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Use vindictive in a sentence

Definition of vindictive:

  • (adjective) disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge;
  • (adjective) showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt

Sentence Examples:

He dug up a small stone, and flung it with vindictive force at the face of the cliff.

Neither was William of a vindictive disposition.

He has been encouraging my father in measures which I cannot call anything but vindictive.

Was this vindictive friar at the last moment to stand between him and freedom?

People talk of its awful teeth and its vindictive eye.

They are angry and vindictive movements.

Jewel asked, with a vindictive gasp.

The more I talked, the more vindictive he became.

"Ask John," said the vindictive mate.

"They'll never do it to another man," declared Jack, with vindictive relish.

A vindictive smile lights up her features.

The vindictive bark of a pistol.

Exclaimed Rachel, in a vindictive voice for which she was apologizing in the next breath.

"I see that you are vindictive," she answered graciously, putting her little hand in mine.

Bella's tone was emphatic, almost vindictive.

Said the child, slashing away at his drawing with bold vindictive strokes.

It was my evidence which convicted him, and I can see, I know, that he is vindictive.

It's curious that you should credit me with such a vindictive temperament.

Vindictive satisfaction sounded in Tessa's voice.

Ended Tommy with vindictive triumph.

A vindictive old villain like that will do anything.

We know how heartless he is, how vindictive, how horribly cruel.'

Captain Carpenter of the Vindictive called for support from the Brigadier.

At this moment the Brigadier was rubbing close to the Vindictive.

Never in all his life had he been so cruelly wounded, and never had he felt so vindictive.

She was remarkable for her beauty, but her temper was proud and vindictive.

I want to say to you very frankly that I do not feel vindictive about it.

Am I never to shake off that vindictive, terrible woman?'

Jealousy had long formed a vindictive element in their breasts.

And you never used to be vindictive.

He was not of a vindictive nature.

Yet, as the space widened between them, each felt a more vindictive anger for the other.

The man turned, his vindictive face growing radiant.

The thin and vindictive are usually without a real sense of humor.

His face was fierce and vindictive as the second was "drawn blank."

"At that time bitter and vindictive?"

The man turned sharply round with an expression of vindictive malice in his fox-like face.

If he had said "him" I could have been less vindictive.

Not so the other; he is secret, cautious, cowardly, and consequently doubly vindictive.

The eye of the other was dark, significant, vindictive, and terrible.

If you are inclined to be vindictive, when you hear all, please ring the bell for me.

This vindictive person has abused me ever since, in the most shameful manner.

"I think he is more vindictive than he used to be," observed Sam.

The Vindictive heads for the Mole.

Vindictive steamed over it and on.

A hail of lead falls upon the Vindictive.

The order is given to abandon ship and the Vindictive sinks in the channel.

This man Hooper is not my father, but he is vindictive and cruel and dangerous.

"Yet you can still assure me that you are not vindictive."

Duffel might return at any moment, and, in vindictive fury, bring about her ruin or death.

It is said that vindictive feeling rather than tender mercy has been noticed.

He knew his mother to be incapable of a cruel or vindictive action.

"It is odd that she should be so vindictive," he said, wearily.

The man's caution and his vindictive desire for vengeance were at war.

He knew that the vindictive temper had lost nothing of its violence.

The Circular aimed to make Chase the Vindictive candidate.

The shrewd old Senators who were silently marshaling the Vindictive forces, let it alone.

Cried Annie, a vindictive flash in her dark eyes.

They consequently regarded his memory with a vindictive hatred.

You said a while ago that I was vindictive; I'll show you that I am not.

It was madness, vindictive madness and fell anger.

Your uncle was a peculiarly vindictive man.

Della had really felt vindictive toward Lawler on that last day in the line cabin.

It seemed to her that she must do something vindictive.

I shouldn't have thought he was vindictive.

The latter was especially vindictive.

The question now was no longer to be treated with reason, but by vindictive feelings.

Towards those, however, whom he did not love he could be vindictive.

No wonder Butler was so vindictive.

Hissed the vindictive old man.

Then I gave a vindictive kick at the offending ensemble.

Don't you think he would make her kind instead of vindictive if he had the power?

What passionate, vindictive tears she had shed at the remembrance of them.

You are entirely at the mercy of vindictive servants.

That was vindictive; that was foolish for a man.

If so, why did she not speak before, and why is she so vindictive?

It does not become the frail and sinful to be vindictive toward even the worst criminals.

I'm merely advising you not to make the fight vindictive.

My, what a vindictive old Turk that Bush must have been!

"I wonder if that's a challenge to my vindictive disposition?"

Fannie Baldwin acted well the part of the haughty and vindictive mother.

The punishments were cruel and vindictive.

Elizabeth, it is true, was vindictive, arbitrary, and cruel.

It succeeded better later, on May 9, when the battered Vindictive was sunk in the channel.

For a minute she paused, and then, with a rather vindictive look on her face, turned back.

He had a heavy face with a big jaw, thin lips, and a vindictive expression.

Why should she seem singled out by a vindictive fate and separated from her companions?

The clerk, being of an unusually vindictive disposition, followed the matter up.

An island full of bitter and vindictive savages, and a handful of men to meet them.

Not vindictive, he is just hopeless.

He was not particularly vindictive, but he remembered it.

I was in the power of my vindictive enemy.

They can do no more, and I wish you could get over this vindictive feeling.

It wore the vindictive scowl of death.

There was no longer a look of anxiety on his face, but a dark vindictive frown.

You appear to be very vindictive lately, yet you did not suffer as some others suffered.

Who is the man who seems to be so extraordinary vindictive toward me in this affair?

Asked the prior, darting a vindictive glance at me.

"He is the most vindictive creature I ever saw."

When he once conceives a dislike, his feelings become even vindictive.