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Use vintage in a sentence

Definition of vintage:

  • (noun) a season's yield of wine from a vineyard
  • (noun) the oldness of wines

Sentence Examples:

Vintage season.

Mixed Vintages.

This is vintage Oliver.

Says it's questionable vintage.

All those fine vintages!

It was a good vintage.

They were a later vintage.

Wine of the finest vintage!

Autumn is the season of vintages.

You must favor vintage jelly!

That was an odd vintage!

Isn't this a jolly vintage?'

These vintage tubs of blood!

It was vintage San Francisco.

One word more about the vintage.

"Then drink to a good vintage!"

The vintage had already commenced.

The vintage had hardly begun.

A fine day for the vintage.

A generous vintage brings out generous sentiments.

"It must have been a rare vintage."

It must be an extra fine vintage.

We all do it at vintage time.

Wasting vintage wines on him, indeed.

Farewell baskets, the vintage is ended.

He was the soul of vintage festivals.

Last year's vintage was an absolute failure!

You are foolish; it is an excellent vintage.

A pretty vintage ye have in this house.

It is vintage time with you, I perceive.

The waiter scowls like vintage Ben Casey.

At last harvest and vintage were over.

Everywhere around the vintage is going on.

Wine was very dear until the vintage.

You shall try a good vintage of both.

He is not a lover of old vintages.

For we would have more of his vintage.

At last the vintage time came round again.

The vintage promised to be a bad one.

It was the time of the vintage again.

And now for a very interesting vintage.

And then we want to see the vintage.

Over all hung an atmosphere of vintage wines.

We began to chat about vintages and tobacco.

It was Scotch whiskey of a pre-war vintage.

It was the joyous music of the vintage!

What year and what vintage do you prefer?

Disraeli been publicly charged with errors of vintage.

We meet in September, during the vintage season.

The vintage is come; the olive is ripe.

Hop-picking here is as joyous a time as our vintage.

Her harvest and her vintage had failed.

The champagne was vintage and extra sec.

One basket of grapes does not make a vintage.

Wines of some vintages do not keep at all.

All the vintage parties greeted Suzanne enthusiastically.

For never had he tasted vintage like this.

On this footing things remained until the vintage.

And yet that is called a first-rate vintage!

Every look made a vintage in the doctor's heart.

He has a thorough knowledge of all our vintages.

Why, are you going to marry before the vintage?

"This year is yielding a bitter vintage," he said.

It is of the vintage of the early 'seventies.

It was a medium-sized piece of Revolutionary War vintage.

Borrow drank his as one enjoying a rare vintage.

However, in different ways, the vintage attracted everybody.

All Tuscany had been busy with the vintage.

And thus the vintage went on till nightfall.

The vintage of those years was long remembered.

The first act opens with a vintage festival.

Why was the vintage more than commonly rich?

Don't spoil my fine vintage port with tobacco.

Your judgment of a vintage leaves something to be desired.

That's as far's our education has ever gone in vintages.

It was in September, not long before the vintage.

The vintage would not be over for a week.

He tasted the vintage, and made a wry face.

For the present, he has voted away your vintage.

Whereby men make a vintage of their hearts etc.

It was an ordinary type building of ancient vintage.

It flows clear and yellow like a prime vintage.

His entire vintage seemed to be overflowing on the highway.

Bring forth the vintage from the deepest vault.

I make no excuse for not offering you vintage port.

The genial influence of the generous vintage soon became apparent.

It is of the vintage of 1793, an old Burgundy.

In the fruit and vintage time it is about double.

Yet he must celebrate the vintage of purple Palestine!

High up the slopes hung vintages of purple grapes.

They were from home, probably engaged in the vintage.

It is a pity, for it is of most rare vintage.

Cloud at which the choice vintages excited their appetites.

On tasting the vintage Quetzalcoatl was overcome with sleep.

His ideas are none of them later than that vintage.

"I like the vintage of the last century at least."

The vintage of 1820 was a remarkable one in Portugal.

She does not feel quite satisfied about the vintage yet.

"I knew not that Roman soil produced so vile vintage!"

And he was riding a bicycle of an ancient vintage!