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Use sanctimonious in a sentence

Definition of sanctimonious:

  • (adjective) excessively or hypocritically pious; "a sickening sanctimonious smile"

Sentence Examples:

Heron's spiteful face, Isabel's tear-swollen eyes, and her cousin John's sanctimonious sermon.

At this Captain Obadiah favored his brother with a look of exaggerated and sanctimonious humility.

She went about with brooms and dusters wearing an air of sanctimonious thoughtfulness.

No character is so justly hateful as "A rogue in grain, Veneered with sanctimonious theory".

The fox solemnly promised amendment, and with sanctimonious mien continued his journey.

I don't wish to be sanctimonious, but dirty and ugly jokes are odious to me.

The sanctimonious elder was thunderstruck at the word.

She was very bright and talkative; and yet she amazed me by being distinctly sanctimonious.

I heard him say that Williams was a thief and a sanctimonious old hypocrite.

May you cast the first stone with that smugly sanctimonious air of yours?

He was simply a studious young man with a sanctimonious air.

In their hands therefore she becomes sanctimonious and bigoted.

The man was indeed "A rogue in grain, Veneered with sanctimonious theory."

They were the black-garbed, sanctimonious emissaries of superior forces.

A very angular woman with sanctimonious visage and a huge Bible in her hand squatted herself by my bed.

I do not wonder that he laughed, when he looked at Isabel, for her face was indescribably arch and sanctimonious.

How that sanctimonious old hypocrite ever got away with it all these years is the limit.

It has nothing ascetic, or sanctimonious about it.

We found the editor of "Sacrifice" in a condition of sanctimonious self-satisfaction.

It was easy to see that sanctimonious fanatics had forced the King to act.

His white hair and weak, winking eyes added to his smugly sanctimonious expression.

The noticeable attentions of the sallow, sanctimonious priest at the hotel may yet prove dangerous.

There was no sanctimonious affectation in the man.

"You poor, mean, sanctimonious, miserable cur," were some of her parting words to him.

False prophets come with great pretensions, high-sounding words, and sanctimonious bearing.

Who but a pitiable fool would entrust the savings of a lifetime to a sanctimonious old swindler like Vernon?

Tootle, who is really a good creature, although her husband is a sanctimonious idiot, I feel a perfect hypocrite.

Sanctimonious faces glared reproof.

What a pity it is, Roger, the silly laws of this sanctimonious country will not permit polygamy.

The robber risks his life, shows skill and daring, and is not so prosaic, or at all sanctimonious, like the beggar.

The rehearsal of these scenes afforded amusement in Washington, and "Marching through Georgia" is still a favorite hymn to the sanctimonious people who delight in cruelty to innocent women and little children.

If he was remorseful, so was she; she never wanted to see his sanctimonious face again.

I stiffened at the sanctimonious tone in which the words were uttered.

The face is pale and elongated, the expression melancholy and sanctimonious.

"Really, Jack, you're being unbearably sanctimonious," she said.

Of course Jasper was too grand and sanctimonious a man to confess to the blot in the family.

A sanctimonious note entered her heaves of indignation.

The magistrate listened with a sanctimonious air, and his heavy features and big prominent eyes assumed quite an ecstatic expression at certain pious remarks which the priest uttered in a very moving manner.

"Who is that spider-legged gorilla yonder with the sanctimonious countenance?"

Said Maggie, with a resigned expression, and a sanctimonious twang to her voice.

Yesterday I saw him talking with that sanctimonious parson Hunt.

Some people think that a good boy is one that has a pale face and looks sickly; one that wears a sanctimonious look and moves along through the world as though he were afraid to put one foot in front of the other.

You cursed sanctimonious humbug!

It is also a bitter epithet against one who is sanctimonious.

The simple country folk longed for their may- poles, their dances, and games on the green; only fear compelled them to bear with the tyranny of the sanctimonious soldiers who broke the windows in their churches.

He was much struck with the strange transformation of the sanctimonious Nehemiah Poke into no less a personage than the refugee and assassin, Oran Gilbert, and was very curious to hear the particulars of his escape.

There was a rustle of garments as each one settled into a final sanctimonious attitude.

He had one son, Matthew, who seems, from what I can gather, to have been a wild sort of fellow in the early part of his career, and not to have been at any time on the best possible terms with the sanctimonious dad.

He saw in this business an easy revenge on a sanctimonious parson who had interfered with his pleasures.