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Use red-tape in a sentence

Definition of red tape:

  • (noun) needlessly time-consuming procedure

Sentence Examples:

Quickly, there being no red tape, the need begins to be met.

I laughed and said to myself, "There goes a lot of red tape!"

There had been 'red tape,' and I had not seen it.

We have complied with all the regulations and red tape necessary.

One may triumph over empires, but must respect red tape.

The people were honest and polite, and the red-tape requirements definite and reasonable.

It looks as if there was something in red tape after all.

A traveler might be a spy; hence, all this red tape for the many to catch the one.

Even red tape seems now to have become normal.

"A 'faculty' is a body of men surrounded by red tape."

And it matters not how much sleep I lose, red tape never worries.

He knows the meaning of red tape now!

There is always so much red tape in France.

There was an endless tangle of red tape before the girl became secure in her rights.

They like the arrangements in the library to be simple; they object to red tape and rules.

It is liberal, even judged by democratic standards, and surprisingly free from red tape.

I took the packet; it was sealed, and tied with red tape.

There is about it a bit of that which you call red tape.

No state laws, no red tape can dissolve such a union.

You were never born to be tied up with red tape.

The only thing that he saw was a roll of papers tied up with red tape.

There's red tape and lawyers and rulings and evidence and courts to keep you waiting.

I tied the red tape round them in a peculiar way.

I took a piece of red tape and a newspaper from the table before which I stood.

It would mean a good deal of red tape for a man who changed his mind frequently.

It was bound up with the sternest discipline and much red tape.

I know the red tape of hospitals only too well.

Red tape vied with tradition to block the path of military and industrial preparation.

After plenty of red tape an official representation will be made to Pasquale.

There was, of course, a lot of red tape, excessive charges in exchange, and all that.

There was a lot of red tape, naturally, regarding the funds.

No more red tape and gold braid for me.

Red tape and routine played their old game.

"Now for some red tape," explained Terry.

In all that red-tape splendor and high doings I wanted my old ways and nothing else.

The office is a red-tape one, anyhow, and little harm in taking all the advantage you can.

I've been meaning to see you, so I volunteered to run out some red tape for your captain.

They drove me mad with their red-tape nonsense.

There was much red tape in evidence and many questions asked the commissioners.

Still harping on that red tape notion, are you?

It really is the merest red tape that we mayn't use the books.

Red tape and organization are at their minimum.

Lloyd George had no governmental red tape about his methods.

The parcel was heavily corded and was secured again by red tape, which was sealed.

Here the circle is easily formed by tacking a little red tape down to the carpet.

If the husband dies without a will, there is endless trouble and red tape for the wife.

He drew out a packet, tied with red tape.

There is so much red tape in these matters!

They think to shave my locks; show me to the people bound by their red tape.

He tried it, and now he scratched the apparent size of the star into the red tape.

"Hide-bound red tape rules the day."

He'll cut red-tape any day on that.

They were only the red-tape machines of the Public Lands Department.

Red tape is the idolatry of system.

I took the packet; it was seated and tied with red tape.

Cutting red tape was one of his special delights.

What is called "red tape" stood in the way of prompt action.

If you make use of much "red tape" you will kill the undertaking at the outset.

It smacked so strongly of miles of red tape and months of official delay.

There was no end of red tape about the company.

There is one thing we want less of than usual, and that is red tape.

Where it is possible, red tape has been eliminated.

His method of achieving the ideal seems to me too full of red tape.

"I've run this island for twenty years without red tape, and I don't want it now."

His name and reputation cleared away the official red tape.

It seems inconceivable that he did not violate some red-tape regulation in so doing.

Chambers would tie us up in a mile of legal red tape.

They had not spared red tape nor red wax.

Yet nothing more dangerous than red-tape happened for a while.

Through various methods of red tape and legal procedure the matter was delayed.

He had less regard for red tape than most chief justices.

Their scientists don't have to work through red tape like the U-League.

This is due purely to neglect and the red tape in acquiring papers.

In this manner, at least we avoid a great amount of red tape and delay.

Red tape will win the day, even if our cause be lost.

Red tape is mightier than patriotism still.

In the face of your success I'm sure that this is mere red tape.

Grover Cleveland with the same courtesy and the same total absence of red tape.

I'm afraid the local authorities will want to tie us up in a lot of red tape.

Even if otherwise, just think of the red tape!

We copy the red tape, and when it is copied we believe that we administer.

It's something done up in a roll and tied with red tape.

The wire binding cut the pages, and the red tape tore the covers.

We policed the valley in the hot sun (a whim of red tape).

The law has too much red tape about it.

I hate the red-tape system which binds our rulers from beginning to end.

Among the papers was a small round parcel tied up with red tape.

He then drew out of his pocket a manuscript tied up with red tape.

Even to the last Borrow was tormented by red tape.

That would be rather hard, since the red-tape rules of our army don't allow them to fight.

The politician felt some excitement for once, and blushed like red tape.

A folded parchment lay within it, tied round with red tape.

Even for doctors to obtain it is an undertaking involving considerable red tape.

He never knew the use of red tape, and was utterly unfit for the common business of life.

And there'll be a week of red tape before they are turned loose again.

Don't try to cut the red tape for another visit after the trial opens.

They will get them into the building that way without tearing any red tape, I hope.

This is the routine which some people call red tape.

I suppose there'll be no red tape about my getting twenty pounds?

Elimination of red tape is not the sole object of the new system.