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Use red-tape in a sentence

Definition of red tape:

  • (noun) needlessly time-consuming procedure

Sentence Examples:

Or frequently they supported a political party and received a place in the Red Tape Office.

It was not until the next day that the red tape of the establishment was so far cut as to warrant the surgeon in charge in making a personal inspection of the two invalids.

To show you how I notice things I saw that the papers were stained with age, and that the red tape was faded to a mere washed-out pink.

Even men who had fought all through the war had forgotten some of its red tape by that time, and Jeremy not being in uniform they treated him like a fellow human being.

And we're having a vacation extended to us, with no red tape or strings tied to the conditions!

When, after much red tape, I was finally admitted to an outer office, he stepped out to see me, merely taking my name and the names of the papers I represented.

It is easier to drink red wine than to eat red tape, and not nearly so wearing to one's digestion.

Even when it didn't turn up where and when it was expected, it would take government red tape three months to find out what had become of the missing motors.

You see, there's so much red tape about going out even for a little walk, that sometimes they'd rather stay at home.

And the smile consisted of long strips of red tape, which were drawn out through slits at the corners of the mouth by means of threads which passed through holes in the sides of the head.

Then, according to red tape, it was necessary to enlarge the village school to accommodate these few children, and this notwithstanding that the building was never full.

The officials respected the noble woman, and the red tape of army life was broken for her sake.

In a long, sweeping glide, it arose and cleared the red tape by a greater margin than had Paul Perkins' model.

This was the fault or the misfortune of your excellent father; he never knew the use of red tape, and was utterly unfit for the common business of life.

Our legal safeguards would snap like red tape were the great bond of mutual trust once broken.

He asked for money to help these women immediately, and he spoke fiercely of the Admiralty red tape and of the obstruction of the official commission appointed to administer the relief fund.

Thus published they do not give the impression of red tape and restrictions so much as of help in making access to the library's resources easier and pleasanter.

Nobody minded paying the deficit, but through local red tape this seeming trifle sometimes caused two or even three weeks' delay in the delivery of important letters.

Posted a check to pay for 'em, but there was nobody about and I couldn't stop for red tape.

This official was a terror for red tape, and an order came out that dogs were to be destroyed.

"More parchment and red tape work cut out for you to-day," remarked the surgeon, "so I am off, but will drop in later in the day."

I will say, however, that they have dealt with us quickly and efficiently, with the minimum of red tape and correspondence.

The envelope contained a letter, and a considerable bundle of papers, folded small, and neatly tied together with red tape.

You know what the budget and red tape of Washington does to a temperament like Miss Allen's.

I was on the point of undoing the red tape with which it was tied, when my fingers became suddenly rigid.

Besides, by the time we got through the red tape, and got started, any smart smack, in a good wind, would be forty miles the other side of the horizon.

There's lots of red tape about such things, and the motor might have to wait days on end here at Marvels, before getting off, to say nothing of how long she might be on the way.

This is in accordance with Communist theory, but of course greatly diminishes the incentive to work, and increases the red tape and administrative machinery.

Street cars were crowded, things were at sixes and sevens; red tape was loose where it should have been tight and tight where it should have been loose.

Half-a-dozen small tags of red tape gave him a far greater sense of resource and opportunity for aggression than any one good piece of measurable length capable of being well wound and knotted.

They believed they were being cheated of their rights of discovery by the red tape of governmental interference.

Second, the transfer from prison to hospital must take place with as little delay as possible and not be burdened with a lot of red-tape procedures.

Under his management the red tape was thrown aside and business-like methods took its place.

They've got the goods on us for that shooting, and we've got to keep out of the way until Ned discovers the inner workings of this red tape machine.

Somebody's in there chewing red tape, but I don't calculate to let anybody else have a turn at it until I get my bit wound up an' tied in a knot.

Our tongues, under red-tape discipline, keep mum, but inwardly we protest against this deprivation, brought about by the wild-goose chase on which we were ordered.

"If they had the same efficiency with red tape that we humans have, he'd never have made it this far."

When a man and woman need each other's companionship in lonely places outside the world, is the world's red tape going to make a barrier between them?

They had become great in defiance of red tape, insisting on whatever is called Canadianism.

It is the fashion to cry out against red tape, but red tape is a first-rate thing if it only ties up the bundles properly.

Nowhere is red-tape more absurd than when it is being wound by a defeated nation after a great war.

That approval is not easily obtained, because the officials are crowded with business and a certain amount of red tape must be encountered.

You will find it well-arranged, with mark on it, and with red tape and seal as on the Violins already sent to you.

I dare say if I hadn't been here you would have written ever so many things on parchment and tied them up with red tape.

Sorry as one feels to confess it, I have seen money wasted and lost through red tape in the mission business.

"Well, you see General Lee sits at the head of the table, and Colonel Chilton at the foot, and everything is done in red-tape style."

They put a lot of red tape around their business, and by these acts they get out of touch with the pulse of the business.

More men are needed, but the chief difficulty now is to place them on war work with a minimum of red tape.

Far above the din of faction, the red tape of cabinets, the rivalry of generals, the strife of politicians, shines the resolve, and pulses the determination of woman, that mankind shall be free.

Owing to a lack of the necessary dyes there will soon be no more red tape available for the War Office and elsewhere.

Even knowing that Merrill Tawney might already have a mining crew at work on Roger Hunter's claims, they could not believe that the red tape of preparation and clearance could be cut away so swiftly.

Around these boots was laced more red tape, until it would have been a difficult matter to have formed any idea as to what they might have been intended for originally.

The government red tape for the lottery, with its various registration points, would require a small army to handle.

The wretched official whose business it was to provide for the wants of the hospital was tied fast hand and foot by red tape.

A lot of detail, commonly called "red tape," had to be attended to before the prisoners were allowed to land.

They propose that I should stay on here at the Staff College for another year and write 'em a damned red tape report on Tibet.

I've always known that a little common sense would revise the law so that a lot of this absurd red tape could be cut out.

Along the ordered walks below his laboratory windows workers and technicians streamed toward the gates, checking out for the day through the usual mass of red tape, passes, and Geiger tests.

The restrictions, red tape, security measures of these government laboratories seemed to close in on his mind in boiling, chaotic waves of frustration.

"Of course, it is not our usual plan to make use of outside assistance, but we are not so bound up in red tape as to refuse such aid as that you offer."

At last the precious package, with a parade of red tape and impressive wax seals, was handed over the side.

Now you know perfectly well that Campbell has no more enthusiasm than a brick wall, or a roll of red tape; but he is as proud of the young man as if he were his son.

A piece of red tape was made fast to one of its legs, after which it was restored to liberty.

I dare say that the key to the whole mystery is at this moment reposing, neatly done up in red tape, at the office of that disgusting little junction.

They have a free hand in the employment of their methods, they are continually experimenting, and they owe no devotion to "red tape."

That, with the amount of red tape that will be in use, it will be impossible to secure the building of needed lines.

It should not entail upon the school or upon the teacher a vast complicated machinery or an endless routine of red tape.

Most men look upon "red-tape" with contempt and in the sense of a mere monotonous and meaningless routine, it merits all the contempt poured upon it.

How she hated all the red tape in that huge network of institutions by which New York City provides "relief."

The title has a dry, legal look, and will suggest little or nothing to the general reader except, possibly, red tape.

After this revision these laws will be put into effect without any bureaucratic red tape, in the revolutionary order.

Of the same material I made a fish-line, which, on finding a piece of red tape in one of my pockets better suited to the purpose, I abandoned as a "bad job."

The clerk took the key which his master handed to him, opened the tin box, and took from it a bundle of papers tied with red tape.

Trent had finished the reading he put all the papers together, and tied them up in a bundle again with the red tape.

Gammon diverted the thoughts of his suffering client, by taking from his pocket some very imposing packages of paper, tied round with red tape.

Certainly, also, he was a scientist; and certainly he had used his political abilities on the behalf of science, pushing and slashing at red-tape barriers.

It was not so easy for others of the old workers to accept the new order of things, and they rebelled occasionally against the "red tape" requirements of this executive body.

None of these things, but only a bundle of papers, tied together with a piece of faded red tape.

"The Government will take its own time to consider the proposition, and a few years hence, when it has exhausted all the red tape available, it will be put through," said Honor.

Red tape exerted its binding force upon the makers of the laws and no apparent progress was made.

I am quite incapable of understanding the red tape wound round the transaction, but I am assured it is all right.

When citizens' rights are withheld, red tape or over-worked personnel are most frequently to blame.

"Right you are, Tom," was Colonel Harris's brief method of acknowledging his brother-in-law's kindness, in thus breaking a piece of red tape, and setting aside a very strict official rule.

It is always a good plan to save red tape by taking advantage of any existing associations that may be made to answer our need.

Government envelope, printed on one side only, bound in brown paper, and secured with red tape.

The privates of the volunteer army are men of judgment, and will use it in spite of red tape and military discipline.

There would have been quite time to catch it if the collector had not been so full of "red tape" notions.

I don't know what my powers are in this matter, but it's evident that the less red tape there is the sooner these men will get the justice they rightly demand.

In spite of all the official red tape and investigations, your son Billy seems to have been the only person who discovered the fact.

A short piece of red tape was securely tied to one of its legs, after which the bird was released.

The thing is, there's a lot of red tape, so if you do decide to participate, the sooner we get that part started the better.

This was quite absurd and nothing but red tape, as we were allowed to have the top part of the window open, and we were separated only by thin wooden walls from the rooms on either side of us.

March was hanging one of the yokes on the wall, by a bit of bright red tape, tied in the middle.

On one occasion my father was feeling wearied to death with red tape, but nobody was inclined at the time for another expedition.

Dunbar, who knew the army, would probably know how to cut any red tape that might be involved, and certainly he'd know just what to do.

And I shouldn't wonder if there'll be a lot of red tape and inquiry before we can bury him at all.

He switched on an electric light, unlocked a drawer in his desk and took out a packet of letters tied with a piece of red tape.

Experience or no experience, red tape or no tape, women would have managed to bring hungry mouths and hot soups together, and to furnish delicate food for delicate health.

He had not reckoned, however, with the particular form of "red tape" which prevailed there.

I was taken by surprise, caught at and dropped the bag, which burst open, and a number of papers tied with red tape fell out.