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Use whim in a sentence

Definition of whim:

  • (noun) a sudden desire
  • (noun) an odd or fanciful or capricious idea

Sentence Examples:

I think it was the whim of the moment.

Boards are run by individuals, independently, entirely at their own whim.

In spite of all this, he will do what he can to humor our whims.

The poor fellow, without further deliberation, put his whim into execution.

Another whim of his was to permit no one to sleep in the new cabin on the hill.

When towns begin to grow they have whims, and the whims of a town always ruin somebody.

For instance, maybe I shall have a whim to come back here and stay a week or a fortnight.

And always, at my side, was Jerry, seemingly living only upon my lightest whim and fancy.

Was this some foolish whim to follow a squirrel or a rabbit?

Of course, this was pure fantastic whim, and I knew it at the time for what it was.

We did it because we so desired, because of whim, if you so please.

If you cannot explain it any other way, consider it as a whim of mine.

I was not at all angry with my wife: I had had my whim, and she had had hers.

Was all this to be at the mercy of a girl's whim?

And if that is under his control, or in any way affected by his whims and wishes?

He had little comprehension of the lighter whims and fancies of his partner's imagination.

My whims were sneered at, and then followed.

When they were little girls I indulged them in every whim.

Ever since I was able to do, so I have indulged my whims.

Your whims are hard to bear with lately, and scarcely worth understanding, I am convinced.

When a whim of authority took hold of her, she called it giving a stir with the poker.

I am one of the victims to our cousin's whim.

Ideally he did; but it was just a fleeting expression or whim.

Who can fathom some women's whims and fancies?

And in this surrender to Louis' whim there was a fearful joy.

At her age, since you choose to indulge Daisy in her whim, she may do what she pleases.

Do you intend to sacrifice my happiness to a whim?

I was inclined to believe that the whole affair had been just a girl's whim.

Clarice was moved by a sudden whim to a change of humor.

When I come back you will have some other whim.

A good action cannot be too soon performed, and even a whim must be sometimes humored.

She was a creature of whims and did precisely as she pleased.

He would perhaps work himself to death to satisfy my whims, and that would not be right.

It was a terrible loss brought on by someone's whims of power and glory.

It was his whim that the keys of the private office should be brought to him each night.

Her eyes told him that it was no whim but steadfast purpose that had brought her there.

The two waited until his fit had spent itself, to see what new whim would seize him.

These whims begin to seem childish to me now.

Yes, "whim" was the very word for it!

They interfere with human affairs from time to time, but merely from whim or from passion.

If the whim takes the Londoner, you will have him down here without mercy.

And he humored her whim, for he had always understood her child's ways.

Suppose he should take a whim to stop it?

She did not realize that, by waiting on his whims, she was lowering herself in his esteem.

For the doctor had told us to laugh at these whims all we might.

And I must not have my plans upset by his whims.

You are full of whims and fancies; but when you like you can be a great support to one.

Unfortunately, I am her heir; and I am told I must submit to any whim that seizes her.

Miss Laura is quite right; and I am glad to see that she does not yield to your whims.

The Englishman has no system, he has his whim, and is careless of consistency.

You have been able to indulge every whim and fancy.

It was a strange whim on her part to give up all her parish work.

"Our young friend seems to have his whims like all other poets," she remarked.

I wish my little daughter to have her whim for once.

Wagner had now ceased to think of singers' whims.

She will be false to you whenever she takes the whim!

She would have driven him mad with her petty whims, her petty emotions.

I have a conscience in this matter; if it was only a whim, I would yield to your wishes.

And pray, are you going to reject the best offer in the county because of a simple whim?

I have whims, and I choose to pay for them.

Perhaps I shall when I am older, and have shaken off a few more of my whims into the sea.

For a mere whim or for the deepest purpose.

Perhaps you think it is a whim in me or a piece of foolishness.

I haven't been able to humor all her whims.

They knew his whims and understood his methods.

He must run errands, and be equally ready to serve her whims and satisfy her wants.

Here I can live as I please, here I can throw the reins on the neck of my whim.

Unless we learn to put up with one another's whims, life becomes a perfect hell.

"That depends on my own whim," he replied, watching her attentively.

This is a whim of mine, but I have a fancy for knowing what kind of girls we are.

I do not think the representatives of the Czar should oppose me in my whim.

Oh, dear, what a worry it is to have to put up with the whims of other people.

It had been a whim of his for years.

As long as he was crazy and was set on his whim, she did not dare to oppose him.

Then he turns up unexpectedly, only to disappear again when the whim takes him.

He treated the citizens of your great country according to his whims.

Isn't it worth even the sacrifice of a whim?

Or, for a whim, they would make a pet out of some proven mass murderer.

Her every whim ministered to, and even anticipated.

His will and his whims are her laws; as he changes, so must she.

There are other matters to attend to than the whims of an idle vicious jade.

I am no stranger to these moods and whims.

He was merely wondering vaguely at Fate, and at this latest whim of hers.

The point is, that she must make her stand for a principle and not for a whim.

If any gentleman takes my whim, I'll set my holiday cap at him.

This was no mere passing whim on the part of the emperor.

No, this man does not reflect, he has longings, he has whims, and they must be satisfied.

She will think every one must bow down to her and consult her whims and fancies.

They had all the trouble in the world to cure him of this whim.

It is more than the whim of my aunt that is at stake.

Even this has not quite cured all the whims amongst us.

He was also subject to whims even about people whom he otherwise esteemed.

The whim seized me of keeping them as a memorial of my escape.

It must have been a whim on Barber Sam's part.

He may think that Lucy's feelings for you, Archie, are just a passing whim.

His father was rich, and Charlie spent money freely, as his whims dictated.

We shall see if we cannot satisfy this whim!

It is all such a matter of personal whim.

Just now it's up to us to study her every little whim, and try to improve on things.

It had been one of those half-conscious whims which may be assigned to no positive cause.