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Use unduly in a sentence

Definition of unduly:

  • (adverb) to an undue degree; "she was unduly pessimistic about her future"

Sentence Examples:

I saw she was unduly thoughtful.

The rest wouldn't be unduly difficult.

Our horses did not suffer unduly.

Lincoln had already been unduly patient.

The dialogue was not prolonged unduly.

Try not to alarm yourself unduly.

They must not be unduly worried.

Her patience was not unduly tried.

Both views are of course unduly severe.

His absence seemed to be unduly prolonged.

I haven't meant to encourage him unduly.

No, Hilda was not unduly disturbed.

Not that she was unduly extravagant.

Perhaps she was becoming unduly sensitive.

Her sadness was not unduly prolonged.

Perhaps luck had unduly favored me.

As it happened, Barlow was unduly pessimistic.

Her tone impressed him as unduly mysterious.

They have been always and unduly considered.

A fervent sun may unduly tan you.

I don't think I was unduly frightened.

Yet he had not seemed unduly worried.

Our recreations should not be unduly expensive.

Surely you are excited and unduly alarmed.

This is not an unduly pessimistic picture.

I have prolonged this chapter perhaps unduly.

The Guard as usual was unduly favored.

There's no point in unduly complicating relationships.

I do not wish to hurry you unduly.

We have been unduly conservative in recognizing this.

I'm sure you're unduly pessimistic about your career.

Still, imprisonment seems an unduly harsh alternative.

It's the effect of curiosity unduly prolonged.

Which I don't think upset her unduly.

Nor had the work wearied her unduly.

Their looks and manners were unduly aggressive.

Thomas relaxed a little, but not unduly.

Perhaps the good woman was unduly worried.

Then she seemed unduly thoughtful and apprehensive.

The Ambassador thought I was unduly disturbed.

Nor was I unduly sorry for them.

These judgments are perhaps not unduly severe.

However, our Smith was not unduly alarmed.

We feel that the Professor is unduly pessimistic.

The house may be unduly expensive to maintain.

I have dwelt unduly on the redeeming side.

I did not wish to hurry you unduly.

Don't be unduly exercised over such a trifle.

I thought he was unfair and unduly severe.

It was not unduly large, to be sure.

"I would not hurry you unduly," he continued.

Lyon bias your feelings unduly in his favor?

For he is unduly prejudiced in my favor.

She wondered if he had been drinking unduly.

Does he bear down unduly upon poor imperfect humanity?

She was confused, but not unduly so.

Nor was the stage driver unduly pessimistic.

We must of course beware of being unduly optimistic.

The remark did not unduly surprise me.

I do not wish to interfere in it unduly.

He is inclined sometimes to fear his fate unduly.

He also read an unduly large selection of collects.

"You think he was unduly influenced by him?"

There were bushes, which were not unduly lush.

Would it not be putting herself unduly forward?

I did not wish to inflict myself unduly.

Still, Fred was not unduly curious about it.

Could his sense of hearing be unduly awakened?

I was not unduly vain nor unduly humble.

I'm afraid that he unduly admires my stuff.

It was not that Eugenia was unduly modest.

He believed that his promotion was unduly slow.

Parents are generally unduly alarmed about their infants.

He began to think he had been unduly scared.

It is the name for some unduly stimulating compound.

At the same time he thought Crooks unduly pessimistic.

It must have been given an unduly running fall.

I would not unduly praise the virtue of restraint.

Actually, from your agitation you might be unduly interested.

"Of course I may be unduly suspicious," said he.

The lad decided that he was unduly suspicious.

"People say he's unduly interested in Nan Brent."

This mistake was unduly favorable to the saint.

In this I thought some of us were unduly sensitive.

His accent seemed unduly broadened for the occasion.

Whoever they were, they were not unduly rough.

She prized them as trophies, but not unduly.

Belly had unduly taken fees from his recruits.

Yet I felt that he had pressed me unduly.

I would not however be unduly severe towards others.

My dear child, you must not blame me unduly.

I didn't unduly hurry, but I lost no time.

I do not wish to press this argument unduly.

He began to perceive that she was unduly excited.

Invalids should not be unduly persuaded to take food.

Bridge afterward till an unduly late hour for Mexico.

You must find us unduly Devoted to cynical wit.

Unduly optimistic reports of this sort are easily explained.

I shall not urge you unduly, but rather wait.

Many causes combined to make this war unduly long.