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Use unduly in a sentence

Definition of unduly:

  • (adverb) to an undue degree; "she was unduly pessimistic about her future"

Sentence Examples:

Yet this error must not be unduly magnified.

This afternoon I fear that I have been unduly loquacious.

I must not indeed hope to trespass on it unduly.

The speculation no doubt unduly depressed the price.

Yet why should any of us feel unduly conceited?

Thirdly, the aberrations of genius are often unduly magnified.

Was he becoming unduly credulous in his old age?

That is, it wasn't because he was unduly belligerent?

Chromatic aberration is the fault of showing colors unduly.

Paul was not unduly solicitous about his personal reputation.

The performances of an inconsiderable few were unduly conspicuous.

Fagging was allowed but was not unduly practiced.

Its significance was unduly magnified by both sides.

Coarse foods, stimulants and laxatives unduly excite the bowels.

If so, it was unduly entitled with his name.

Yet there is nothing unduly sensational about this work.

They were exultant, but they were not boasting unduly.

Reason may be inconsiderate, vain, haughty, mutinous, unduly skeptical.

Her love made her afraid of being unduly indulgent, indeed.

The ceremony must not be lengthened unduly, however interesting.

Its morality has been greatly, and, perhaps, unduly extolled.

The rent was unduly high, the drainage system poor.

Nor why the gent's lower lip is unduly swelled.

"And you insinuate that they have glorified my state unduly?"

The mass becomes unduly sanguine or weakly surrenders to panic.

He neither extolled himself nor gave way unduly to others.

To bring out any syllable unduly is to caricature the word.

Our elaborate sanitary code makes us unduly contemptuous of the Gentile.

That which he had unduly scorned, he now unduly exalted.

I chided myself for thinking John had been unduly agitated.

Now the little prosaic vague speeches disturbed her quite unduly.

Exalting our own candidate, I would not unduly disparage another.

How could I explain the situation, without unduly startling her?

I wondered if to tell Miss Emily would unduly agitate her.

They may make a man unduly sensitive, or fearful, or pugnacious.

He has been unduly praised, and he has been unduly disparaged.

All the excitement unduly engendered in Grenville's system rapidly subsided.

Such a degree of self-consciousness is certain to make her unduly apprehensive.

"I cannot tell, I don't think he was unduly agitated, however."

A comely maid, if unduly ambitious, and warm, to boot, of temper.

Recently the value of the book has, I think, been unduly depreciated.

The house in question was large, and in her opinion, unduly pretentious.

All this activity must be encouraged, never unduly repressed or destroyed.

I have no wish to be unduly hard upon the indiscretions of Youth.

The business of flogging was not, on the whole, unduly hurried.

They respected Bradley's physique too much to push him unduly, however.

These two Sisters appear to me to be unduly observant of one another.

He is not carried away by success nor unduly depressed by failure.

Unduly to deplore this is, I suppose, a form of intellectual snobbery.

Still there were fine degrees, and he felt a little unduly snubbed.

Erotic sentiment has perhaps unduly occupied the imaginative art of the past.

He knew that an unduly suspicious nature is as bad as a gullible one.

My bang on the head, no doubt, had made me unduly impressionable.

In such a view the facts are unduly simplified and strangely distorted.

Never forward, or unduly hilarious, she charmed everyone by her demure gaiety.

An indefinable suggestion of haste sat on a progress not unduly hurried.

In one particular case the watchers appeared almost unduly excited, shouting "four!"

Unduly desirous of keeping that which many meritorious persons wish to obtain.

Pouncing quite rashly, stole (though unduly, violently wailing) Xerxes's young zebra.

His virtues were minimized and his shortcomings exaggerated and unduly paraded.

Neither divinely tall nor unduly slender, her figure was neatness exemplified.

Warlike speeches were made, and the public mind was unduly excited.

Francis for his self-denial or unduly chide him for his chastity.

Beware of contravening their nature's law, of taxing unduly their nature's strength.

William discovered her deception rapidly, and it seemed to annoy him unduly.

The night ferries keep the town unduly awake, but they energize it.

There is no fear that we shall thereby make the child unduly disobedient.

His eyes were glittering restlessly, and the pupils seemed to be unduly dilated.

Her green plume appeared to be unduly agitated as she searched its columns.

I shall not leave until he returns, provided he is not unduly detained.

He will not be puffed up by success, or unduly depressed by failure.

My only care was that Sir Timothy should not be unduly agitated.

Wealth, unduly centralized, endangers the efficient workings of the machinery of government.

Nora had buried two husbands without being unduly depressed by the fact.

These for the great guns had, he has recorded, been unduly stinted.

Perhaps I was getting unduly exalted when she let me down thus.

The local reporter made himself unduly active within the ensuing thirty minutes.

Was there something unduly solid in that purple shadow in the crevice?

That was chaff, of course, but I never cut corners unduly fine.

Representations have been made against this course whenever its adoption has appeared unduly onerous.

And a jealous or unduly suspicious wife might prove a serious handicap to future success.

In the past we have unduly exaggerated the importance of the conscious intellect.

His lips were fevered, his tongue unduly large and as dry as parchment.

Pain should not depress us unduly, nor pleasure lure us into forgetfulness and sloth.

He contrived to elicit speculations without giving an intimation of unduly valuing the answer.

I clambered aboard, not much the worse, and not very unduly excited.

These statements I considered unduly harsh, yet admitted her almost miraculously negative.

He did see, however, that it was unwise to excite the old gentleman unduly.

Carlyle may have led him to magnify unduly the importance of domestic disagreements.

Several times he had been found unduly under the influence of apricot brandy.

I submit these recommendations suggestively, and without any desire unduly to press them.

Possibly the hilarious state of his mind unduly affected his usually sedate body.

We must not, however, unduly narrow the sense of truth and of truthfulness.

His delineation of Abyssinia, though unduly spread over a wide area, is indeed wonderfully correct.

Rollins, I thought, was rather unduly enthusiastic about his share of the booty.

Frankly, my estimate of women has always been high, and possibly unduly exalted.

He was never unduly silent, but he was a better listener than talker.

His voice had been so far, if not conciliatory, at least not unduly elevated.

All contributions thus unduly levied shall be returned to those who have paid them.

The above outline of a withdrawal presupposes that hostile pressure is not unduly severe.