be relieved of the onerous tax imposed by needless hauls.

In spite of subsidies from Delphi the war had been very onerous to them, and they received these advances with joy, and eventually agreed to the terms of a peace.

I was enabled to discharge the onerous duties of this profession, only by that rigid adherence to system which formed the leading feature of my mind.

Nor were the resources of the Western communities equal to the discharge of their onerous burdens.

And many, perhaps the majority of those who frequented the house, really believed that his official duties were too onerous to leave him time for conversation.

It is thus plainly seen how an important bridge may become a monopoly, and a most powerful and onerous one.

Here and there on the plains or in the mountains little detachments were without display or advertisement carrying out tasks that were onerous and disagreeable in the extreme.

The signal officer was away doing a course, and I took on his duties: plenty of long walks and a good deal of labelling to do, but the task was not onerous.

The honorable secretary himself seemed fully to realize how little onerous was his position.

Dick soon found that his duties were not very onerous, and provided he was smart and active, Mr Bitts appeared to be satisfied.

A military man, bluffing as Sergeant Madden bluffed, would not have dared offer any terms less onerous than abject surrender.

She argued stubbornly that it was none of his business, seeing that the onerous work of washing and dressing and training would fall upon her.

This is a very onerous tax upon our first feeble efforts to develop the resources of this remote and unprotected country.

She thinks that she performs a duty, and she is almost sure that it need not be very onerous.

Many of these offices are less onerous and more lucrative than the average man can find elsewhere.

We know of no class who have more onerous duties to discharge than magistrates of districts and their subordinates.

They were under great obligations to me, and by my quick resentment, I rendered the obligations more onerous.

For ideas generate duties, knowledge stimulates action, and to act in a world of doubt may well be onerous.

He is to be recognized and, within reasonable limits, supported, provided he fulfills certain not very onerous conditions.

Not being in robust health, she had absented herself for a short season from her onerous duties, and in her dear friend and cousin's house, sought and obtained quiet and renovation.

The great class of taxes from which revenue may be derived without interference with production are those upon monopolies, temporary or onerous.

The house mistress, whose duties on the first day of term were onerous, departed like a whirlwind, leaving the stranger standing by her bed.

The tax was excessive in amount, onerous in its conditions, and unfair in its incidence, for it fell equally on the poorest and the most valuable cider, and pressed solely on particular districts.

The onerous duties of a perpetual hostess would not have suited her temperament, which demanded its hours of solitude and repose.

The conditions regarding cropping and keeping the farm implements in repair and caring for the dairy herd are not onerous, and are such as no good tenant could object to.

She could trust Dolly with the most onerous of her domestic or social charges, she found, and there was no fear of her small change disappearing or her visitors being bored.

Assuming this onerous duty, he was perfectly aware that he dealt with minds of a new complexion.

I think I may say that more than one President, relieved from the onerous duties of a great reception, has found rest by sitting quietly in the corner of a convenient room and listening to the music.

The above classification has the advantage of being theoretically simple, and easily understood by the people; and the different items of taxation, as laid down by law, cannot be said to be onerous.

In such operations as I have described the work of the Quartermaster General is of an extremely onerous nature.

He required time for this, seeing I had fairly warned him that my onerous undertakings would necessarily throw the heavier share of our performance upon his shoulders.

Although the preparations for her own part were most exacting and onerous, Miss Adams exercised a supervising direction over the whole production, which was done in the most lavish fashion.

It might have been less onerous with host or hostess on the spot; but then the visitor would not have heard her sing, and he seemed to know what singing was.

There are even proposals to effectively replace copyright law altogether with potentially much more onerous contract law.

It remains to be seen whether the note-issuing banks will find these conditions too onerous, and rather than be bound by them will give up their right of issuing notes.

If the King offers resistance, let him see how onerous is the war which I am waging for his interests.

We cannot say that the enemy are making their terms more and more onerous, because that is not so.

I want to be of service to the country, but I would prefer that that service be not made unnecessarily onerous.

Great as was the compliment, it did not mitigate for Roger the onerous nature of the responsibility.

Upon the second day, however, when Stuart assumed the command, Vincent's duties had been onerous and dangerous in the extreme.

The cost must have been at first very onerous; but impressions of ancient volumes were usually limited.

Taxes were assessed, too, at this time, upon all the people of the kingdom, that were of an extremely onerous character.

His remarkable administrative abilities and high qualifications as a scholar were of great service in his onerous position.

Take time, and keep your answer until I explain things in my offices, in case you find the terms onerous; but there are many men in this country who would be glad of the chance you're getting.

The labors of a board of railroad commissioners are onerous, and their responsibility is great.

If you have fair health, and neither onerous household duties nor educational demands upon your time outside of music, let me earnestly recommend you to practice four hours.

Desmond had been kind enough to relieve me from the onerous duty of taking her down to supper.

This important body, finding its new duties very onerous, created a committee of twenty-one members, to whom the supervision of trade and plantations was assigned.

Philip was beginning to find his duties as guardian of Kate Kildare and her children somewhat onerous.

How deep should be our reverence for him who, by his skill and knowledge, is capable, and by his moral qualities willing, to perform duties so onerous and so difficult.

Why did he think at all, when there were those at hand to relieve him of that onerous task?

She liked to be busy all day, and her duties in taking care of Nancy were not onerous enough to keep her full energy employed.

You mistook it for your own, I presume, and the duties of your office have doubtless been so onerous since then that you have not had opportunity to return it.

He got Francis out of several scrapes, and he shoved me into a Government office, where the duties are not particularly onerous.

If the obligations of the marshal are onerous, he has voluntarily assumed them by accepting the office.

There is a woman whom I know; she would be very glad to come, and she would relieve that young lady of the more painful and onerous portions of her task.

The result of the present appeal, however onerous to the owners, cannot be regarded as unexpected.