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Use scalp in a sentence

Definition of scalp:

  • (noun) the skin that covers the top of the head
  • (verb) sell illegally, as on the black market
  • (verb) remove the scalp of; "The enemies were scalped"

Sentence Examples:

At this moment I felt blood trickling down my forehead, and hastily running my hand through my hair I discovered that I had received a scalp wound.

The babes were pierced with stakes, the grown folk were scalped and tortured, and by sunrise in that peaceful clearing there was nothing but blood-stained ashes.

He seized me by the hair, and I actually rejoiced, for I knew that the pain of scalping would make me oblivious of all else.

The third (mixed) gives the special sensation of taste on the front part of the tongue, and ordinary sensation on the inner side of the cheek, on the teeth, and also on the scalp in front of the ear.

He saw their scalp locks, the rifles in their hands, and their bare chests shining bronze in the glow.

There was little organization in the army of the Indians and of their white allies, which was giving itself up to the enjoyment of scalps and torture.

And they were constantly fed from the North with arms, ammunition, rewards for scalps, bounties, and great promises.

When your brother died, did he not kill his worst enemy and hang up his scalp at his grave?

The boys forced a loud laugh when they replied that there were no scalps taken by the enemy, but they could not deny that the list of the wounded was quite a long one.

"Well, I guess it was well he was able to take them in as he did, by setting fire to that old grass in the meadow, for if he had not done, so they would soon have had his scalp."

Then the near wheel struck my head, making a dirty little scalp wound, and pinned down my sleeve so that I couldn't pull away my arm, which is consequently barked all the way down.

He thought of the glad welcome of the people, if he should return with many scalps; and he thought also of two young sisters, whom he wanted to marry.

He told them how all the women had been killed, and how he had been pursued by two enemies, and had fought with them and killed them both, and he showed them the arrows and the horses and the scalps.

The whites took thirteen scalps, and of their own number, but four were seriously hurt; they also took many guns and much plunder.

A party of Hamilton's Indians returned from a successful scalping expedition against the frontier, and being ignorant of what had taken place, marched straight into the town.

The country is alive with them, and the government gives a bounty of fifteen dollars for every scalp taken.

He gave him a love of the woods, of a free life, of hunting and fishing, of making war with his enemies and taking scalps.

We might have lost our scalps under some circumstances, but we appeared to be fully the strangest party, and had no fear, for the Indian had no weapon about him, and we had both guns and knives.

I told them not only was it wrong to rob them of their food, but they could easily revenge themselves on us by shooting our cattle, or scalp us, by gathering a company of their own people together.

With the idea that he would return to the spring to scalp the dead Indians, he went directly toward the big oak tree.

At all events, the poor child's scalp was left to him, though the mark of the knife was plain.

A man named Johnson dropped a line to say that after applying the hair vigor to his scalp he had leaned his head against the back of a chair, and it had now been in that position two days.

All her hair was dragged from under the cap, and in no time all her hair was torn out and the whole of her scalp ripped clean off.

"From the reports Fordham has of your play the young men over in that town are certain that they're enough better to be able to bring your scalps into camp."

It was decreed that they should be killed with as little noise as possible; their scalps taken as trophies, and that their daughters should remain captives as before.

Bridger, I want you to tell me truly, don't you think it was awfully wicked to cut those scalps off those Indians' heads and then hang the dreadful, bloody things up on the wagons for us to look at?

Jim laughed and answered, "I thought this kind of business just suited you, Will, for you are a favorite with the girls, especially when you bring in scalps."

I had forgotten the scalps that Jim had hung up, but of course the sight of them hanging on the top of the wagons stopped them, but they did not stop longer than a few minutes.

I had just finished taking his scalp after taking his bonnet off when Jim Bridger and quite a crowd of the other men came running up to me.

Jim slapped me on the back and said, "That is the best shot you ever made, Will, for that bonnet and that scalp will protect this train from here to California without another shot being fired."

And if we had not been firm with the rest of those people the whole outfit would have been scalped, and then we would have had to bear the blame.

Jim replied, "If the Indians had got some of your scalps this afternoon you would have known something about it by this time."

However, he knew he must do something, so he plucked out a few hairs from the scalp and threw them into the ascending waves.

After a while he began to recover; large patches of hair fell from his scalp, leaving his head thickly covered with bald spots.

They cut their hair short except on the scalp, as is usual among the nations which they have sprung from.

He felt as proud of them as a young Indian would have been of an equal number of the scalps of his enemies.

The victory was complete, and Rose returned to the Crow village covered with glory, and bearing five Blackfoot scalps, to be erected as a trophy before his lodge.

Everybody has sore eyes, some have horribly diseased scalps, sores on face and body, and all the horrible array of acquired and hereditary diseases.

Four others were badly wounded, who, notwithstanding, made their escape; so that only nine fell into the bands of the savages, who scalped and stripped them, of course.

Though they slew and ate, they had none of the refinements of cruelty of the Romans, not even scalping enemies as did the Scythians, Visigoths, Franks, and Anglo-Saxons.

After the mourning for the dead was ended, the people had dances over the scalps that had been taken from the enemy, rejoicing over the victory.

No certificate now will be granted, unless the scalp of the animal is produced, which is then taken possession of by the magistrate.

The general health, as well as the scalp and hairs, must be examined carefully, particularly the latter, with the lens and microscope.

That or striking his head as he pitched forward; there's another slight wound, a scalp wound, showing where his head hit as he fell.

In the retreat two Indians were killed, and one of the pursuing soldiers, who had been a prisoner among the Indians and had learned the ways of savage warfare, scalped one of the fallen braves.

The individual who committed the murder, having scalped him, placed the body in a sitting posture in the canoe and suffered it to float down the stream, in which condition it was found by the Indians.

The Indians, however, kept the chase up, and Billy dashed up to the station to find that the stock-tender lay dead and scalped in front of his cabin and the stock had been driven off.

I understood now why he trained it back and plastered it down over his scalp, as he did; at a rough glance, you might have got the impression that the crown of his head was bald.

They twinkle in the morning light, and he leans downward in the window, innocently displaying the widening parting on his pink scalp.

One sad day he set forth with a war party, and they had a terrible battle, in which the Good Hunter was slain, and his enemies took away his scalp, leaving him lying dead in the forest.

The main command then moved on slowly, and had advanced but a few miles when they were overtaken by their friends, who came up with two scalps.

It appears they allowed the savages to scalp all the killed and most part of the wounded, as we found a great many scalps on the bushes.

In the excitement of the adventure he had forgotten all about the cut on his scalp, and felt quite chipper.

Already vast forces of Indians, flushed with victory and waving bloody scalps, were sweeping back across the ridges to attack in force.

They killed and scalped the settlers in the west, burned their log cabins, and carried off the women and children prisoners.

We were so deeply interested in the examination of a lot of scalps, quaint pottery, weapons of warfare, etc., that we paid no attention to her.

If you can see your way clear, Mac, to give me the king's scalp for a tobacco pouch, I'll be obliged.

I am authorized to offer, on the part of the enemy, an evacuation of the island, a mutual exchange of prisoners, and a restoration of scalps.

"A party of them fell on the settlement and killed and scalped the missionary and thirty of his Indians."

The two long scalp locks were twisted up into balls upon the crown of the head in the same way that the individual had worn them during life.

Well did they know by the rising of the morrow's sun the ammunition of the soldiers would be exhausted and then would come their feast of murder and scalps; Little Big Horn would be repeated.

The only trouble was, that among the lot, she had never had one scalp worth the wearing, for a real live beauty, who needed only a bit of luck to be at the top of the world.

Rub the roots of the hair frequently with the ends of your fingers, move the scalp in circular motion; this is to stimulate the scalp nerves and blood vessels and the glands and roots of the hair.

One of the men, Mullen, a notable shot, seemed to have been killed at the first fire, as he lay face downward, his hands gripping the wet soil, his scalp torn from the bare and bleeding skull.

Quebec offers a reward of twenty crowns for the scalp of every white man brought from the English settlements.

Gordon tossed the roll of bills onto the floor beside her; the injury seemed only a scalp wound, and the old man was already beginning to groan.

And yet there was something in the quality of that voice beyond my shoulder that brought the sweat stinging through the pores of my scalp even while I was in the act of turning.

All thought that both would surely die, but both got well; and the one who was scalped is now living at a station on the Union Pacific Railroad.

They lost one character over a rough bounce, and he went tail over scalp into the grass along the way.

It is so named because a party of soldiers from the garrison, in 1759, went there to fish, were surprised by the Indians, and nine were killed and scalped.

Ringworm on the scalp is hard to treat, and medical help should be secured, for, in spite of all that can be done, the disease often runs its course, leaving round bald spots over the head.

The old donkey might have done the thing better though, for the juice squeezed through, and the inside of my hat looks as if I had lately been scalped.

Before the savages part from the spot, the crowns of both show crimson, while the scalps stripped off appear as trophies on the points of two Apache spears.

Another very important point in the immediate prognosis was the primary union of the scalp wound; if this could only be ensured, few cases went wrong afterwards.

The victims were scalped as they fell, and when the bloody work was done, the cabins were set on fire and the bodies burned in the burning buildings.

I expected to lose my scalp after all, when you, my friends, came to my rescue, and here I am; rather battered, I own, but still able and willing to pull a trigger for our mutual defense.

Two of our scouts came hurrying in, the other two had, we feared, been surprised and scalped by our enemies.

I fled for my life, feeling sure that they would take my scalp, should I be overtaken, and that is all I know.

They were the heads of the enemies of the tribe taken in war, and were prized as much as the North American Indian does the scalps of his foes.

Their arrival at home, with prisoners and scalps, mostly of women and children, was an occasion of great honor, and Radisson came in for his full share.

They cut their hair short, except on the scalp, as is usual among the nations which they have sprung from.

I suppose he has gone away just now, for I saw he was in haste, to scalp your father, and your brother, and Bounding Bull, and all his tribe.

His scalp was torn almost off, and hung down over his eyes, while blood streamed down his face.

I fully expected the next moment to have my scalp taken off my head, and it was some satisfaction to find that it was allowed to remain on.

Their rage of vengeance towards the Sioux Indians appears to know no bounds; but the scalp of some poor solitary individuals among them will probably terminate the campaign.

It was a great war that was now going on, they said, and they had taken many white scalps, but they intimated that those they had taken were few in comparison with the number they would take.

Afterwards Bolshevik assassins or spies shot him in ambush and succeeded only in angering him, and he went into battle two days later with a bandage covering three wounds in his neck and scalp.

Next day we procured provisions, and a few days afterward a dozen scalps graced our triumphant return to the village of the Cross.

For some reason unknown to her, April felt the hair on her scalp stir as though a chill wind had blown through it.

In his agony, he grabbed his scalp and got away in the darkness as had his two more fortunate companions.

Blood was pouring persistently from a wound in the scalp, but with his knowledge of "first aid" Apple was able to stop this quickly by making pressure.

He played his part, too, like a man, for I saw him next day with thirteen scalps on his pole.

I have just left the hut, where, after showing me his scalps, old Natty told me of the escape of the ladies, as the thing to be mentioned last.

On the first visit of the proprietors to their new site, every one of them was murdered and scalped by the Indians.

He never permitted a captive to be tortured, and early gave up the practice of scalping the enemies he had slain.

The enemy were routed by the furious attack, and the Indians bore two scalps back to their camp in triumph.

They had every one been scalped by the Indians; and it was fearful to look upon them as they lay.

The dead wolf was examined with wonder, and they removed the scalp, in order to claim the State bounty.

Then she removed a white lace cap that was tied under her chin with ribbons; then she took off what I supposed to be a portion of her scalp, but now know was a 'false front.'

It lives mostly on the scalp and under the arm pits, but is frequently found on the other parts of the body.