Use viability in a sentence
Sentence Examples:
The small, brown, ovoid seeds retain their viability about three years.
It does not detract from but adds to the general viability of the organism.
We are told that each of these things may affect the viability of their possessors.
When the child dies after viability but before term the cause is most commonly syphilis.
If the viability of each mutant type could be determined in relation to the viability of the normal, "coefficients of viability" could serve as corrections in working with the various mutant characters.
The child has about one chance in two of going on to viability, owing to the tendency to abortion, if no operation is done; but the mother loses her chance for life if the operation is not done at once, as the cancer will spread beyond cure.
Handling of eggs in removing them from nests to incubation dishes, after embryonic development had begun, might have been responsible for reduced viability.
Owing to the excellent viability and the perfect sharpness of separation, white was extensively used in linkage experiments, especially with miniature and yellow.
With reference also to the question of the "viability" and longevity of hybrids, mulattoes, etc., science protests against the fallacy which the new pro-slavery apostles advocate.
There were simple charts showing exactly, in terms of time, how the virus worked, killing the poppy within forty-eight hours, and even destroying the viability of any seeds that might be ripening.
He adds that from the physical point of view, the pure white is weaker than the dark races, worse prepared for the combat of life, with inferior viability; but in the white this is more than compensated by the development of the nervous system and intellectual power.