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Use tab in a sentence

Definition of tab:

  • (noun) the bill in a restaurant
  • (noun) sensationalist journalism
  • (noun) the key on a typewriter or a word processor that causes a tabulation
  • (noun) a short strip of material attached to or projecting from something in order to facilitate opening or identifying or handling it
  • (noun) a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet
  • (verb) To affix with tabs; to label.

Sentence Examples:

At any rate he is the one the Chief is anxious to have you keep tabs on.

A tall, lean man in major's uniform with the blue tabs of the medical staff strode in.

The fact that he was not wearing red tabs only adds to the mystery.

And his grasp on my tabs become almost hysterical.

Hugh and Ralph kept tabs of every little thing that was done.

Keeping close tabs on the calendar and clock, induces the creepy feeling of old age.

I've been away and couldn't keep tab.

Which he gets us mighty near distracted; no one can keep a tab on him.

If Bryan had been elected, Humanity would have had a front seat an' a tab.

"Do you keep tab on her letters, Patty?"

Who was to keep tabs on how many passengers I took up?

I'll have them tabbed up and send you a statement, you send a check and that will end it.

Lately I've had a man keeping tabs on her.

I've put it in the hands of a private detective agency to keep tabs on him.

There may have been others, of course, but I had tab on most of them.

"No good to try to keep tabs on them," admitted Phil.

It is the resistance of spurs and red tabs to military innovations over again.

I believe I haven't got my before-dinner tabs.

The trooper took the two tabs and walked to the rear of the patrol car.

He handed the boy the license and registration tab, together with a copy of the citation.

The tab of Badger's shirt was there.

Sure, we figured they sent her because they want to keep tabs on what I discover.

"Back at you," said he; the others in the meanwhile keeping tab in their notebooks.

He's worried to death because you haven't painted the gold leaves on my red tab.

Isn't it dreadful to have to keep tabs on one's husband?

You do what you feel to be right and let the other fellow keep tabs on his own conscience.

She pulled the package tab and it opened up.

Keeping tab on what was going on out there had become a private little ritual of late.

"Do you keep tab on all of Patty's correspondents?"

He keeps tab on all Frank does these days.

And it spurred me on to keeping closer tab over his ways.

She isn't the only one who can keep tab on things.

A few engineers who keep tabs on everything, yes.

Security keeps tabs on everything I do.

If the thing you see or hear is worth keeping, write it down on the little tab.

I'll try and keep tabs of the boat, while you're gone.

Well, Ross has gone to pay the tab.

Moreover, the government keeps tabs on all radio people to see they obey the rules.

You can trust him to keep tabs on how things are moving.

They'd corrupted him in an effort to keep tabs on the progress we were making down here.

Rule out gas poisoning or allied concomitants; the suit tab shows white.

These will open in a separate window or tab.

I have kept tabs on the accounts this last week.

He indicated his collar tabs again.

He tapped the white tabs on his collar.

One was the way that she kept tab on brides.

Our friend the Inspector here will keep tab on you.

This crew was G.I. right down to the last seam tab on their uniforms.

And where anyone who wanted to could keep tabs on him pretty well, eh?

There is need that somewhere "tab" shall be kept on the whole rural social movement.

On each of his shoulder tabs he wore a Major General's two stars.

I'll keep tab and see if you sing forty verses.

She wanted to have a jacket with tabs and loose sleeves, just for comfort and coolness.

Gather information, make reports and keep tab on guys for other departments.

It's my business to keep tab on each man on the squad.

Cummings was keeping tabs on me with a vengeance.

The sun is my check as it is yours, and I'll keep constant tab on our position.

We never went out of sight of tabs on the whole of our trip.

"And what would be the financial tab?"

The nose was but a tab of flesh.

Someone reminds me in order to run a tab a credit card is needed.

There's no one to keep constant tab on men in isolated stations.

We're too ready to call a man insane, now there's the fashion of keeping tabs.

I've been keeping tabs on that Bug-eye, as they call him, since I come aboard.

Apparently the other guard was an officer, because he had tabs on his shoulder.

You fellows keep tabs till we get back; we'll be gone about five or six days.

Without thinking, he touched the tab on his arm.

Of course, those you designed were kept back by the radiation tabs you wear.

Kramer saw the record tabs moving furiously, the little white dots racing back and forth.

The pilot looked twice at the silver tab, finally nodded.

Then to change films for successive exposures, merely pull out successive tabs.

Box slides into an outer shell with a tab closure.

I could see the red tabs on their collars.

I kept tab on one of the new engineers for a week.

They wanted to keep tabs on a space project on an island in the Aegean.

I'll be keeping close tabs on her.

I aim to keep tab on the place for a while.

I found it placed carefully on the paper tab with the contents intact.

Don't you think you ought to keep tabs on him?

The waiter brought the bottles and glasses, and Poo-Bah signed the "tab."

Find the answer in the "Definitions and Notes" (below the References tab).

The link to Country Comparisons may be found under the References tab.

Scarlet tabs suit him.

An' so no one is interested, an' no one keeps tabs on Spencer an' the Donna Anna.

That's all right; I've been keeping tab, too, and I know what you're doing.

Don't you think these velvet tabs look awful swell?

"You keep tabs on the right, and I'll cover the left!"

"I wonder now, did Elmer really mean to keep tabs on what we were doing?"

What have you been doing all these days when I haven't been able to keep tab on you?

I'll throw in your supper, and dinner at midnight, and we won't keep any bar tab.

The bug was triggered by having the text of the article start with a space or tab.

Shall we keep tabs of the left side as before, Elmer?

And there he stayed by day as long as I kept tabs on him.

I ran for a mile, keeping tab on a cloud of dust.

He would no longer be able to keep tab on the organization.

Do you suppose I keep tabs on everyone that comes into this place?

Next day I was gently approached by many red tabs.

"I reckon we've got this old man tabbed wrong," he said.

He was on the staff with a nice red band on his cap, and tabs on his shoulders and spurs.

Asked Ben of an officer whose red tabs showed he belonged to the staff.