Sentence Examples:
They would lend to certain sectors of the economy, regardless of their financial viability.
No harmful influence on those characteristics affecting the viability of the organism has been discovered.
Seeds retain their viability or germ developing power, a given number of years and are then useless.
Testing the viability of seeds is a simple and easy matter and very advisable if there is any doubt.
No difference in the viability or the energy of its members in various parts of the continent can be noted.
Many opinions relative to the longest and shortest period of pregnancy, associated with viability of the issue, have been expressed by authors on medical jurisprudence.
To restore economic viability, Georgia must establish domestic peace and must maintain economic ties to the other former Soviet republics while developing new links to the West.
At the same time it was becoming more apparent that poor viability is no necessary attribute of a character, but depends very largely on the condition of culture.
A time-and-cost study conducted during the last three months of this project confirmed the economic viability of digital scanning, and these findings will be discussed here.
With reference to these problems certain conditions appear fixed and become the statement of the world by which we must determine by experimental test the viability of our hypotheses.
The full complement of the ship, eventually, came down in launches, and lived in them, hopelessly, while they learned that their viability had indeed been completely lost in space.
This deficiency is due in part to viability but more to a failure to recognize all the bow-winged individuals, so that some of them were classified among the not-bow or straight wings.
Inflammation, a series of processes manifested after injury by a tissue which still retains its viability, is modified by another important factor usually neglected; namely, the state of the host.
With this instrument a single organism is picked out under the microscope and isolated in a drop of culture medium and observed until it is seen to divide, thus proving its viability.
Ordinarily these altered organs are sterile, but in some instances a very small quantity of seed is produced, and when testing their viability I succeeded in raising a few plants from them.