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Definition of scarce:

  • (adjective) deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand;
  • (adjective) not enough; hard to find;
  • (adverb) by a small margin;

Sentence Examples:

We should have scarce anything to live upon, my child, to satisfy your philanthropy.

She, at least, can scarce hope to be happy, her disfigurement is so unfortunate.

He was poised at scarce three feet distance from the edge of the cliff!

Scarce a week has passed without skirmishing, in which we have been very fortunate.

Said I, scarce able to repress my laughter at the expression of his face.

In late July they were scarce, even at a roost with several hundred crows.

Look now at robin; you would scarce know he had been wet at all.

Yet since he entered into my door, I have had scarce a vexatious thought.

Ah, petrol's a bit scarce yet; but I hear we shall have more soon.

This scarce instrument is tastefully ornamented with painted flowers and fanciful designs.

Tins are fearfully scarce, as hundreds have been requisitioned for the defense of H.M.S.

The ground was dry and hard, and the vegetation scarce and stunted.

The skirmish had taken place scarce two miles from the country house.

Scarce were they afloat before a canoe darted out behind, then another and another.

The arable soil is so scarce that they cannot live in communities and survive.

Then went candlesticks and other brasses; scarce anything remaining in its place.

Cope replied absently, as a man answers to an interruption he has scarce heard.

Food grew more scarce and the usual two meals a day dwindled to one.

It was scarce a minute before the chasm gaped in their path yet again.

Scarce a house north of Grand Parade was habitable; all of them were deserted.

Scarce a stone is standing, and not a vestige of ornament or beauty remains.

If eggs be scarce, use one egg and half a teaspoonful of baking powder.

Preposterous as this suspense of Government was, it occasioned no disturbance, scarce a murmur.

Everywhere the soil was scanty, and the materials for gaining cover scarce.

The surface of the liquid is scarce more ruffled than that of a mirror.

The word was scarce out of his mouth; it broke in a hoarse spasm.

She had left it impulsively, she admitted, scarce knowing what she did.

Their heart wound, scarce closed as yet, opened afresh with a tragic rending.

Here Maggie used to come and sit and dream in any scarce half-hour of leisure.

The world can scarce furnish a parallel to this spectacle of moral sublimity.

Oaths and blasphemies fall from your lips, and you scarce know it yourselves.

Scarce a yard distant, stands an inner thatched wall, blank as the first.

Game was plenty, and very reasonable in price, except venison, which was scarce.

Laborers were scarce, and the few that could be obtained commanded high wages.

The beaver itself was becoming scarce, owing to their being so diligently hunted.

As horses were scarce, and the party large, our resourceful adjutant ordered mules.

Scarce a wind can blow that will not waft to you these voices.

From that they derive the secondary assumption that humanoid types will be scarce.

"Why, there will scarce be an occasion for fighting," the officer said, disdainfully.

Since game had become scarce the wolves had taken to hunting the lynxes.

"Yes, I have trapped thereabouts for months, but the beavers are scarce now."

Since the above events scarce a fortnight had elapsed; but such a change!

He always had salmon and berries when food became scarce and prices high.

Now we must quicken our pace, or we shall scarce get our poem before tea.

"I had scarce looked for such expediency," she remarked, without the least emotion.

An observer so acute as Cook could scarce have overlooked the appropriateness of the appellation.

It is a success which scarce any English poet, but Shakespeare has excelled.

For the name was scarce off his lips when a hubbub arose without.

Steve could scarce repress an exclamation as he saw and recognized the newcomer.

Scarce thirty English ships remained out of the fifty-four that commenced the fight.

Innately conservative, the Lady was scarce in touch with innovation of any sort.

Provisions, too, were becoming scarce, and the garrison was placed on half rations.

His clothes were in rags and his shoes scarce held to his feet.

Then the farmers organized a boycott against the towns, and food became scarce.

Scarce a picket in the stockade had been changed since that trying time.

She read it with swimming eyes which scarce could decipher the wavering lines.

This book being scarce, I have translated the chapter describing the stove, viz.

Meantime, if corn and forage were scarce, grapes and melons were, unfortunately, plenty.

In New England, men laborers are scarce, but women compete with each other.

This morning, when she should have made herself scarce, she'd sprawled about sleeping.

Impatient for the dusk, he could scarce await the waning of the afterglow.

Outside of the larger towns, scarce a spire points its finger towards heaven.

Then, when provisions became scarce, their rations, on the large plantations, were reduced.

In districts where chalk and limestone are absent, the yew is comparatively scarce.

In most parts of their range arctic hares are scarce and rarely encountered.

I was scarce sooner recovered from my indisposition than Amelia herself fell ill.

Cash was scarce and much of the trading was on a barter basis.

When slaves were scarce they engaged mercenaries to raid villages and capture them.

The chance of his actually hitting an iceberg was scarce one in a hundred.

It was scarce believable that she had ever seriously regarded him as a husband.

It was a pure piece of bravado, for the gun could scarce carry halfway.

They set a great value upon our money coinage, which with them was scarce.

A wild boar of the woods could scarce have shown his tusks more fiercely.

Scarce a morsel remained; and it seemed hopeless to attempt what I had conceived.

Truly, we scarce looked for so much honor as two visits in the twelvemonth.

Do you see yon rickety, tumble-down building, scarce big enough for a good-sized family?

Scarce an hour during the six days had he permitted to pass in idleness.

The wind had fallen until it was scarce above a moan in the shrouds.

Plowing was a major farm operation at the season when pellets were most scarce.

It is, therefore, scarce possible to draw a line of demarcation between the two.

"Money is scarce with me, but I can let you have a few shillings."

We had been there actually scarce six Weeks when our Levies were almost full.

Around him were gathered his princely Incas, scarce inferior in magnificence to their sovereign.

Travelers here are probably too scarce for grazing rules to be enforced against them.

Half an hour had scarce elapsed when we reached the end of our journey.

The tusks scarce project beyond the jaw, probably never beyond the lip.

What foolish birds are turtles when they have scarce a hole to roost in!

Scarce knowing where she went, she set off wearily across the heath.

The malevolent, on the contrary, can scarce be too tardy, too slow, or deliberate.

It was distressing, for it made their smile like that of crocodile ornaments, scarce.

Scarce a half hour elapses without a ship quitting or arriving at the wharves.

I am sure that he who profits not by opportunity scarce covets it enough.

On the reservation women had been scarce, most of them neurotic virgins, or old.

Labor here is scarce, and the men are unskilled at this kind of work.

Music, the midnight food of love, floated scarce heard through the tinted atmosphere.

Inquired Glenn, scarce able to repress a smile at the ridiculous posture of his man.

Beef here may not be eaten; it is abominable: Flesh and Fish is somewhat scarce.

The roads were bad, provisions scarce, the inhabitants of the country bitterly hostile.

The brigand bounded forward, with the young man scarce a pace behind him.

One year I all but starved to death, because caribou and other game was scarce.