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Use rebuttal in a sentence

Definition of rebuttal:

  • (noun) the speech act of refuting by offering a contrary contention or argument
  • (noun) (law) a pleading by the defendant in reply to a plaintiff's surrejoinder

Sentence Examples:

However, he offered no rebuttal, nor did he reprove his daughter.

His virulent rebuttals of the reproaches did but increase the defections.

In fact, rebuttal and refutation are used by some writers as synonymous terms.

Refutation should come for the most part, though not entirely, in the rebuttal.

What argument could Ross offer in rebuttal to the simple logic of his captors?

You fastened your eyes upon your plate, and could think of nothing to say in rebuttal.

The burning charges of corruption and robbery meet no rebuttal; none could truthfully be made.

Only one witness was called by the commonwealth in rebuttal, and his evidence was valueless.

In debating, this repulse, this destruction of the arguments of the opposition, is called refutation or rebuttal.

By a judicious combination of related arguments the destructive work of rebuttal may be made to cover a wider field.

We were permitted to deduct ten from our allotment the first day to be used the following one for a rebuttal.

The last speakers of the rebuttal speeches should never rest content with leaving only refutation in the hearers' minds.

He clutched his three facts to him as a shield, groping for others which might have afforded a weapon of rebuttal.

In spite of her haughty rebuttal of the charge against her husband, she was wounded and oppressed by it.

It is thus seen that a knowledge of the preparation and presentation of rebuttal is almost indispensable to the student who would make practical application of the theory and practice of argumentation.

Such a defense usually resolves itself into a battle between medical experts and the counsel engaged, the Crown endeavoring to upset the medical evidence for the defense with medical evidence in rebuttal.

The result was what might have been expected, seeing that there was no opportunity for Velasquez to reply to the charges or to cross-examine the witnesses against him, or to produce other testimony in rebuttal.

The English translations of the closing brief and rebuttal to the closing brief of the prosecution arrived so late that it seems impossible that the Court could have taken note of the contents before writing the verdict.

They had their manifest reasons for not calling upon him to give evidence in chief, since they did not dare to do so, even in rebuttal, till he had been visited in prison, and the probable nature of his testimony ascertained!

Very often the rebuttal cards will contain the exact arguments presented by an opponent, but more often it becomes necessary for the speaker to select the vital parts of the opposing contentions and write them down briefly.

Please do not regard this as any criticism or rebuttal, because I have never been informed about the procedure to be followed in these hearings and I do not know about it; but according to my knowledge of legal procedure this is incorrect.

Any of these books, papers, or documents which stand as authority for vital facts, or for facts about which there is likely to be a dispute, should be taken out and placed with the other material which is to be used in rebuttal.

Since the amount of evidence must necessarily be so large, that all of it cannot be kept in mind at one time, some easy method of classification is necessary which will include everything that may be of use when the rebuttal is to be presented.

If the testimony sought from this witness is by way of rebuttal, let him say so; but if it is not, let him be frank enough to admit it, that I may in turn present my objections to the introduction of any irrelevant evidence at this time.