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Use vintage in a sentence

Definition of vintage:

  • (noun) a season's yield of wine from a vineyard
  • (noun) the oldness of wines

Sentence Examples:

It had been a goodly vintage.

Vintage Eva, ladling on the flattery.

Oh, mellow memories of ripe old vintages!

It was a fierce and heady vintage.

It is not every vintage that bears exportation.

However, the supreme mountain scouts were of American vintage.

The headwaiter approached bearing another magnum of vintage wine.

Twin bottles of vintage wine abreast rider and horse.

I am no wine drinker, and am no judge of vintages.

I also have two cartons of milk of a superior vintage.

What right had I to liqueur chocolates of 1912 vintage?

There corks are drawn, and the red vintage flows.

Rack vintage, wine cleansed and drawn from the lees.

"That's a vintage for you," said the short gendarme approvingly.

A chronicle of ripe vintages must pass lightly over small beer.

It had none of the gaiety and bright associations of the vintage.

They passed, even now, the popular festival of a belated vintage.

Pregnancy does not save her from the plow or the vintage.

Pasteur the term be admitted, are the vintage of garnered facts.

I suppose the vintage is of the year of the great comet?

They are of the first vintage, sparkling, rich, and very palatable.

Since we are like to have a good vintage, and misers hang themselves.

Rich vintages are gathered on the crumbling lava of the quiescent volcano.

She held out a pair of mittens, vintage of 1812, to Kate, appealingly.

A Vine was luxuriant in the time of vintage with leaves and grapes.

Wines of the rarest and most precious vintages stood on the sideboard.

The autumnal festival celebrated the gathering in of the vintage and fruits.

And a glass of vintage port, after champagne, has a mellowing effect.

The room was done in vivid color, not of the old vintage beige.

A bumper of such a vintage is a good reward for so much talking.

Don't let that antique vintage of 1875 annoy her with his attentions.

A long tramp, and perhaps the superlative vintage, had made him sleepy.

Mysterious vintage that flows from the lips as from a stainless chalice!

Beakers of mission vintages are drained in honor of the brave and fair.

They both grew somewhat excited as the mellow vintage warmed their fancies.

Mysterious vintage that flows from lips that meet as from a stainless chalice!

The air went tingling to heart and head like a wine of an immortal vintage.

It happened as the frog foretold; and the vineyard produced a rich vintage.

We had cotton khaki tunics unadorned, and of a vintage ten years old.

In the vintage scene, the art of the immortal workman is minutely described.

The mask slipped, and his answer was pure, vitriolic, undiluted, vintage Randy.

The maid-servant brought glasses and a bottle of wine of the vintage of 1819.

He knows to a plank how many casks are needed if the vintage is good.

The vintage is wholly trodden, and from my wounds there oozes only water.

Solo girls with hardcover sketch books and vintage clothes home-tailored to a nice fit.

The cuisine cannot be surpassed, and the wines are of the most celebrated vintage.

I do not see how the gatherers for the vintage ever get off enough.

We had a vintage champagne, and afterwards a cigar of the club's special importation.

What is the explanation of the foaming of the must in the vintage cask?

Have I not my dowry, and are we not to be married after the vintage?

The titles slipped over his tongue like the last drops of some inestimable oily vintage.

He lived at a distance and expected as rent a certain portion of the vintage.

A period of early vintages corresponds to one of comparatively scanty rains and high temperatures.

He drank a glass of Chianti with the air of a connoisseur tasting some rare vintage.

His nature is like wine of a good vintage: time cannot sour, but only mellows him.

The mountains were of the colors of the vintage, purple and topaz and red.

We are not quite satisfied with either face or figure of the maiden in the "Roman Vintage."

No sooner is your ocean filled, than he grumbles that it might have been of better vintage.

The vintage was over; the shrunken russet fibers alone clung to their ugly stick.

At mine ease, without being trampled in yon crowd as one treads grapes in the vintage.

That is an old style revolver, you see, vintage of 1880 or thereabouts, I should say.

In the vintage season the best grapes sell for less than a farthing a pound.

And at all times Little Doc is full of vintage bromides and figures of speech.

An indifferent vintage, however, necessitates the admixture of a larger proportion of the older growth.

To know the vintage and quality of a wine one need not drink the whole cask.

I have some of 1808, the year before that rascal, Napoleon, mixed all the vintages together.

A crude initial of ancient vintage and an illustration simulating an old woodcut added decorative interest.

Then he called at a wine merchant's and bought three bottles of claret of a moderate vintage.

This rugged model, of an almost forgotten vintage, was short and stubby and wide winged.

During the same period, however, there will generally be one or two other tolerably good vintages.

He was entirely absorbed in his vintage and in the rebukes he hurled at his peasants.

The empty hearse passed, grinding in low, bobbing and shaking on antique springs, a vintage Mercedes.

It will be well to remember that champagnes are now known to connoisseurs by their vintage.

A voice said, dryly, "Your companion doesn't seem to be a connoisseur of the French vintages, captain."

There was a very fine cellar of wine, which included some magnums of port of rare vintage.

He drank the wine, which was a sweet and drowsy vintage from the Lotus Island.

She was celebrating the vintage feast in the gardens she had wickedly gained for herself.

Urbanity ushers in water that needs no apology, and gives a zest to the worst vintage.

Built-in cupboards, a bed, a wallpaper design of vintage cars running across one side of the room.

This does not hurt the young vintage, but it is highly injurious to wine of some years' standing.

The fruit begins to ripen in July, and in the next month the vintage takes place.

Joel cried, making an almost imperceptible sign to Simon that meant the substitution of a stronger vintage.

They who are clean need no stimulants, except that one contained within the vintage of life's experience.

Vintage warmth elicited nothing more than a few guarded hints at possible craft in acquisition of untold wealth.

He flavored again the heady and effervescent vintage of strong action, of crowded happenings and poignant emotions.

From time to time they held some rare vintage aloft, squinting through the crystal-imprisoned crimson with deep content.

I may as well state right here that we neither heard our national anthem nor drank the vintage.

That night at the club he silently toasted Kate's bright eyes in a bumper of the rarest vintage.

His cellar was well stocked with a selection of the best vintages, under his own especial charge.

As soon as say whether jewelry or clothing was cheap, he could have argued with Browning on the vintages.

Severn has two plates, which may be called companions; racy and good are they, and of one vintage.

The bouquet of the fragrant vintage exhales into the chamber, and we taste the bloom of bygone summers.

The vintage begins late in August, and lasts many weeks, some varieties of grapes ripening later than others.

It was no use telling Sir Robert that I should certainly not know one alleged vintage from another.

And there she waited, and the grapes ripened, and were gathered into the vintage, and he came not.

Next came the Quakers, who were of the same vintage as the veterans, but dressed like elderly English professors.

It had momentarily stopped raining; but it soon began again, and the vintage went sorrowfully on in the mud.

Unexpectedly, in a nook close by the farmhouse, he happened upon a spot where the vintage had actually commenced.

Also, although he had had a limited experience of wine, he knew that the claret was no ordinary vintage.

He lives splendidly, and through Pen's mediation, gets his wine from the celebrated vintages of the Duke of Garbanzos.