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Use tantrum in a sentence

Definition of tantrum:

  • (noun) a display of bad temper;

Sentence Examples:

You make me sick with your tantrums!

"Not even as a child, having tantrums?"

"He is in a fine tantrum in there!"

The whole club's buzzing over your tantrums.

All these tantrums were based on suspicion.

Tantrums pass off, but life goes on.

Now are you well over your tantrum, sir?

A good night's sleep will cure your tantrum.

You need kindness when you are in a tantrum.

"Give her time to get over her tantrums."

I said the child was subject to tantrums.

Is she coming out of her tantrums, think?

I reckon it's only one of your usual tantrums.

"Did you ever know him to have a tantrum?"

You fly into a tantrum directly you are contradicted.

She has none of my moods and tantrums.

Why fly into such tantrums about such trifles!

Pet, or passion: madam was in her tantrums.

Behind all his tantrums there is usually calculation.

She takes them tantrums once or twice a day.

I'd give a good deal to see her in a tantrum.

It is the tantrum carried to its logical conclusion.

"What if we had allowed Faith in such tantrums!"

"Any more of your tantrums, and I'll kill you!"

In the meantime her tantrums and graces amused him.

"Because you never knew when she'd throw a tantrum."

My cue is to forget this little tantrum altogether.

Cried my aunt, now in one of her tantrums.

No, you've never seen her in a tantrum of course.

It actually throws tantrums if I fail to understand immediately.

There have been tantrums about it, I can tell you.

What do I care for your cousin and her tantrums?

I never ceased to love her in her maddest tantrums.

He was a gentleman, and genuinely afraid of female tantrums.

"You consider that unhappy children should not have tantrums?"

My horse never cut up such a tantrum before.

Most assuredly this was not one of Nell's tantrums.

Come now, we'll have no woman tantrums at this stage!

I'd take the tantrums out of her in short order.

When very young they say he used to have tantrums.

"I am not going to put up with such tantrums."

She'll be in a rare tantrum when she comes back.

He went into the most awful tantrums you ever saw.

"He'll have the tantrums before morning, I'm afraid," said one.

"I may be obliged to have a tantrum," said Colin regretfully.

That's like old times, when you used to have your tantrums!

"This is getting close to the tantrum stage," he said.

"Tantrums again, I suppose," said Ruth Harmon, shrugging her shoulders.

I cannot stand an emotional woman all tantrums and tears.

He declared he could not put up with her tantrums.

She has told me so again and again in her tantrums.'

Here she comes, in a tantrum by the look of her.

"Now you look here Miss Chicken, don't you start a tantrum!"

Your tantrums would wear the patience of a Job out at last.

Perhaps it was he who was responsible for Myra's tantrums.

I felt sure you would get over your tantrums sooner or later.

She was used to these tantrums, and to their inevitable ending.

She went once or twice into such a tantrum with me.

When she has one of her tantrums I lose my temper.

I've quite got over my tantrum, and I expect she has.

Mary V immediately had what her mother called a tantrum.

The brute was stirred into a fresh tantrum by the noise.

The husband inside heard the words, and flew into a tantrum.

Once she's in her tantrums, there's no saying what will happen.

It would be infinitely worse than poor Giles and his tantrums.

I won't permit any woman about me to indulge in such tantrums.

I've finished my tantrum and I want you to meet my group.

Better let 'er alone; she bites when she's in 'er tantrums.'

"It's Elizabeth, but I'm called that only when I have tantrums."

I've borne your tantrums as long as I can, and it's no use.

Little girls in tantrums are always amusing, but not always naughty.

If silence is ever golden, it is when a husband is in a tantrum.

Too bad Mary occasionally indulged in temper tantrums in the executive offices.

Fitch, you don't know Ma yet; she is in one of her tantrums.

She had felt quite shocked and upset by the girl's tantrums.

They all felt Kitty was due to take another tantrum any minute.

It had no more tantrums, but grew still and white and lonely.

Having been naughty, I'm sent to bed to sleep oft my tantrums.

He was too used to his lordship's tantrums to take much notice of them.

And then in a perfect tantrum she went on to tell me why!

When she gets tantrums into her head of course she'll write a letter.

And she's awfully nice, too, if she didn't have this tantrum about you.

"He'll be going too far in one of his tantrums one of these days."

"Columbine in a tantrum is one of the best sights I know," he remarked.

Her companions teased her about it, and called such symptoms "Laura's tantrums."

Well, I do wish her joy if ever he should get in a tantrum.

Those tantrums will all blow off when he gets himself into harness.

Celeste did not cry from fright; she was used to Granny's tantrums.

Kennedy's shirts, when old Hannah was in what he called her "tantrums."

Cut out these tantrums, Margaret; they're bad for the boy, you know.

And I heard further, what a tantrum the young mistress was in.

You know she doesn't mean what she says in those tantrums of hers.

I never heard of no divorce, only what you said about one in your tantrums.

Twice, in a tantrum, she had done this during their earlier married life.

If you don't want to kill your mother, you must keep out of your tantrums.

We have rather laid such tantrums to the original Adam who is in us all.

To-day Harold had been in tantrums over fate, life, his lack of success.

He could see the Jane Oglethorpe of the portrait in just such a tantrum.

She looked like a child, but the outburst was more than a mere tantrum.

You've been a big joy to me, and you bore my tantrums like a brick.