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Definition of tantrum:

  • (noun) a display of bad temper;

Sentence Examples:

Louis took no notice of her tantrums; he had begun to be rather interested in the stranger.

However, if he expected the Nippon killer to fly into a tantrum he was doomed to disappointment.

Kate always spoke of her father in his tantrums as Mister, as if he were a doubtful acquaintance.

Before they had gone very far, Amelia Anabelle had a tantrum which added greatly to the fun.

And a fine tantrum master's in over it, roaring out that I ought to have come a good hour ago.

Either she was sincerely sorry for her tantrum or she was bent upon utterly destroying my peace.

I have a confused memory of being often under punishment for what, in those days, were called "tantrums."

She'll get over these tantrums, I hope, before Sunday next, or I know where I'll wish her again.

The strength which Colin usually threw into his tantrums rushed through him now in a new way.

Don't get in a tantrum again, or you will cut off your nose next, and that won't grow again.

"You won't be in such a hurry to get home when you know the tantrum mother's in," he grinned.

Anger and irritation no longer found outlet in tantrums, but in sneering, terrible sarcasms, uttered in a cold voice.

My uncle shrugged his shoulders as if to say that it was useless to argue with a woman's tantrums.

It's a good deal now, and they're in a regular tantrum this week, and wouldn't even wait till Monday.

Such are among the interesting sights to be seen on deck when the wind is in her tantrums at sea.

Probably throw a tantrum the way she did when I slapped her for eating baby chicks, he thought.

No matter if I do get into a tantrum now and again; no one ever heard me whisper a word about that.

I'll not have her thrust back upon me to be the plague of my life with her whims and tantrums.

This is the first day he has withdrawn his prohibition, and Roy has been in his tantrums ever since.'

He only looked at me so sorry, so grieved like, that I came out of my tantrum, and kissed the place.

They sat down on the ledge, and Harry's keen eyes watched the tantrums of the balloon in the wind.

And me a drunken one that would beat me every day, and break up all the furniture in his tantrums.

Baron's mind had been diverted to more serious and alarming considerations than what he characterized mentally as "a girl's tantrum."

He had no intention of giving her the slightest cause to hope by offering her any sympathy in her tantrums.

Even her brothers and sisters, tired out by her tantrums, did not stand up for her as they ought.

I found father terribly anxious at my absence, and Aunt Hannah in what I call one of her fits of tantrums.

Don't you even hope you will be; able to think up no kind of tantrums to keep Tom Mayberry from being happy?

Mary's tears, Holland's tempers, and Norman's tantrums had many a time disappeared as if by magic, at those familiar words.

I say now, old cock, you'd much better be quiet I guess, for them sort of tantrums won't suit me.

Alice is in one of her tantrums, and she won't let me into our room nor give me my hat and jacket.

Nobody dares to say it to her face, because she gets into such tantrums. I think it makes her so interesting.

Then, if it is not from young Cross Hall, what has that lawyer said to put you into such a tantrum?

You'll have to fetch and carry, and put up with all the whims and tantrums of a very sick man.

Colin's tantrum had passed, and he was weak and worn out with crying and this perhaps made him feel gentle.

It seemed as if music just set them off into tantrums of delight because our great white-headed Vermonter had ever been born.

She had got used to his tantrums and bullying; and even this new game had not disturbed her very much.

He's old and faithful and used to your whims and surely after thirty years of service, he won't break into tantrums.

When Mistress Engelhardt was in her "tantrums," she went about for a week without addressing a friendly word to her husband.

I can't help that young woman's tantrums upstairs; so, if she puts you out of temper, you needn't come howling at me.

I would delight to see you in one of those tantrums of fury that you used to have when you and I were children together.

In other words, we ought to show by our attitude that the tantrums on the Hill are making no impression on us whatever.

He wondered what he had done, or rather what Alice could imagine he had done or said, to put her in such tantrums.

You need one who will not put up with your tantrums, who will be cheerful, and who will make a man of you.

It was not for a little dog possessed of common sense to indulge in tantrums, when such unknown joys were at stake.

If he breaks out in any of his tantrums before you leave, kindly tell the old lady what I am telling you, will you?

When he gets drunk an' goes into one of his tantrums she walks right up to him an' humors him like a child.

"They are spoiled children, all tantrums and vanity," he said, "and they would ruin you to keep a rival out of the theater."

Jacob, coming forward, whispered his master not to interfere; assuring him, he was but just got out of one of his tantrums.

On the whole, she is a very good child; but, of course, she has her tantrums sometimes just as other children have.

"And the only way to deal with a tantrum is to apply the flat of the hand to the round of the bottom."

She cannot deny that she has been up for three nights, and yet the mention of a nurse throws her into tantrums.

Hathaway, for sometimes the child was unbearable in her naughty tantrums, and it took all her nerve and strength to control her.

And here we begin to get a little excited and breathless; this is Avery in a tantrum, getting angrier and angrier every moment.

Not only was she quite free with other men and to the limit, but she often went into a real tantrum of jealousy.

The manifestations of displeasure could, one supposes, only have been written by one who was herself experienced in the ways of childish "tantrums".

They weathered the rage of these husbands with singular calm, very much as mothers cheerfully witness the tantrums of their growing children.

And Betty, in another tantrum, went to a lawyer and brought suit to take the control of her fortune out of her husband's hands.

Out on the hard country road, however, he ceased his tantrums and settled down to a long, even trot that was good to behold.

Of course, it would do her no real harm, if you could manage to keep her from getting wrought up and having one of her tantrums.

What he said to Molly no one heard; but the woman was banging at her brass things in a tantrum for three days afterwards.

Julia figured that the worst thing she could do right now would be to have a temper tantrum, but decided to throw one anyway.

They do say, sir, that they 'ad some words together the other day, and that the woman's took herself off in a tantrum.

Leave off this ghastly look, and all the rest of your tantrums, my lady, and try to act the courteous hostess for once.

When my wife comes to her senses, as she will in a minute, she will get over her tantrums and think better of it.

Says Hannah, partly because her father was there, and partly, too, in a tantrum because of the discovery, and the scratch on her face.

It was plainly a tantrum, such as he had observed in women, a case, pure and simple, of nerves; but Andrew McBain let it pass.

She had seen it the one time she had seriously gone into a tantrum in an effort to make him let her take a trip to earth.

Listen to what I've got to say, and don't try the shadow of a tantrum with me, for I won't have it for one moment.

"Well, you didn't run far," he murmured, "and if you don't get a tantrum, and gallop off when I come up, I'll soon have you."

Even his trainer had narrowly escaped a death blow from one of the animal's enormous paws when the brute was in one of its tantrums.

What is interesting is that these tantrums affect the entire state; where, to relieve your own tension, you have innocent men, women and children murdered.

She told herself she had had enough of his tantrums for one day: let them have the meal in peace and get off to bed.

Many a young mother has been seriously alarmed by the length of time her offspring in a tantrum is able to refrain from drawing its breath.

Here is uncle off on some mysterious business, Dave goes off in the snow in a tantrum, and you look as if you had just buried your last friend.

And then it's not her ugly passions only, but when she's in one of her tantrums, it's impossible to get any work out of her.

Craven had never made such a short stay after a "tantrum"; usually he was obliged to remain a very long time and do a great many things.

Beecher took Pond at his true value, regarded his wrath as a child's tantrum, and let him do most of the talking as well as the business.

Will you accompany me on your own feet, or will you make your initial appearance kicking those same feet, while I carry you down like a child in a tantrum?

I accepted her company without objection, and though there were occasional outbreaks of tantrums on both sides, we got on very well together for several years.

Stephen turned with a frown to Lizzie, now recovered from her tantrums and inwardly enjoying the sport, for the servants all hated the man.

He had often worked himself into a tantrum on the subject of money, but there was an aspect to his anger now that was new to her.

He is such a perfectly satisfactory brother that, since my earliest youth, I have always felt it best to flee to him when I feel a tantrum coming on.

"Now look here, Hannah," he said, "she gives herself tantrums enough; don't you begin, for two of you in one house would be a trifle more than is needed."

Her letters were generally taken up with reviewing, with her kind, gentle humor, the tantrums of her father, who appeared to be growing more explosive than ever.

He knew all the club had been through, in putting up with Hester's tantrums, and he thought it only fair that they should be relieved of this troublesome member.

Dyke in a moment was smiling, like a child who in the midst of fearful tantrums is soothed by a magic word from the lips of governess or nursemaid.

When I mention leaving the valley he flies into a tantrum; he has taken me so much for granted that he has even picked out the site for my house.

She's tried every way she can to get Elsa and me into trouble, and when she finds she can't manage it, she's in a worse tantrum than ever.

This evening I'll fetch another nice gentleman here; and if you cut up any of your tantrums with him, I'll bundle you out into the street this very night.

And, had they but known it, Primrose's sounding tantrums held as much possibility of danger, compared with Loveday's rage, as holds the crash compared with the flash.

The river of difference between them dried in the warm sun of her forgiveness, and she sobbed on his shoulder with the exhaustion of a child after a tantrum.

The valet then took his turn; and repeated, after his hour of service, that "Old Nick" in his tantrums had been more like the Prince of Darkness than ever.

In his tantrums he had no more regard for the dignity of his chief lieutenants, themselves rich men and middle-aged or old, than he had for his office boys.

Only once in a while they get into tantrums and break loose and make every one scatter; for a river is one of the quickest fellows at a run you ever saw.

It is needless to say that he has not been given, since that time, any occasion for the development of another tantrum, and accordingly he remained free from psychotic manifestations.

He had, in so many words, recognized the fact that when he got into a tantrum of nerves she could bring him out of it as no one else had ever done.

And Alan returned the compliment with interest, declaring that he would "rather have Poll in one of her tantrums than the rest of them with all their best manners."

Her mother may have been weak in discipline, but now that Mary V was spoiled to the extent of having tantrums, she proved herself a sensible, level-headed sort of woman.

For a moment he lay still and then once more he struck himself on the head, and drawing up his legs kicked them out angrily, like a naughty child in a tantrum.

Only that you have been in such a tantrum about it, and would have made such a noise this afternoon if I had not brought it, I might have had it for fifteen or twenty.