Sentence Examples:
Set a basin of water down here.
The streets are narrow, with a run of dirty water down the middle.
Both deities are said to have continued to reside in these waters down to the present day.
I'd better turn the water down another row; it's flooding the corn.
"I piped the water down," she said.
We 'watered down' the 'averages' of all the 'cracks.'
Out of which they made Trenches to convey the water down into their Corn Grounds.
"We're half-way over, and there's water down there."
And the water down there carries off all the shells and scraps.
Pour cold water down their sleeves.
It flows just like the water down hill.
This time Mary and Tommy carried the water down the hill.
Everything is 'watered down'.
The pumps were not equal to the task of holding the water down to the safety line.
From the bladder a tube carries the water down out of the body.
With a splash, under he went, forcing great gulps of water down his throat.
You carried two buckets of water down to him, and he thanked you when he drank it.
These holes are useful because they let air and water down into the soil.
I had not thrown the water down.
To lift him up and to pour some water down his throat was the work of a moment.
We could have poured hot water down on them, or dropped a few bricks, but we didn't.
That was the day I opened the gate and let the water down on you, Dorothy.
Taking our places at the pumps, we toiled with might and main to keep the water down.
The arm so fair and young Sank in the waters down again.
It is time now to pour some hot whiskey and water down his throat.
Nick throws water down my neck.
The war drums beat on, insistent and steady, like the rolling of water down a fall.
Plenty of good water down at the spring.
I could distinctly hear the rush of water down below!
And there is water down there, too!
It was like a sudden shock of cold water down the back.
Linden as they left the table, "what is the precise depth of water down at the shore?"
How's the water down the road?
"All right," said the Ants, "we'll come too; he poured hot water down our hole."
You'd have to nail the water down to keep it from playing tricks around Tillamook.
I never expected to see these steady old reliable securities watered down to this.
I hope Jim will be able to find water down there, I said to myself.
I don't fancy cold water down my back on a winter night.
He set the water down, and breaking the biscuit sprinkled it over the white deck.
McAuliffe poured some water down his neck with instant result.
His affection at this time had watered down into a mild theory.
Curtis and the men started the water down late in the afternoon.
This water down here was fenced.
We had better scrape out a trench all round, to carry the water down to the shore.
There is a bucket of water down there.
Here is one has got under my lashes and brings the water down my cheeks.
The captain said we would find the water down here to the right.
"Low water down there, isn't it, so you can come up the ladder?"
In the name of the Prophet pour cold water down her back!
In a few moments she would be cutting the waters down the bay.
Winnie put the water down so hurriedly that it splashed over the floor.
They must keep the water down, or drown like rats in a hole.
You may be of good quality, but if you're watered down, it's as bad as being inferior.
There was water down there.
I was listening to the booming of the waters down there.
Every time I face that doubt it's like a bucket of cold water down my back.
He asked, as Vera gulped the water down.
The legs press the water down, and so do some lifting.
An attempt was made to put some water down his throat, but he could not swallow it.
Unless I'm completely nuts, or stone blind, there's nothing but water down there.
The domination of instinct had to be watered down, and rapidly.
If the fight hadn't gone out of him, it had sure been watered down.
Money flows to his pockets as naturally as water down a steep.
And presently he just slipped like water down between them and sat upon the earth.
Pour boiling water down the waste pipe.
"Because otherwise I would have drunk the water down, and not up," replied Tommy.
I have had to send the detachment tomorrow by water down the coast.
We will try not to send you more dye-water down stream than we can help.
It was like cold water down your spine, and all from printed music.
He used an inclined plane to water down his force of gravity.
It had been an extinct volcano after all, and they stopped throwing water down.
I looked ahead and spied a wide expanse of pretty blue water down below us.
How often does the school sin in its watering down of originality!
I could not lift him up, of course; but I rolled him over, and poured water down his back.
Tell the second mate to form a bucket line and pass water down here.
This, however, doesn't include the cost of bringing the water down from the spring.
Privacy and bank secrecy laws have been watered down.
We'll pour the water down my hole!'
The stream of water down which I had tumbled was neither in sight nor hearing.
You've cut off my water down below, with this dam, and I order you to open it up.
Tear out the dam and let the water down where it ought to run.
Forcing open his mouth, he poured a little water down his throat.
Here, pour that water down on them.