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Use underlie in a sentence

Definition of underlie:

  • (verb) be or form the base for
  • (verb) lie underneath

Sentence Examples:

Then they are carefully analyzed, and an effort is made to find some of the laws which underlie them.

Though they quarrelled and disagreed on innumerable things, deep down, underlying all, there was a permanent unity.

That same idea of equality which, as we have seen, underlies all other science, underlies also morals and sociology.

One of the underlying forces that the world knew must at some time be felt was of racial origin.

Still, the mere addition of a reasoning mind, would in no way alter the nature of the underlying motive.

A knowledge of the principles underlying speech construction is therefore of great value to him, even if not essential.

My friends, too, welcomed me warmly, though I somehow fancied there seemed to be some underlying restraint upon them.

There is an underlying economic principle which the man who goes out to choose a farm should clearly understand.

The rod, which was six feet long, was easily passed its full length into the underlying snow.

A full appreciation of the religious and moral aim underlying the practical instruction of the entire scheme of training.

These abuses underlie the popular call for municipal ownership of water works, lighting plants and street railways.

Alan, forcing himself to touch the swollen face, shuddered at thought of the truth underlying that accusation.

The course of the thought and the course of experience that underlies it have been preparing for the change.

From the particular he deduces the general, from the facts he perceives the principles which underlie them.

This is not to deny the invisible reality of spiritual unity which underlies the external visible unity.

The principles which underlie our whole political system are not respected; they do not seem to be even comprehended.

The same general laws which have governed the rise of sculpture, underlie the evolution of all forms of art.

I do not make this reply, however; I merely note that a strong sentiment must underlie a strong prejudice.

I hardly need to remind you that the tendencies I have been discussing are the primitive and underlying ones.

What inhuman hypocrisy, what hateful depth of malice against his successor must underlie these sinister nocturnal labors.

This notion, as we have seen, underlies the mathematical definition of magnitude as what can be increased or diminished.

Has my face character, something which makes it not only beautiful, but which portrays the underlying personality?

The theory which underlies such speculation assumes a reading of the country's history which cannot be ignored.

He must look again and again before the underlying conception stands out clearly through the mass of unfamiliar detail.

Other causes may appear on the surface, but underlying these, in one form or another is this primal cause.

And, after all, is it quite so certain that a genetic relation may not underlie the classification of minerals?

The North does not, and never did, understand the strength of this underlying principle of Southern manhood.

What truth there may be underlying this theory will, I think, be best explained upon a different hypothesis.

It is evident that plans can not be detailed, but only some principles underlying the methods be suggested.

Napoleon did not heed their silly stories of shooting exploits, though he knew the underlying purpose of them.

In some lines a fine sense of color values must underlie good work, in others the ability to draw easily.

Somehow, by virtue of the sinister skeleton of facts underlying the velvet of his logic, it rang true.

You must adopt the methods of the reporter and find out the facts underlying your argument or appeal.

The underlying, essential element of success in business affairs is to follow the established laws of high-class dealing.

The stream is then forced to cut its way according to the positions of the various underlying strata.

The commercial notion is not perhaps quite so distinct here, but the underlying legal relationship is sufficiently marked.

And now at last he grasped the underlying meaning of her vague hints and obscure figures of speech.

So, too, a similar system must underlie the method of teaching the ordinary lessons at the school desk.

You may reduce matter chemically to the invisible or underlying substance, but beyond this you can not cut?

The passion of man for woman has been the underlying cause of all history in its phenomenal aspects.

There is a deep philosophical and physiological principle underlying this, and it applies particularly to the vocal student.

That glance, the order she read in the Controller's eyes, made Luisa suspect a mystery underlying all this.

Underlying it all in Rupert's mind was the sense of guilt for having committed so desperate a crime.

The conception of an operation to be carried out on some object or set of objects underlies all mathematical science.

His most useful contribution to the cause of reform was the characteristic theory which underlies all he wrote.

The living Mind that underlies the phenomena of the universe began to be conceived under a new light.

Our word "ended," too, is scarcely an equivalent of the original word, whose underlying idea is that of fullness, completion.

We have no desire to raise a controversy over the assumption which underlies the last statement in the above extract.

And yet nothing is of more present-day importance in this law than the principles which underlie these regulations.

It cannot be too strongly stated that the underlying thought and the interest are really one, after all.

The infection begins as a surface inflammation and gradually penetrates more or less deeply into the underlying tissues.

This is obviously the principle which underlies the provisions of the statutes of his foundation of Merton College.

Some emotional and mental problems are produced by underlying physical conditions, many of which can be treated effectively.

In most places the digging did not penetrate to what may have been the underlying and earlier remains.

Hence, in our labors of redeeming the waste places, a strong spiritual vein underlies the outward temporal covering.

Habit and custom were strong against a ventilation of his refusal and of the real reasons underlying it.

They did not use the actual words, but the idea underlying them is the essence of their system.

He knew that there was some deep, underlying motive for the strange behavior of his host and hostess.

According to that philosophy, there is nothing in the universe but an Omnipotent Power, which underlies all manifestations.

Ideological issues were involved, naturally, but the underlying cause of the Great Wars was the struggle for power.

The fault has not been in the underlying principles of the maritime law but in legislation and interpretation.

Bearing this general fact about forms in mind, we may investigate the kinds of form that underlie Song.

It will be noticed that two or three great principles underlie all the reforms for which we ask.

Merely to accept existing methods without analyzing them to determine their results, is to overlook their underlying purpose.

His eyes were kind, but there was in them a curious underlying gleam that she could not understand.

In every instance a monotonous uniformity of appearance prevails from the top of the mound into the underlying gravel.

As the boy grew to manhood, the deep underlying cause of this difference perhaps became clearer to his mind.

There may have been something deeply underlying this policy; for Secretary Benjamin was clear-sighted, shrewd and well-informed.

An effort was made in 1852 to revive it, and again the underlying principle of compulsion was explicitly recognized.

A deep, intelligent religious faith may be said to underlie all the institutions of New England, political and social.

This underlies all other considerations, and it applies to the mail, the passenger, and the freight services.

There are principles, too, that underlie the whole series of the arts, principles of truth and life and beauty.

That same idea of equality, which, as we have seen, underlies all other science, underlies also morals and sociology.

This intention seems to underlie the use which the Malagasy make of the children of living parents in ritual.

They underlie and lap about one inch, and have walls, the same material as the foundation, for lower supports.

Let it be our purpose to reveal what admirable substance underlies appearances not always seductive to the casual glance.

The record is made by burning the upper gray layer and thus exposing the underlying dark layer.

Underlying his air of frank intelligence was something else that Ralph had not so far been able to understand.

More essential, however, than the distinctive terms we are to use is the distinction of method which underlies them.

They consist of prayers and sacred songs, explanations of ceremonies, directions for medical treatment, and underlying theories.

We do want to find out just why Gates took it, and a significant story may underlie his reason.

We can find no more substantial foundation remaining to it than that which underlies any other myth or tradition.

There was no great underlying community of interests between the clever young journalist and his banking companion.

It is supposed to be the underlying reality of all national life and the real seat of all public religious emotion.

Certainly an underlying motive was an anxious effort to promote trade by a succession of "dinners, concerts, and balls."

That curious, shrewd, underlying instinct, common to all ages, which takes shape in proverbs recognized this long ago.

What is mainly needed is analysis at once of his omissions and of the underlying assumptions of what he wrote.

Then both started as though the underlying significance of the question and answer had suddenly dawned upon them.

Its growth has been the slow work of centuries, but the great principles underlying it have never changed.

For indeed this is the object of our creation and the sole purpose underlying every virtuous deed we may perform.

The regular fluctuations about a mean according to the rule of probability is often attributed to some law underlying variability.

It is now engaged in discovering the unseen causes which underlie the objective effects we notice in the physical world.

Our ancient hopes, our courageous faith, our underlying good humor and love of fair play will triumph in the end.

I thought that her eyes with that flat, underlying curve of shadow were as if tears were native to them.

Friday was still grasping at its underlying meanings as they again filed down the short straight outside corridor.

That being the case, we assume the right to question its processes, its underlying policies, and its results.

Some idea of the amount of coal underlying this area will be gathered from the table on the next page.

Many of the houses are built of blue limestone, which is found underlying one of the terraces in great quantities.

His cunning, his satisfaction, and a certain triumph underlying all, affected Frank like the hiss of a serpent.

The relation of the general to the special is the clear and typical category underlying all other categories.