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Definition of vindictive:

  • (adjective) disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge;
  • (adjective) showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt

Sentence Examples:

A storming party of volunteers, sailors and marines, was landed under extreme difficulties from the cruiser Vindictive.

I thought men could not be barbarians, or even a jealous or vindictive race, who were charmed with such simple melody of sounds, and with sentiments so pure and true to nature.

Then came an overwhelming stream of persons, all of whom had received some severe and well-remembered injury at the hands of the malicious and vindictive Mandarin.

As an evidence of how vindictive justice was at this time, the poor girl was arrested by the sheriff on the following day, in the name of the King and Queen, on a charge of witchcraft.

She had also too much curiosity; dangerous experiences were an attraction to her, and with all this she was rather dry, but emotional, vindictive and high-tempered.

They are more vindictive than brave, more superstitious than devout, firmly attached to their ancient customs, and wholly averse to every kind of innovation.

A bloody and vindictive war, which had been commenced in defeat and disgrace, was about to end in triumph.

Say, it is heartless, vindictive vengeance, if you will; but call it not by the sacred name of law.

Of course, I don't want to defend this Holbrook; I only want to awaken your senses to the absurdity of any vindictive pursuit of the man.

I think that from some cause, the surgeon felt vindictive toward him, and that his subordinates took their cue from him.

Rather than he should do so, I would have him look upon me as a creature utterly unworthy of his concern; at least of his vindictive concern.

Prosper must be a more vindictive man than I take him to be in regard to sermons if he will hold out after that.

The truth, however, was never fully brought to light; and that justice which the vindictive lady expected was denied her.

In Linda Riggs, daughter of the rich and influential railroad president, Nan had an especially vindictive enemy.

She was a good-natured woman enough, and by nature she was not vindictive; but she could not help being jealous, for she was in love.

It is very probable, however, that the practice may have had its origin in those vindictive feelings which mix, to so remarkable a degree, in all the enmities and wars of these savages.

I'm not vindictive, but they ought to be brought to book for running down a man and then speeding off and leaving him like that.

And over the doomed village a frightful uproar rose and swelled, the vindictive shouts of thousands, devoting to destruction a few hundred brave men, resolute to die.

Still the farmer was a vindictive man, and he determined to have punished, if possible, the guilty person.

This surprised me; and being conscious, even at my age, of the vindictive temper shown by my mother upon every occasion, and anxious to know where my father was, I could not remain in bed.

He had maintained his vindictive purpose against his eldest son, and had applied to a stranger for the professional assistance which I honestly believe he was ashamed to ask for at my hands.

"I at least resolved that I would so compromise you that no one else would ever marry you," was the malicious retort, as the woman turned her vindictive glance from her to Ray.

I don't think I'm naturally vindictive, but when I see a man beating a horse I find myself wishing I was strong enough to snatch the whip from him and lay it well about his own shoulders.

Speed was increased to full and the course of both vessels altered so that, allowing for cross tide, the Vindictive would make good a closing course of forty-five degrees to the Mole.

The Vindictive purposely withheld her fire to avoid being discovered, but almost at the moment of her emerging from the smoke the enemy opened fire.

During the interval the Vindictive could not be got close enough for the special Mole anchors to hook, and it was a very trying period.

The blocking ships and the Vindictive were especially prepared for their work long before the start.

This speech has often been cited to prove that James was not so vindictive as he had been called by his enemies.

So, being a vindictive young animal, I declared to the mob what I conceived to be the truth.

He could not have looked any more vindictive than he looked already, but he positively trembled with anger.

It outraged the sense of propriety in the more moderate citizens, and roused to vindictive fury the worst passions of the self-indulgent and the worldly.

Jennet dealt her mother a bitterly vindictive look, but she neither uttered cry, nor made remark.

Clarke was a man of strong will, without much mind, brave, and vindictive, and nursed the most intense hatred of Crawford constantly in his heart.

Then recovered herself, caught his eyes, and fixed them with her bold, steady gaze, smiled a vindictive, deadly smile, and so passed with stately steps to her place on the witness stand.

Both were deeply roused, and, though not reckless alike, Munro was a man quite as decisive in character as his companion was ferocious and vindictive.

The vindictive wretch, too cowardly to face her again, had taken his revenge upon the harmless little dog.

It was making him sick at heart, and it made him in secret doubly vindictive and bitter against the man he had doomed to years of suffering.

I make a point of never arguing with a fellow like that, but I think I had a vindictive longing, as I looked at him, to shut him up with the Major for a month, and see what would happen.

And Sara would answer with a poor, vindictive satisfaction, "There's nothing in my head to play with!"

The letter, however, is vindictive: in spite of its intimate revelations Oscar took care that his indictment should be made public.

From this time forward, the Jacobins were never able to count on him, not even when they rebuilt the Vindictive Coalition a year and a half later.

The leaders of the new Vindictive group were much the same as the leaders of the earlier group.

If he had been a Vindictive, this would have borne fruit in ferocious telegrams to his generals to strike and spare not.

The meter is rapid and stinging, like the words of the vindictive queen as she hurries her treacherous victim into the hands of the assassins.

Despite her vindictive agitation, her purposeful venom, she seemed already partially bound by a cloud of sleep.

I inferred as much, from the vindictive energy with which you thrust it into the fire, and bored it with the end of the poker.

The squire is a vindictive man, and he is landlord of your house; and if he came to know that you had knowingly taken in his granddaughter, there was no saying how he might have viewed it.

The blue eyes glowed out from under a massive brow, and a mouth cruel and vindictive set firm-jawed over decayed teeth.

Then, again, when I swear I will find him she shows a delight that you might describe as savage, almost vindictive.

The yacht or tug that would receive us on board would also put us on shore, where the vindictive Aldrich would have us at his mercy.

There was still a way of escape left, a glimpse of which had been given to her as she listened to her cousin's vindictive utterances.

No one can entertain so vindictive a hatred of his fellow-creature as to wish to paint him in the costume in which I am now addressing you.

This is especially noticeable among the latter, as their eyes usually bulge out and give them a somewhat wild and even vindictive air.

She spat in his face and called him all outrageous names that came to her vindictive tongue.

It did not seem possible to him that Percy Pierson could have modified his vindictive nature to this degree.

Then he thought with a vindictive satisfaction how bitterly the brute would feel the loss of liquors consequent upon the loss of his income.

A vindictive satisfaction and delight forced the blood through his veins a little faster, for, judging from the appearance of the buildings, misfortune must have descended upon his father.

And it cannot be denied that the conduct of ministers towards Wilkes assumed rather the aspect of vindictive persecution than that of strict justice.

In a flash she slipped from her place on the arm of the chair and stood before me transformed into a flaming incarnation of vindictive rage.

Sometimes they excited remorse, and sometimes triumph; in the latter case she felt that she could not have been so justly vindictive in cold blood.

"I don't know whether you will or not," said Turner to himself, as he shot a vindictive glance at the colonel's retreating figure.

He was a man of large size, handsome figure, resolute in his purposes, and vindictive in his enmities.

Commander Brock, who was killed during the action, planned the smoke screen and carried it out so successfully that the Vindictive was able to get almost to the mole before being discovered.

Exclaimed Miss Pennington, with a vindictive look at the moving picture operator, who had left his camera when the scene was broken up.

The son was of a gentle and affectionate nature, and sighed for the tenderness of his harsh and almost vindictive parent.

It was more like a hideous nightmare than a piece of actual life, those fierce tiger faces swarming around, that roar of vindictive anger, that frightful crushing, that hail storm of savage blows!

Agnes flushed an angry red, gave Connie a vindictive look, but did not dare to utter another word.

His face was set on the road ahead of him, and his profile, she thought, though not definitely vindictive in expression, was hard as stone.

When the men were fairly seated, and the reins gathered up for prompt departure, the smaller man turned suddenly and threw a large stone, with vindictive energy and deadly aim.

Hutton did not look at Morgan as he passed with low word from man to man, sowing the poison of his vindictive hate against this man who had compelled him to be honest once against his bent.

Rachel's character, though not quite so harshly defined, possessed too much of the vindictive nature of the mother.

Slobbered Weeks, half crying, in a savage, vindictive voice, and rushing at me as soon as he rose up.

It was upon the hunters alone that its eyes were fixed; and towards them its vindictive designs were now specially directed.

They were quite dead, and in a fit of vindictive rage Green flew at the innocent author of the mischief.

That vindictive enemy was close behind, and he had struck at him twice with his keen weapon.

We had a severe struggle with them before we had them all secured; scowling and vindictive glances enough they cast on us when we had them fast.

I said this with no vindictive feeling, or with any idea of excusing myself; but I was asked a question, and without considering what might be the result I answered it.

You may say that the Tories on that occasion judged ill, that they were blinded by vindictive passion, that if they had foreseen all that followed they might have acted differently.

That unpleasant savage had never forgiven Lumley, and, being exceedingly vindictive, had resolved to murder him!

We all turned fiercely on the cause of this second dangerous interruption, but a sight of the poor fellow's pale and frightened face withheld our vindictive tongues.

Yet while thus stern and vindictive toward those who through negligence or malice wronged the soldiers of the army, no one could be more tender in dealing with the sick and wounded.

Don Caesar arose with a vindictive glance at Paul, and pulled a chair before the table, as the latter placed pen, ink, and paper before him.

Atonement is then promised, and the offering made, while the sick person on recovery notes the deity in question as one of a vindictive temper, whose worship must on no account be neglected.

The mere thought of feeling under an obligation to arm myself filled me with such vindictive passions that I protest as I sat alone waiting for him.

The latter, who form nearly two-thirds of the population of the earth, are generally of the same character, and the vindictive character of the former is notorious.

He ignored this altogether, and I now merely mention the incident to show that he was vindictive from the very first.

Unable to restrain her vindictive satisfaction, she started up and pointed with her finger, and nodded at Annie.

The gleaming knitting needles seemed to Marcia like so many swarming, vindictive bees, menacing her peace of mind.

I opened my eyes at length, and the first object on which they rested was the vindictive countenance of Owen, as he gazed at me.

It was a very cold day, and sleet was beginning to fall, and the smoking chimney had a vindictive way of smoking more than ever, but the young woman wrote on rapidly, as though for bare life.

Ham was quick-tempered, and I hoped he would get over the vindictive feelings which he manifested towards me.

Like a flash the softened smile fled from her face, leaving only cold, vindictive defiance pictured there.

He had no sympathy for Phineas Babbitt's vindictive hatred of all those more fortunate than he or who opposed him, or for his silly and selfish ideas concerning the war.

The little man was the incarnation of spite and envy and vindictive bitterness, but Jed was sorry for him, just as he would have been sorry for a mosquito which had bitten him.

If a person is suddenly attacked by angry bees, no matter how numerous or vindictive they may be, not the slightest attempt should ever be made to act on the offensive.

Strange to say, the Vindictive and her auxiliaries, after lying more than an hour in this dangerous position, succeeded in taking aboard all survivors from the landing party and getting safely away.

If, however, the terms of peace are to be vindictive, we shall in turn be in the wrong, and the new Germany may have better cause than the old to hate us.

Our stay here was marked in red by the most vindictive attack from mosquitos in all the cruise.

Ida would not now claim that she was innocent of blame, but events had seemed so unfortunate of late, that she was half ready to think that some vindictive hand was shaping them.

In fact, the boy had been unable to discover any difference between an instructive and a vindictive whipping.