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Use underlie in a sentence

Definition of underlie:

  • (verb) be or form the base for
  • (verb) lie underneath

Sentence Examples:

The principle that underlies these instances is obvious.

Eleanor's instinct was based on an "underlying principle."

A certain element of truth underlies this contention.

Get hold of the underlying motive, you know.

There was an underlying astonishment in Peggy's apology.

The things they do underlie all great expression.

Third, the underlying causes of labor management disputes.

The law of contradiction underlies all negative propositions.

He understands the underlying psychology of the gospels.

The emblem of a flock underlies the word.

To the laws of course which underlie the phenomena.

There is a deep scientific reason underlying the statement.

There is a deal of truth underlying that sentence.

There was some trick or motive underlying it all.

I saw there was some deep motive underlying them.

They agree as to the underlying principle of action.

There is a deep, beautiful meaning underlying this idea.

Destruction due to the nature of the underlying rocks.

This is the principle that underlies all law.

The reality that underlies the metaphor is plain.

This underlying community of purpose warms my heart.

Yet the underlying principle was the same everywhere.

For underlying that information was a deep-laid scheme.

An underlying sadness is to be felt in Aurelius's writings.

The look was respectful, despite its underlying passion.

One who seeks first truths; the underlying principles.

Nevertheless, the key element is the underlying structure.

Everywhere common underlying religious needs and tendencies appear.

This principle underlies the successful treatment of consumption.

Yes, she knew the underlying rock too well.

This is the physical process that underlies attention.

Conscience is the principle underlying my moral convictions.

Some idea or necessity must underlie so singular a custom.

The underlying meaning of the part was sacrificed.

Can any principles be found underlying such judgments?

There are, however, general principles underlying the confusion.

Birth is the essential fact underlying all experience.

What underlies all this fascination of the past?

Its underlying principle must be unity, not opposition.

Unconsciously, their vital, underlying essence escaped into activity.

Even in the towns the underlying likeness is strong.

What truth of life underlies this error of doctrine?

An underlying tendency can be discerned in well-organized knowledge.

The anatomical study of this underlying structure is economics.

Every employment of life springs from an underlying desire.

Faulty nutrition is a major underlying factor in constipation.

This mental attitude must underlie proper control of speed.

The spiritual principles which underlie this allegory are obvious.

A spacious and well-drained cellar underlies the whole house.

There was a consciousness of union underlying these differences.

It was like the hue which underlies old ivory.

The underlying current is one and the same throughout.

Still, there was justice underlying this superficial ignorance.

The principles underlying plant, animal, and human breeding.

The underlying structure is as essential here as in portrait.

Now she understood the significance underlying his words.

There is a good deal of philosophy underlying that remark.

What was the mystery underlying his hurried visit?

No doubt there is a sexual motive underlying this fact.

Morality represents the principles underlying this great change.

Their conversation hid completely the sentiments underlying it.

One cannot be quite sure of the underlying thought here.

Such was the conception underlying the Rule of 1223.

They lay there in the vaults, like underlying granite.

There were excellent reasons underlying much of the practice.

The underlying brick of rubbish has not been represented.

And what really underlies the making of a record?

The underlying principle may be put in two ways.

The principles of classical art underlie the modern structure.

This underlies and is essential to the simplest prayer.

Perhaps the jury scented an underlying distrust in this.

This is the theory that underlies all humanitarian work.

The great forces underlying society are steadily at work.

Somehow, he sensed a frightful fraud underlying this mystery.

These sciences underlie the whole development of scientific history.

The image of the chase underlies the whole description.

There is a great fundamental truth underlying this statement.

Underlying the sacrifice is the profound significance of blood.

Life's diversities have underlying them identity of soul's wants.

Underlying all other results are those upon woman herself.

What is the permanent religious truth underlying this representation?

That was not the underlying cause of his sadness.

They underlie all the surface, but at different depths.

Doubtless it signifies underlying social evils vast and perilous.

There is an eternal law which underlies this principle.

Whatever it was, his manner had an underlying nervousness.

Let us briefly consider the underlying principles at work.

The idea of myself underlies all my mental states.

There was an underlying touch of scorn in his voice.

Perhaps it underlies many of those we have already described.

Underlying all true poetry there is a philosophy of life.

He had a motive underlying, and the motive was this.

The underlying causes of this crisis have been already described.

It is the theme underlying the development of our nation.

One of the underlying difficulties was the ambition of Portugal.

The underlying causes of this situation are complicated but discernible.

The underlying economic institutions of society can indeed be changed.

These deep-seated lakes of lava must therefore underlie large areas.

Ora's underlying desire for a sensation would have been satisfied.

The underlying social and ethical problems are of real importance.