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Use rebuttal in a sentence

Definition of rebuttal:

  • (noun) the speech act of refuting by offering a contrary contention or argument
  • (noun) (law) a pleading by the defendant in reply to a plaintiff's surrejoinder

Sentence Examples:

This arrangement varies greatly, however, in different places, and not infrequently there is only one speech in rebuttal.

Every possible point of attack which the constructive argument presents must be fortified by full and complete rebuttal material.

Often the rebuttal speeches of debate, coming at the close of the regular debate speeches, seem reserved for all the refutation.

Since the speeches are shorter and the material is restricted there is always the disposition to use rebuttal speeches for refutation only.

Others will have been put before the Tribunal by the American case in rebuttal or utilized in cross-examining witnesses called by the defense.

Rebuttal speeches are additional speeches allowed to some or all the speakers of a debating team after the regular argumentative speeches have been delivered.

If the questions are not asked originally in the rebuttal they should at least be reverted to during this part of the debate.

If from the beginning you practice making your speeches in rebuttal offhand, you will constantly gain in confidence when you are called on to speak.

There remains the answer in rebuttal that sentimentality, after all, is native to the soul of man, that we couldn't get rid of it if we tried.

Each of the speakers spoke forty-five minutes, and each of the leaders spent a half-hour in rebuttal, a total of four hours each evening of solid oratory.

Lawyer Forrest was then given another inning, and introduced a long string of witnesses to counteract the evidence which the State had submitted on rebuttal.

Lydia was tired from the night before; her vitality was low enough to waken in her the involuntary rebuttal, "I don't believe there is any necklace."

He has been so considerate and courteous in his treatment of my work thus far, that I am sure he will not deem presumptuous the following argument in rebuttal.

All his loud rebuttal of anxiety now could not cover an undercurrent of uneasiness that made the anxiety of the two women tenfold greater when he was gone.

If the atrocity charge against the Germans is false or exaggerated, it is surely time to know it, but no mere denial or general argument can be accepted in rebuttal.

The assistant called in rebuttal a salesman from a large retail fire-arm store, who testified positively that the pistol in evidence had been purchased the day before the homicide.

The accusation of piety calls for no rebuttal; and that of freedom was caused by the confounding, as was natural in European thought, of innocent simplicity with recklessness of deportment.

When all the evidence for the defense has been introduced, the plaintiff may offer evidence in "rebuttal," that is, to contradict or disprove new matter adduced by the defense.

As for his hour-long absence from his place of business, Morris had provided himself with a plausible explanation in rebuttal to the quiet, ironical greeting that he knew would await him.

I ask your Honor now to strike out all this testimony as irrelevant in rebuttal, and I beg our learned friend to close an examination as unprofitable to his own cause as to mine.

If they do not require immediate answering, or if they may safely be left for later refutation in the regular rebuttal, he may content himself with simply announcing that they will be answered.

Furthermore, after the first affirmative speaker has opened the debate it is customary for each succeeding speaker to introduce his main argument with a short rebuttal speech of one or two minutes, or he may introduce rebuttal at any point in his main speech.

Of course, in the case of a single speaker, where only a very few volumes are to be used in the rebuttal the system of card indexing can be dispensed with, but the system of marking the exact references by means of slips of paper and marginal lines should always be employed.