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Use sanctimonious in a sentence

Definition of sanctimonious:

  • (adjective) excessively or hypocritically pious; "a sickening sanctimonious smile"

Sentence Examples:

Let me tell you, sir, your age does not excuse your conduct, which has been that of a heartless and sanctimonious fool.

William Long and I faced them at the other end, looking as grave and sanctimonious as the rest of them.

There his collar was removed and replaced back side forward to give him a sanctimonious effect.

His bearing and expression were truly sanctimonious, and had the gleam in his eyes been in keeping, I should not have taken a second glance at him.

Thousands of people, big and little, sanctimonious and highly respectable, put up their margins and reap their profits or their losses.

First, you prayed and hymn-sung yourself into favor, and then indulged in sanctimonious intrigue to keep yourself where you had arrived.

Alexey, invariably meek, sleepy, and sanctimonious, kept coming up to the table to see to the candles, and looked at me somewhat strangely.

I don't know why you should have taken it into your head all of a sudden to be so sanctimonious.

"Little girls should be heard and not seen," quoted Cherry with her most sanctimonious air, noting the gathering frown on the older sister's face, and not quite understanding what had gone amiss.

"I should think you would be ashamed to spend so much on just your looks, when you think of that poor, exploded boy," said Marjorie in a sanctimonious tone.

Pitt, as yet at least, had not grown a bit precise or sanctimonious; he had not talked nonsense, indeed, but then he never had paid her the very poor compliment of doing that.

Frequently her father threw obstacles in her way, sneering all the while at her "sanctimonious freaks."

Ministers have, very often, a sanctimonious tone, which by many is deemed a symbol of goodness.

No matter how sanctimonious, religious or correct a person may act when his position or the occasion demands it, if he has a round, "moon" face he is not really straight-laced at heart.

The voice in the pulpit is little more than a sanctimonious echo of the voices of the street.

And so it happens that these sanctimonious men have become richer and more powerful under the Frankish than under the Roman rule.

"Why should people be tortured and kept miserable and helpless year after year by this disgusting sanctimonious law?"

As chance would have it, a rich man fell in love with Theresa, and she, in her quiet, sanctimonious way, loved him, and that was settled.

"She's hidden somewhere, or else she's with other friends in this wretched, sanctimonious hole."

The doctor raised his eyes to heaven, and clasped his hands over his waistcoat with a sanctimonious sigh.

In the light of his own experience in the factory and the mine, he regards the claim of the capitalist to be the self-appointed guardian of public interests as a piece of sanctimonious hypocrisy.

"Well, no," replied Jack, in reluctant and compassionate negative; and this was the only part of his long reply fit to place before the sanctimonious reader.

You don't mean to say, Judson, that you allowed yourself to be taken in by her sanctimonious airs and the theatrical way that she kept clutching at that cross on her breast?

"Well, I'll take your word, you sanctimonious old shark, and five hundred dollars for my share."

They were not really sanctimonious, they just got that name because they tried to live up to their convictions.

In 1762 a clever but sanctimonious manager succeeded in crowding his company and his play into a Newport tavern.

Most of us are horribly afraid of being taken for sanctimonious persons, when there is really not the slightest danger.

The sanctimonious expression had entirely vanished from the fellow's face, which now wore a look of rage and fear.

He never cheated me, and I find him better company than your sanctimonious, psalm-singing sort.

Of the sanctimonious tone we may say that it has its reward in the almost universal contempt it provokes.

And Parliament has always preferred this quiet fashion of speaking, to what Dizzy once called the "somewhat sanctimonious eloquence" of Gladstone.

Now carry your sanctimonious looks elsewhere, for they will not take with me, I can tell you.

She is not a believer in men who accept religion for the sake of business and put on a sanctimonious air.

Some of the most cunning fellows known to the police of late have had quite a sanctimonious appearance.

Then, as though nothing had happened, with his usual smooth face of sanctimonious integrity, the pious Jesuit went and stood before his master.

I am not a church-going man, and I hate sanctimonious people, but I am not a heathen either.

A Sanctimonious Young Man (with a tongue too large for his mouth, who has just succeeded in collecting a circle round him).

You're not naturally sanctimonious, Jim, but you've got a wonderful passion for not committing yourself.

We would not pass upon him a sanctimonious censure, although we might doubt the philosophy as well as the piety of his course.

She can even dance on her hands and kick her feet in the air, to the great delight of all but the more sanctimonious guests.

And here she looked as meek, and quiet, and almost as sanctimonious, as any saint I ever saw of a Sunday.

Presently the Vice-Governor came in, a man of peculiarly sanctimonious appearance, and notoriously corrupt.

And so you think you are going to hide behind a dead man and the sanctimonious pathos of a dying message!

He marched in sanctimonious as you please, with his mouth full of salvation and Bible verses.

It was an intangible something, always at hand to be cast as a mocking reproach in the face of a sanctimonious community.

Some men look at constitutions with sanctimonious reverence, and deem them like the ark of the covenant, too sacred to be touched.

There is, indeed, a delicacy and sensibility in her face, but nothing the least sanctimonious.

They have not the sanctimonious airs that are so frequently noticed in religious ministers.

"Barry isn't exactly what you would call sanctimonious," admitted the lawyer, with a dry smile.

Her gentle words of pity and cheer carried the more weight since they had none of the sanctimonious tone so common at that time.

Before he had time to think of any more questions, a sanctimonious voice sounded from the path behind the little group.

He has the sanctimonious appearance of a private individual of good family, but his general bearing is below his condition.

These details were left to priests, sanctimonious men who did their work with pious zeal and therefore were not accountable.

At this Walter paused, and after twice applying to the bell, a footman of a peculiarly grave and sanctimonious appearance, opened the door.

He was donned in his Sunday garments, with his most sanctimonious and sourest face, and, holding his hat in one hand, and his stick in the other, he proceeded to clean his shoes on the mat.

And the woman they speak of to-day, in that hushed, hateful, sanctimonious voice, I must confess I never knew.