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Use waver in a sentence

Definition of waver:

  • (noun) someone who communicates by waving
  • (noun) the act of pausing uncertainly; "there was a hesitation in his speech"
  • (noun) the act of moving back and forth
  • (verb) pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness;
  • (verb) be unsure or weak; "Their enthusiasm is faltering"
  • (verb) move hesitatingly, as if about to give way
  • (verb) move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern;
  • (verb) move back and forth very rapidly; "the candle flickered"
  • (verb) sway to and fro
  • (verb) give off unsteady sounds, alternating in amplitude or frequency

Sentence Examples:

Let the inconstant and those that are subject to waver, according to events, have recourse to oracles.

Instantly the form wavered, moved swiftly, with quick pad of footfalls.

The sunken flags in the road formed a narrow aqueduct that wavered down a lane of mire.

The influence of a religion, sanctioned by the government, could in no country, in the nineteenth century, interfere with the speculations of a philosopher in his closet, but it might, and must, steady the weak and wavering opinions of the multitude.

Thinking also, that the farther he retired from the enemy, the more difficult would desertion be to the wavering.

How much greater this disaster was than any preceding, even this is a proof, that such of the allies as had stood firm till that day then began to waver, for no other cause certainly but that they despaired of the empire.

The expression of his countenance seemed to waver, glimmer, and nearly to die away, and feebly to recover itself again.

When the boy turned, there was deathly illness on his face, while his legs wavered beneath his weight.

Out in the hot sun the pavement wavered and melted into hillocks before his dizzy eyes.

For an instant Hagar wavered, then hugging the picture to her bosom, she laughed and cried together, whispering as she did so, "My little girl, my Hester, my baby that I used to sing to sleep in our home away over the sea."

Not once did her dilated pupils waver from the straight line.

They were those that cannot decide whether they look best in white or red, and so waver for the whole of their little lives between the two colors; there are many of them, and it is the pathetic thing about wild roses.

In the wavering hall light, the knots in the worn wooden floor threw blots of shadow.

She was very constantly with him, guiding his wavering steps up the hill of recovery, which he climbed with more and more activity, and keeping him company in those valleys of relapse into which he now and then fell back from the difficult steeps.

Their trail wavered up the side of a steep ridge, and slanted off in long loops to the farther valley.

There was an afterglow on the water which turned it to a wavering pavement of yellow-pink sheen.

His eyes then wavered from side to side; his "mouth was partially closed, with the corners very decidedly depressed."

Her confidence I shall never lose; her affections, however I may be called upon to exert my authority, will never waver, and completely opposite as are the feelings with which she and Percy regard me, their love may be equally intense.

Like leaves in a storm wavered Joe's hands as he clenched them until the nails brought blood.

It has been said that Tennyson, midway between the student of material science and the mystic, wrote and thought according to an age that wavered, with him, between the two minds, and that men have now taken one way or the other.

As the darkness of night closed on him, irresolute he wavered in mind.

Thayer to his curt dismissal an hour and a half later, the interest and attention of his auditors never wavered.

We are apt to get impatient and by hasty denunciation drive off many who are wavering and may be won.

Sarcastically resumed the big man, who wavered unsteadily now and then.

Looking at that plain, familiar to him from childhood, Yakov remembered that he had had just this same trouble and these same thoughts in his young days when dreams and imaginings had come upon him and his faith had wavered.

From his face and gait, doubt and indecision, all hesitating and wavering disappeared of themselves.

He stared vacantly at the landscape until he suddenly noted the slender wavering pillar of smoke beyond the Walnut.

The sweet breath of summer just moved us over the long wavering billows that were rolling us on towards Genoa.

Her eyes were still dilated, but they did not waver from his.

After a brief survey of the defeated man, wavering between the fear that he had killed him and the prompting to see to his hurts, if the case were not fatal, the student took to flight in the direction the beautiful girl had chosen.

Elizabeth turned her face to him, and a pair of startled eyes that tried not to waver.

She wavered, held by his look, by the coercion of that mingled passion and indifference with which he spoke.

Nor has she ever wavered a jot from the original mix compounded in her immemorial laboratory.

There was a suspicious tremor in her voice and her gaze wavered beneath his unbelieving stare.

His glance wavered, and a queer little wrinkle appeared between his eyes.

The Prince has never wavered in his loyalty to that pebble, sir.

To them meandered long, narrow ravines full of low brush, like thin, wavering streaks of gray.

A faint color grew under her tan, and waned, but her eyes wavered not the breadth of a hair.

The old family portraits seemed to flit from their dark panels, wavering with the tremulous motion of the blaze.

Much, in the first place, will depend upon the circumstance, how far men are doubtful and wavering in their creeds, or how far they depend upon others for their faith, or how far, in consequence of reasoning or feeling, they depend upon themselves.

How it recedes, wavering, flickering through the whirling vapor of the storm!

His manners, however, must have been unmarked, wavering, dubious, or she could not have been so misled.

The savages, after their fickle nature, began to waver in their friendship.

They rise slowly from her side and waver in the air like the hands of a person groping in the dark.

The perfumed smoke, wavering upwards, mingles with that of the lamps beneath the high ceiling.

She appeared to waver between the light of heaven and the lurid gloom of heaven's opposite.

A momentary terror of giving up her freedom assailed her, and for an instant she wavered.

Farther away, at the end of a wavering lane, slanted the shadow of the insane asylum.

I heard opinions freely expressed that I was on the wrong road, and at last, when the Brigadier himself came up to me and said he thought I must have lost the way, I really began to waver in my conviction that I was right.

It was only towards the end of the evening that Ishmael's complacency received a slight prick that made it waver.

Not one of us wavered; not one of us swerved to right or left, to front or back.

The audacity of the proceeding was sufficient to make the iron will of even Lennox Sanderson waver.

His gaunt figure wavered in the unsteady moonshine as though made of mist.

His glance wavered, and he crumpled his fur cap in his hands.

She hesitated a moment, then said with a slight wavering in her low tone: "I have been very happy here, and I love the Sisters dearly; but you are my mother's friend, and whatever she wishes me to do of course must be right."

I should have to enumerate almost every action of men who scarce waver save under her assaults.

He must have wavered, had not the exaltation of his love protected him.

They served to confirm the wavering, to render the moderate indignant, and to inflame the violent.

One painful, rapid, almost wild gleam of thought shot across the brain of the girl, and her resolution wavered; but endeavoring to trace the foundation of the pleasing hope on which it was based, she found nothing positive to support it.

Wavering now, restless and sleepless, given to violent starts and slow spells of apathy, she was wearing to defeat.

Stephen O'Mara's head drooped, he turned and wavered away a step or two.

The mind was wavering between the hallucinations of a fever, and lucidity.

The white sky suddenly glazed over, and the ball wavered this way and that.

Outside, the wind blew lustily, driving the loose snow across the open in long, wavering ribbons.

The horseman wavered, doubled up, and pitched forward to the sand.

In the presence of this man to whom, once upon a time, she had been bound by such passionate ties, and in this spot where she lived the most ardent moments of her life, she felt her reserve melting, her mind wavering and growing feeble.

The stars in the airless space wavered and danced as though seen through a thick atmosphere.

On he went, with uncertain, wavering footsteps, and fury in his heart.

The voice goes wavering and lilting along like a canoe on a rippling ocean.

The filmy thing distinctly wavered and receded a little into the dark.

On one occasion when leading a storming party his men wavered under a most withering fire.

What tragedy was written in those wavering lines; what heartbreak of going away from some dear hope and broken dream!

She began to waver and to wonder, for the grave voice of this man was like a deep music she had never heard before but seemed to remember from some time before there was hearing, a music that touched the depths of her being.

Her lids wavered and drooped slowly, and she sighed and stirred against the pillows, turning on her side.

A wavering aim, a faltering purpose, has no place in the twentieth century.

The waver, the jostle, and the hum increased in a tenfold degree.

I do not say that it cannot be true: but still, one so unsettled as I am may be allowed to waver.

A wavering aim, a faltering purpose, has no place in the nineteenth century.

The Director hesitated, and Georg, with a hand to his forehead, wavered toward the casement.

She laid her cheek against the cool earth, and the splendor before her wavered into a mist of rose and azure.

His voice wavered and trembled at first, as if it, too, felt the weariness of the years, but by the time he had sung the first verse all trace of sadness had vanished, and he went up the other, bank walking briskly and singing almost gaily.

A bare arm reached through the trap, wavering for a moment uncertainly.

Even at eighty-six his hand had none of the wavering of age; and it was with no little satisfaction that, grasping an imaginary pistol, he showed me how steady an aim he could still take, and told of how famous a shot he used to be.

Let us challenge meeting at the water's edge, while they waver and their feet yet slip as they disembark.

Weaver's fingers jerked uncontrollably, and the words wavered across the page.

My attention was called to something wavering, shimmering, and fluctuating about a foot above the carpet.

The fellow's words and manner were suave and seductive, and, if Phil had wavered, he now put his hesitation aside.

The calm eyes from the chair wavered an instant and the nostrils twitched; then the man laughed carelessly.

His own wavered and fell, and the blood swept over his face in a reddening wave.

With this resolution, he renewed the fight with even greater desperation than before, if that were possible; and so formidable a foe did he become that, for a few seconds, the pirates in front of him wavered and all but broke.

He began to waver in his resolution, when a patrol wagon rolled up and more officers dismounted.

It is too dark to see the end sight on the rifle and advancing figures show uncertainly, like wavering shadows.

Luke felt some wavering in his resolution when he found himself alone with the lady, whose calm, collected, yet haughty demeanor, as she resumed her seat, prepared for his communication, could not fail to inspire him with a certain degree of awe.

Desire's face was quite hidden; lamplight and firelight wavered and gleamed across her bent head.

"If you are sorry, and want to repent, you can do all that; and I will give you my solemn promise to be as good as you are, Miss Fanny," said Noddy, satisfied that he had made an impression upon the mind of his wavering companion.

For a few seconds his glance wavered in vague distress and perplexity.

It has been greatly extended in scope, but no American Government has ever, for a moment, wavered in its support.

When its ranks begin to waver, or when it manifests any unequivocal symptom of hesitation or intimidation.

A wave of color swept over her face; her eyes wavered, gave one imploring glance, and fell.

The fearful and wavering were thus induced to join the clamorous majority.