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Use tab in a sentence

Definition of tab:

  • (noun) the bill in a restaurant
  • (noun) sensationalist journalism
  • (noun) the key on a typewriter or a word processor that causes a tabulation
  • (noun) a short strip of material attached to or projecting from something in order to facilitate opening or identifying or handling it
  • (noun) a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet
  • (verb) To affix with tabs; to label.

Sentence Examples:

These laps or tabs set out rather stiffly and squarely over the full-gathered petticoats of the day.

They understand that we're keeping tabs of that hangar, with its precious contents.

You know the ranger wants us to keep tab on everything that's going on in our district.

Even the Staff has torn itself away from its arduous duties for the moment, as sundry red tabs testify.

The tabs and thunderbolts and stripes of his satellites glittered at a respectful distance only.

"Sure I will, if I learn anything positive, Thad," he merely said; "and in the meantime we'll keep tabs on Brother Lu's eccentric actions, hoping to catch him off his guard," and later on Thad realized that these last words were rather significant.

"Thank you for keeping tabs on the skipper."

Our other duties are to make out time checks for the men, to answer the correspondence in our province, to keep track of camp supplies, and to keep tab on shipments and the stock on hand and sawed each day.

Unfortunately, or otherwise, there is a little scattered information which makes us believe that Robert Browning's mother was not so fearful of her son's conduct, nor suspicious as to his breath, as to lie awake nights and keep tab on his hours.

In the homely parlance of the mines, these men agreed "to keep tabs for each other on the square."

I need a trusty man to oversee the laborers, and keep an eye and close tab on the workmen I send up from town.

The tabs are made of tape worked round with red button-hole stitch, with button-holes worked with red cotton.

Had James befriended him merely to be in a position to keep closer tab on anything he discovered?

When the last tab has been pulled out, the pack can be removed from the adapter in daylight.

Here the red tab patricians have to haul their own kits over the sand.

Even the shirt "tab" bore no initials; the watch-pocket of the trousers bore no name.

The latest attempt to fasten an English tab on the American game is noteworthy.

You know the kind of people who either lose the key to a sardine can or break off the tab and then gaze at it helpless!

The intent of such reporting is not to "keep tabs" on the school-teacher, the school child, the janitor, the principal, superintendent, or board, but to insure favorable conditions and to correct bad conditions.

She kept tab on it of the days as they passed, beginning with the first day of the probationary year.

I was keeping tab on you the day of the inquest.

In the gray motor was a General, with two Staff Officers, all decorated with red cap-bands and red tabs on their coats.

"Stay on, you old Barnacle," roared the Captain from the head of the procession, for though he could not see anything in the rear, still he seemed able to keep an instinctive tab on his old comrade Pete.

He pointed to a row of metal magnetic tabs clinging to the wall nearest the corridor that led to the airlock.

Judge keeps tab for him, there is no use trying to fudge.

It appeared that the women kept tab on one another's dresses, shirt-waists, shoes, ribbons, pins, earrings.

A very good sportsman of my acquaintance has tabs sewn on the curb-reins, which prevents them from slipping.

Running martingales require tabs on the reins, to prevent the rings getting fixed close to the mouth.

Jim tipped liberally, because his firm was what is known as "easy on the tabs."

He drew the suit up over the clothes he wore and closed the front with one pull of a metal tab.

Intuitive navigation allows to "turn" pages as easily as in a print book, to classify and search documents as easily as with a tab file folder, and to choose preferences for margins, paragraphs, font selection and character size.

Jack kept tabs on the state of the tide, and at its flood wanted several more feet under him than while it was at ebb.

The elastics were clean gone, and his feet would have come out at every step had not, luckily, the tabs remained.

Rod took extra precautions to dodge the main exit of the hotel at which they were quartered; if a spy waited there to keep tabs on their movements he meant the fellow should have his trouble for nothing.

I was to do the playing while he kept tab and told me what to do each whirl.

They kept tab on one another with apocalyptic fervor.

It was a sedan with a neat little drive-yourself tab on the right-hand door.

By actual tab I shooed two hundred and eight bears and a panther off into the mountains.

I never eat less than twelve waffles, and now that you have failed to keep tab I shall have to begin all over again.

There were usually a few on every door in college, but no one had ever so extensively advertised his movements as Michael, and to see these obstinate bits of tabs gave him a real pleasure, as if they assured him of his former existence here.

She curled her legs around, onto the floor, reached for a nitroglycerin tab, and slipped it under her tongue.

He tabbed over each, picked out a pair of Simpsons boxers, and hit return.

Was the rudder tab adjusted?

The Boers were dressed in khaki, having red cloth tabs with B.S.

Another moment and his scarlet tabs had ceased to brighten that glade of a French wood, that heart of a Welsh maid.

It is alleged that the lawyer in question has agents on Sixth Avenue keeping tab on the street walkers.

It is inspired from fax and tab file folders.

Sort of keep tabs on the contestants and see how they are getting on.

That individual had a paper tab in his hand all covered with notes, and looked eager and expectant.

It's all very well during the first years for them to keep tab on your development, but the trouble is most relatives never seem to know when you're developed, and have reached the point where a little privacy is your right.

The transparencies are made, cut down to the size and shape required and fitted in; then ground glass of the same size and shape is fitted, small brass tabs at the back being used to keep them in their places behind the transparency.

To close this a small tab of parchment was taken into the mouth, and moistened and affixed by the tongue.

It will be found that the 'tab' is now securely fastened for use, the string being applied to the side not seen.

The tab is not, therefore, to be recommended for the use of beginners.

They have an inner lining which fastens about the wrist with an elastic band and the collar buttons over with a tab.

The inside of his fingers was like leather, and he declared that tabs and guard only hampered him.

McGrath put us all to shame by appearing in a dress suit, the fine cut of which puzzled me not a little until, later in the evening when he had thrown it aside in my cabin, I noticed a tab with "Poole" upon it on the inside of the collar.

Teachers in the first three grades say that parents of foreign children do not grasp the idea very well, but that older brothers and sisters explain its workings, and attend to keeping tab on the reports of the little children.

Meadows ran back and forth from the watering tank to the fire carrying water while anxiously trying to keep tabs on both her husband and son to see that neither was gone too long, perhaps lost and overcome by the smoke.

The antechamber was filled with their luggage, plastered with endless hotel tabs.

The egg record is the up-to-date way of keeping tab on idlers.

He lapsed into a spell of silence after making that vicious remark; but from the way he glanced back again, and again it looked as though Perk meant to keep close tabs on the craft that was dogging their own ship so steadily.

Added to their daily routine of drill was hard work and plenty of it, not to mention the loss of all privileges, confinement to the company street, and the too-searching eyes of the top sergeant keeping tab on their movements.

We simply had to do this because it was so dark and the trail so narrow and rough that unless one kept very "close tabs" on his file leader it was a question of getting lost and going it alone and this none of us desired to do.

A movable tab is placed on the upper edge of the card, over the letter that indicates the class, and the card is filed.

To overcome the difficulty, a card with an alphabetical tab is used to good advantage.

This ledger sheet, with the adjustable tabs, insures attention to collections, regardless of the method of filing.

On that day all cards with tabs over this number are removed from the file, and, after the claims have received proper attention, the tabs are moved forward to the next follow-up date, and the cards returned to the file.

And so she was keeping tab on us, was she, with all her mean little eyes and ears, the dyed toad!

The strip of steel should not be pressed down between two tabs, and when bending or straightening out the instrument one should do so bit by bit, beginning at one end and continuing onwards from there.

The long pendent tab of the belt should be noticed.

Do they keep tabs on the comings and goings of you and me, pal!

"Rip off the tabs, sir, and get you some new linen, unmarked."

Clean, shaved and dressed in their uniforms, with the symbols of their ranks on the collars and shoulder tabs, the three sat comfortably in easy chairs, discussing plans and telling more fully what each had discovered.

The thug had wanted his identification tab.

Slip the tab through the strap opening and fasten point down with a button.

It has, unfortunately, been painted, the face a flesh color, the cap and gown red, the waistcoat and the tabs over the ears green; but it is undoubtedly a very early cast from the mold made from the actual head.

Therefore, it would seem obvious that the writing of the burlesque tab is not "writing" at all.

I had to put in a word for the old fellow, whose red tabs seemed suddenly to have grown dingy.

When an older man speaks you want to keep yore mouth shut an' yore ear tabs open.

It would be a cinch for this gang to keep tab on me, and a fat chance I'd have of getting anything on them.

Sally very speedily proved that she was neither mad nor drunk by revealing where all the stolen things had been disposed of, and stating that the tabs of the white shirts had been doctored by her own hands.

All cards pertaining to any one company are behind an index card bearing on its tab the designation of that company.

He had his share of false pride, but not so much that he wouldn't let a millionaire pick up the tab for a good meal.

A story is slugged when it is so named for convenience in keeping tab on it.

We put Finder equipment on this baby a long time ago, so we could keep tabs on it.

Sew two tabs on this cover, with which to lift the space adjuster out.

Every step they took was fetching them just that much closer to their goal; and while Wee Willie also kept tabs on their progress, not once did he find occasion to enter the slightest protest concerning the leadership of Elmer.

Easterly, however, was skilled at the sort of work he was now doing, and he readily kept tab on each piece of freight.

They are fastened in position behind the lamps by four small tabs.

I've heard Dan say a dry cow is a mean critter to keep tabs on.

The two other horsemen were the referees, one to accompany each hunter and keep tab on him.

Dragging out one of the drums, he jerked savagely at the opener tab.

A tab on one of his ears signifies a severe injury to that organ, an injury received in some previous match from an opposition boot-heel, or from a slide over the rough earth with half a dozen of the enemy seated upon him.

Gould, only to find that the millionaire was also keeping tab on his white hairs, and the two accounts tallied exactly.

My family keep darn close tab on what I spend.

Louis to keep especial tab on Grosvenor.

I made all Jimmy's button-holes and worked all the initials on the tabs.