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Use waver in a sentence

Definition of waver:

  • (noun) someone who communicates by waving
  • (noun) the act of pausing uncertainly; "there was a hesitation in his speech"
  • (noun) the act of moving back and forth
  • (verb) pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness;
  • (verb) be unsure or weak; "Their enthusiasm is faltering"
  • (verb) move hesitatingly, as if about to give way
  • (verb) move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern;
  • (verb) move back and forth very rapidly; "the candle flickered"
  • (verb) sway to and fro
  • (verb) give off unsteady sounds, alternating in amplitude or frequency

Sentence Examples:

Thomas hesitated, and his smile wavered an instant.

He wavered from side to side as he walked, and his face was very pale.

I love you as much as I ever loved you, and I swear to you that I have never once wavered.

"Oh, well, I don't exactly say he's a spy," returned Blake, almost wavering.

Jack managed a smile, rather thin and wavering.

Mary's eyes during the whole of that speech never wavered from March's face.

I was convinced that you were all three men who would never waver in your fidelity to me.

Robert was prompt to take his advice, as his body was hot, and his sight was wavering.

He made a wavering gesture of both hands and sat down on the floor.

It was a crucial moment in which his purpose seemed to waver and die in his clouded brain.

Alice was wavering, aware, no doubt, of the folly of her errand.

The battle was going ill; the Franks were wavering, and Clovis was anxious.

She must have read all this in my eyes, yet her own never wavered, nor changed expression.

And the girl backed the car and swung round in a wavering arc.

Up to the last moment he wavered and doubted, but he ended by flinging them into the box.

And involuntarily my hand wavered to my heart.

The whistle wavered, ended, and in its place the long yell of a wolf cut the air.

Then she thought of the money, and wavered.

She looked at him quickly with a doubtful wavering smile and looked down again.

Brown paled, but his eye did not waver.

A fresh disgust seized her at the sight of them: she wavered, and then turned and fled.

They wavered slightly, but still they came on.

We shall never know how many wavering minds they aided to decide in 1861.

Three long years it lasts; with wavering fortune.

Tears on the eyelids that waver and weep!

The man so often wavers on the verge of the right path, the woman often decides him.

I hope I am in the way of duty; my own conviction that such is the case has never wavered.

The truth was not so bad as that; but there was wavering and doubt in the ranks.

Wherever French soldiers wavered it was when she was far away and her back towards them.

Others we used always to cause at one time or other to waver; but him we could never move.

Ogilvy's knees wavered as they entered the gateway.

Her faith never wavered; her Savior, her best friend, was with her.

There was not a waver in the clear brown eyes, nor a quiver in her voice as she replied.

I wavered again, and began to think here were greater expectations than my own.

The waiter's glance wavered, he threw the weight of his body from one foot to the other.

For a moment he had feared he was wavering.

If there had been he might have wavered then.

Your honor is at stake, and every moment of wavering is wrong.

Mile after mile he covered with a minute scrutiny that never wavered.

At the last moment the Old Gentleman wavered.

Her eyes wavered, then returned his gaze: "For love of you," she said, as white as death.

Hugh's mind wavered, as the flame of a candle wavers in a sudden draft.

The battle was going ill; the Franks were wavering and Clovis was anxious.

And he wavered out at the door, his face set in pain.

Celia's ill temper wavered and went down before the row of bright faces.

Down the long avenue toward them came a wavering line of white-sheeted, masked figures.

The gentleman wavered for an instant, gave a deep groan, and fell like a log to the floor.

The brand never wavered, and the flavor was always full.

A wavering finger he pointed at the young auctioneer, and gasped out.

From the first she did not waver from her decision.

The truthful little brown eyes did not waver.

He came close up to the woman, but she never moved; her eyes never wavered for an instant.

Still she did not waver in her walk.

He had felt the temptation, and he had wavered, but not for long.

To the eyes of the rat-faced man the path seemed but a wavering line in the wavering mist.

The star shine showed a deep bay and wavering lights among the trees.

She did not waver, she cut the links, she signed herself over.

This was very bad; but the leader of the forlorn hope did not give himself time to waver.

There was no wavering, but there was some sadness that kept him company.

It wavered for a second, and then with a cloud of earth and gravel it plunged downwards.

The other man's steady eyes did not waver.

Joan was plainly wavering between horror and admiration.

We have long hesitated, we will waver no more.

The language of Augustine was more wavering and uncertain.

The muzzle of the revolver, during all this time, never wavered in its aim at my head.

Then suddenly the fierce attack wavered and weakened.

Any wavering or hesitation on her part would have meant misery to his friend.

The red stain of the fire wavered across to play under the dark brow of the rock.

Yet not a limb moved as the door closed, nor did the glance of those brown eyes waver.

This seems the best explanation of his wavering.

In the wavering clouds of smoke he saw her eyes once more.

There was a horizon, which wavered and tilted.

It wavered a little, but there was no sound of static to mar reception.

He called to the two in the shadow, and his tongue was not thick, but only wavering.

Kneeling, he turned it over so that the wavering light shone on the face.

The fellow was but human, and he was not in a position to run, so he grinned and wavered.

Supposing Molly had been wavering, and this method of attack had decided her?

Not for an instant did her regard waver.

The path, a very rough one, wavered up and down and in and out among the ruins.

The flesh wavered, but the soul held true.

It appeared to waver, as did everything else around me.

On this point there surely ought to be no doubt or wavering.

May read his thoughts, but her purpose wavered.

A single false move on his part would probably have ended him, but he did not waver.

His legs wavered under him, and they had to come again to his aid.

The chauffeur's glance wavers, it seems possible that he might entertain the proposal.

The woman wavered and fell; he caught her.

Poor Emma came up, smiling a wavering smile that was on the edge of tears.

The eyes of the girl and the beast met full, and neither wavered.

A high wind was driving, and in long wavering folds the cloud lay down around the train.

And he threw out a long arm which wavered with the vibration of the boat, as he pointed.

The enemy is wavering; we are sure of a victory!'

I expect my voice wavered a little as I put the question.

He could not fly, but he knew that if he wavered he was lost.

Her eyes wavered, as if unable to meet my own.

All wavering here is a symptom of psychic paralysis.

I myself do not believe she has ever wavered.

Newton, seeing the rebel line waver before the fire of his men, shouted "Forward!"

It was a crucial moment in which his purpose seemed to waver and die in his clouded brain.

Out of the darkness a faint voice wavered, "Lilacs?"