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Definition of whim:

  • (noun) a sudden desire
  • (noun) an odd or fanciful or capricious idea

Sentence Examples:

And when I saw you again three months back that spell was changed from the whim of youth to what men call love.

"Hollis, you are right," repeated the master, emphatically, "that is only a whim, but she will graduate the first year, so it doesn't matter."

He said it would only make her worse, and his slaves should learn that they were not to put on airs and have whims.

There are many more whims connected with bathing, as with almost everything else, which it were equally desirable to remove.

There is hardly an ideal, a belief, a doubt, a fashion, a whim of Queen Anne's time, that is not neatly expressed in his poetry.

She can not be considered a woman subject to a thousand fantasies and whims, a thousand trifling concealed proprieties of position and custom.

After the beginning of April, and sometimes long before, Carmen seldom took a meal indoors, unless she was attacked by one of her fierce fits of depression, and had a whim to hate the sun.

He is not wedded to any dogma, he is not long the sport of any whim; before he can settle in any fond or fantastic opinion, another starts up to match it, like beads on sparkling wine.

For of all things in the world whims are the very hardest to cure, because, reason as you will, people still stick to their whims.

These examples of rich men of our own time who have known how to spend their money with whim and fancy and flourish are but exceptions to my argument, lights shining, so to say, in a great darkness.

"I'm not at all curious in the matter," some persistent voice kept telling him, "and I haven't any interest in knowing what irrational whim drove her to my cabin."

With this thought in mind I began not only to read and write, but to test my impulse in order that I might discover if it were a part of my very being, an abnormal impulse, or a mere whim.

If you seek for any other reason for the purchase, I have none to give you; it was a whim, if you like, but then I can afford to indulge my whims.

It alone is endless, as it alone is free, and asserts as its first law that the whim of the poet tolerates no law above itself.

A queer whim took me that I would like to know how "it felt" to preach, and vague fancies stirred in me that I could speak if I had the chance.

Papa would turn in his grave could he know he had been forced out in the rain at such an hour, for a woman's whim.

No whim would send the Little Woman on a four-mile walk with a heavy child like Babe to carry, and Casey was as white as he'll ever get when he met her halfway to the bottom of the canyon.

To have the eye of the king is to draw and shut, at one's whim, the bolt of the royal conscience, and to throw into that conscience whatever one wishes.

There was no great harm you will think in all these whims, and for my own part, I believe that Jack was never so honest a fellow as he was during this time, when he was profiting by Martin's example.

And when he caught the look in her eyes, he was more than ever convinced that he would be able to keep Helen without satisfying her extremely expensive whim.

When a marriage for love is on the carpet, you must expect to waste time; but when it's a marriage of convenience between two people who have no whims and who know what they want, it's soon arranged.

Was it merely a whim, a fancy, strengthened to the point of activity by the sight of his name in print?

John fancied the rest to be but a part of the nervous whims of her illness, from which she was to recover in time; and he waited with all the old love in his soul.

The rogue bears a grudge against me as it is, for tying his hands so far as you are concerned; but you have ability, and I don't choose that you shall be subjected to the whims of the editor.

It is time that all acute minds should grasp the thread that frequently connects what we, following our special whim, call "defects" with what we call "beauty."

In recent years, however, a change seems to have taken place in public opinion, and some people now assert that this so-called Imperial whim was an act of far-seeing policy.

Yes, this woman is an idol, for whose service man labors, which he has decked with the jewels of a queen, behind each one of whose whims lie days and days spent in the ardent battle of Wall Street.

I suppose I offended him by what I said of Marcella's whims, and the risk of letting her control so much money at her age, and with her ideas.

"She has many strange whims, but no one could be more loyal to a friend, and she has grown to love Jeanne very dearly."

You thought it was just a little whim of your father's to keep his factory in a condition that's been a scandal in the community.

It is not the least to the purpose what the reasons of this prohibition are; they may be the strongest and gravest reasons, or they may be mere whim.

It was said that from some whim as he lay dying he had given orders that it should be burnt; but if that were so, the instructions were neglected, and after his death it came under the hammer.

Nor was she the woman whose soul he had injured by his cruel whim, the woman who had beaten him with reproaches, and made him for an instant almost ashamed of his lusts.

Even had he asked me I could not have replied, because I do not know, save that it was to me a whim.

"We must divide them; and as I have a lover who will make it a point of honor to give me as many ornaments as my whim dictates and his fortune will permit, I wish you to take the larger part."

It exacts a study of the wants, comforts and even the whims of the people and recognizes the efficiency of high quality and new pieces to win their favor.

They have no great burden of wisdom and have more whims and prejudices than they ought to; but they do their hating and loving thoroughly and boldly, and never forget their own advantage.

Hacking puzzled his brains to account for this generous whim, and at last decided that Mark must be "gone" on his sister Edith.

As it was his whim to consider names of no importance, I did not mention that of Jack and Molly Winston, but spoke of them merely as "my friends."

He sometimes took a whim to have us breakfast with him, which lasted perhaps for a week; and then the order of our living would relapse into its old routine.

I lost the best happiness of my life for a whim, and you wish to throw away yours for a theory.

It was a whim of Lawrence's to give dinners; to have them good, and to ask only the people he wanted, and who he thought would enjoy themselves together.

Ever since I have known you, a good many years now, I have seen you fluttering about after one whim or another, and never found you contented with anything long.

"I think you have made a bad bargain, Keith," his mother said; but she was quite prepared to hear of some absurd whim of his.

She knows she's missing illness and pain and poverty and worry, and the whims and fancies and bad tempers of a husband.

She almost wished she had never told the whole story, for as she believed it all a wild whim of some foolish boy, she also felt that he would quickly see the danger of his sport.

There was a time, you know, when you had some whim about it, and when I had to report to you.

Possibly, he was attracted to her and liked her company, but there was a vast difference between a fleeting whim and wishing to make her his wife.

Unfortunately Julia's disposition, full of surprises and unforeseen whims, scarcely admitted of any regular plan of conduct toward her.

This knight loved pleasure and wild living, and would indulge his whims and passions without regard to cost.

To seize the one and pursue the other on the whim of the moment was the normal and usual thing.

And he remembered that insane people were more easily prevailed upon by those who appeared to make no account of their whims.

I knew it wasn't just a whim of hers; for one evening along towards the last, I found her with her eyelids red.

It was infamous that any life should be dominated by a whim of the Fates; that any creature should enter this world with a silken cord about his throat.

The slave must submit to all the whims of his master; the Romans declare, even, that he is to have no conscience, his only duty is blind obedience.

He at one time, however, very nearly incurred the popular resentment owing to his having taken up the body of a suicide, and caused it to be interred in holy ground from the force of a mere whim.

Bright little bundles of yellow fur they seem, full of tricks and whims, with pointed faces that change only from exclamation to interrogation points, and back again.

The many servants were commanded to obey his slightest whim, to serve him with the most expensive food on the market, to spare no expense in making him the happiest and best-fed dog in all the world.

She does not incessantly rely upon the whims of a cross man to take her to such amusements as she desires.

Look at the world from the eyes of a spoiled woman of wealth who for twenty years has had husband, friends, and servants obedient to her every whim.

She knew the peculiar whim, or principle, Miss Sampson always acted on, of never taking cases of common illness.

Then his one idea had been to humor Willie's whim and in return for the old man's hospitality lend such aid to the undertaking as he was able.

His refusal to enter the cabin had not been a mere whim; he intended on the morrow to seek out Ben and tell him.

He constantly wore a full-trimmed scarlet waistcoat of most uncommon dimensions, a light gray coat, which altogether gave him an air of singularity and whim as remarkable as his character.

When I went, the day before yesterday, to see whether my last whim had been carried out, tears rose to my eyes; and, to the great surprise of my architect, I at once passed his account for payment.

At any rate, he became strikingly eccentric and reckless, giving way to every mad whim that came into his mind.

The other women felt that she was a bird of passage, that the frozen Arctic could be no more than a whim to her.

I do not learn whether their coming to this place be but the whim of a moment, or a plan for a longer stay: if the latter, farewell, solitude!

She had spoken with such quiet firmness, that he could no longer look upon her resolution as the suggestion of a perverse or angry whim.

As proof that this was no honeymoon whim, the collaboration continued for over a score of years, in spite of increasing domestic responsibilities.

And you be the only one of them all as is willing to do a difficult thing for an idle whim, if what is the heart's desire can ever be idle.

These great folk find it hard to understand how sometimes their greatness is nothing, and the thing is man to man; but now and then fortune takes a whim and teaches them the lesson for her sport.

I was not a fool, to think that she loved me; but she was set to conquer me, and with her there was no price that seemed high when the prize was victory or a whim's fulfillment.

No tone was ever colder, no demeanor more haughty than hers, and this proud man who bent before no storm, who held the fortunes of many within his grasp, bowed like an obedient child to her whim.

I submitted to this whim with all the courage I could assume; I even went so far as to be upon the point of bestowing a gentle kiss upon his forehead.

As to friends, those who came now and then to flatter him and indulge his whims made him but a short visit, five or ten minutes at the most.

It is his whim for the moment, and it is only becoming on my part to show that we are grateful for the way in which the boy behaved.

It meant spending money, and Ludwig had already, he reflected, spent a great deal on her whims and fancies.

Sometimes the sound seemed clear, and then again it would die away, according to the whim of the night air.

For a boat crew must act as though it were one unit, at the nod and whim of the fellow who sits in the stern, doing the steering, and by his motions increasing or diminishing the stroke.

The play group is a temporary form of association, varying in size and content as the whim of the child or the attraction of the moment moves its members.

And it was his whim when doing some kind and tender thing to lay it to little Abel, of whom he always spoke as if he were still living.

I'll admit she'd shown whims and queer streaks now and then, and maybe a fault or so; but nothing that had anything to do with any tendency of the ego to stick its elbows out.

This is the punishment of Fate, for I ought to have done my father's will, and not have had such whims and fancies.

If we hold this Union, and all the rights it secures to us, and all the hopes we have upon it, upon the whim or will of a single state, then, indeed, it is the weakest government ever devised by man.

The amount will depend on the interest of leading politicians, on their whims, and on the excitement of the hour.

After humoring Paul's every whim and doing many little positive kindnesses, Pierre, in most persuasive tones, begs as a special favor that they change shifts for once.

I thought you would soon get over that foolish whim of yours, which you mentioned in your letter to me, of leaving the service, just after you had passed, and had such good chance of promotion.

An automobile was standing at the bridge when I got there, and I cursed the whim that had sent me to the club on a false scent and kept me from having an uninterrupted search for the weapon.

She walked along, her step light as a fairy's, her skirts still blowing at the whim of the breezes.

The latest whim was the new breakfast room in which they now sat, with the winter sun streaming through the small panes of a wide south window.

And we may say that all have the right to live, to satisfy their needs, and even their whims, when the necessaries of life have been secured for all.

We do not intend to be understood that a child must have everything that it desires and every whim and wish to receive special recognition by the parents.

If he means to indulge every whim and fancy she'll spend everything she has before she is fairly grown.

I have traced as much of his career as anyone can ever know now, and I will never betray the reason for his ultimate choice, but you may rest assured that his nickname was no label of chance or whim.

With infinite patience she studied his whims and watched for the rival she was sure had crossed his life.

No man in the battery would ever think of refusing Sam the use of anything he possessed, and there were half a dozen young fellows in the infantry who were just as ready to pay tribute to his whims.

I have told myself ever since the day of dear old father's death that I have been a brute, and I wish with all my heart I had put aside my own whims and gone in for a country life.

Amulet ornaments may be either a whim which does not take, or fashion may seize upon something of this kind and make it a tribe mark.

Stevenson's whim, and when both were well came again, waving from a distance perfectly clean handkerchiefs as their passport.