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Use scalp in a sentence

Definition of scalp:

  • (noun) the skin that covers the top of the head
  • (verb) sell illegally, as on the black market
  • (verb) remove the scalp of; "The enemies were scalped"

Sentence Examples:

Behind him, an Indian was dodging from tree to tree, intent on getting his scalp.

His scalp is now in the state historical society.

Long before the scalp arrived he had made his preparations for revenge.

Two of his young men then ran up and held him fast while he scalped him alive.

One by one he stabbed and scalped them, when a child suddenly awoke and screamed.

Parker put his fingers to his scalp and examined them for traces of blood.

One of the richest of the older medical men set himself the job of procuring his scalp.

Where do you see anything romantic in a band of Indians scalping a peaceful white family?

Their scalp locks, helmet crests, and eagles' plumes had all disappeared.

When a man falls in battle, his scalp is carried away in token.

His scalp was still smarting and his eyes watering with the pain as he pounded behind her.

Another instant and he would have had her scalped.

Cried Amos, "the man has lost his scalp!"

Well, I may as well have this fine scalp that we may have something to show for our walk.

"They could not be the same," said Amos, "for there was not a fresh scalp among them."

It was a long knife, and many scalps were tied on the handle.

Stay here and be scalped, if you think I lie.

I like my scalp, and I like for it to remain where it has grown, on the top of my head.

I felt the hair crawling up my scalp as I glanced around again at the desk.

Then, when they are not looking, we will strike them and take many scalps.

A portion of the scalp adhered to it, on which a gray lock was visible.

With a piece of tin she sawed off all her hair close to the scalp.

It seemed a pity now, so long as I was after his scalp, not to get it with the hair on.

He had seven scalps in his possession when he turned back over the home trail.

I have seen as many as forty or fifty scalps figuring in one dance.

Let not the hair of their scalps be touched.

A glancing ball had struck him on the head, inflicting a painful scalp wound.

"Why, you know, as well as we do, that we'll come home with Fordham's scalp!"

The Indians that were killed were scalped, and we appropriated their arms and equipment.

Wolf to lick it out, administer the poison slowly, and you are sure of his scalp.

I busy myself by hanging up my scalps while you are gone.

She said she had never seen a scalp dance, and said, "What is it like?"

He had scarcely engaged before he attempted a blind cut over the scalp.

I wouldn't be surprised if they'd scalp you if you continue to carry on in this way.

"If you do not keep with us, you will lose your scalp to a certainty," said Boone.

And now I wish they'd pull it all off, and then my scalp wouldn't do 'em any good.

I have in my lodge twenty of their scalps; they have many ours.

"If ever I lift that scalp you'll catch cold and die, do ye know it?"

"Which of us has most grand coups and scalps?"

The Indians had surprised the camp, and had killed and scalped every man.

Blood had already been shed, and scalps been taken.

All that injures the scalp injures the growth of the hair.

I lay quiet with a will to sleep, but the hair stirred on my scalp.

He wanted my scalp to hang on his belt.

He has a terrible attack of the scalp fever.

One showed a long, white scar across his scalp, where a bullet had just missed his brain.

Who can count the number of scalps which they brought from distant expeditions?

Does anybody know how they scalp their prisoners?

An Indian will not remove, as a general thing, a scalp which contains gray hairs.

Who knows, but these little services may one day save our scalps?

They all had been scalped and were dead except the baby, three years old.

Howe, whose husband had been killed and scalped three years previously.

How happened it that your enemy did not take off your scalp?

It is met with chiefly on the upper part of the trunk, the neck, and the scalp.

Then Tom taped a bandage on Bud's scalp wound.

The men were not out for blood or scalps.

You were headed our way down that trail as though you were riding for our scalps.

Say, John, you won't have to haul on my scalp for any play like that.

He knew that it was the scalp of a white girl, and a sudden, shuddering horror seized him.

The tight hats generally worn by men check the circulation in the scalp.

They got somebody, or else they were only bluffing when they waved that scalp.

As the rain ceased, Indians were seen sliding down the cliff to scalp the wounded.

Mix and apply once a day, and rub well into the scalp.

What is the best way of keeping the hair and scalp healthy?

Half a score of Indians scrambled down the cliff and ran to secure the scalps of the dead.

Of the scalps of the enemy, he brought many.

They will never kill or scalp white men, nor attempt to do them harm.

My feelings welled up and I blew my scalp.

Murphy cropped the boy's hair close to his scalp.

"One more scalp ahead of us," was all he said, when he heard the report.

They had thought he could scalp himself at will.

She had a feeling that he might scalp her if he got tired of her.

"You poor thing, don't let the Indians scalp ye."

It did not pierce the cloth of his cap, and even the skin of the scalp is not broken.

I never before felt my scalp fit so uncomfortably to my head.

To be killed and scalped was the best fate I could expect.

Then I was a warrior, and many scalps have I taken on the eastern shores of the Sabine.

The boats were destroyed, and their keepers scalped.

Careful brushing of the hair, and rubbing of the skin of the scalp will, too, be of use.

He has seen scalps torn from men and women.

Explaining customs which followed the practice of scalping.

The scalps he had brought showed the number of slain on the other side.

One would think you had scalped one of these natives and put his hair on.

Our war shirts have many scalp locks on them.

They said the Sioux had taken some Chippewa scalps.

It is only a simple fracture, and the scalp wounds are slight.

A third received a scalp wound from the butt of the revolver.

I think they have reached the highest pitch in the fact that they do not scalp him!

They had captured a wolf between them, and had brought in his scalp for the bounty.

It would be better to endure the cold, than risk our scalps; so counselled they.

A few scalps would look well over the gate.

He does not care that he is dead and scalped.

We came here with the intention of scalping you all.

I took desperate chances to win that pot, and I was very lucky in not losing my scalp.

Apply every other night, rubbing into the scalp.

Wet the hair thoroughly through to the scalp, where the electrode is to be applied.

They took his scalp, threw the body into a ditch, covering it with a few leaves, and fled.

Then they rushed through and immediately commenced scalping without regard to age or sex.

Perhaps we should find Rochford killed and scalped.

On the top of this pole was the scalp.