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Use whip-up in a sentence

Definition of whip up:

  • (verb) prepare or cook quickly or hastily

Sentence Examples:

Well, he announced, he and his son had just whipped up a fiber-optic tap in his workshop at home.

It was driven by two ladies, who, on our making a signal of distress to them, immediately whipped up with evident alarm, and disappeared in a flash.

"They picked up our trail somehow," he answered, whipping up a blanket and saddle and throwing both on her horse.

He made a furious onslaught upon them with his sword, driving them back step by step to their carriage, into which they finally tumbled, shouting to the driver in frantic haste to whip up his horses.

Taking this hint, the girls whipped up their horses and followed the runner along the dark and tangled pathway.

By way of answer the driver whipped up his horse, which was in the act of painfully climbing a hill.

Her little boy was lifted up beside her, and, with many injunctions to drive carefully and with speed ringing in his ears, the driver whipped up his horses, and they were off.

He only whipped up the horse and made the best speed he could, but he soon observed that the wolves were gaining on him.

As the Cree fired, the boy whipped up his horse, and rode up beside the Cree and struck him with his little trapping axe, and knocked him off his horse.

Evidently he expected to find it just there, for he immediately jumped into it, and the driver whipped up his horse.

I forgot all about the Bunkers, until the judge whipped up the horses as we turned into the Wade place, and brought us up standing at the door.

An egg, whipped up with wine, is often the only form in which they can take this kind of nourishment.

At first all went well, but soon the driver began to whip up his horse so that they narrowly escaped several collisions.

Doctor Dexter looked keenly for an instant in the fast gathering twilight, then whipped up his horse, and was swiftly out of sight.

"Of course whipping up and down a stream in rubber boots, over stones and all sorts of obstacles, isn't anything like work."

Then he whipped up a sheet or two of letter paper and an envelope from the cabin-table, thrust them into his coat pocket, and, bag in hand, stepped quickly on deck.

He had whipped up the horse, he had thrown the reins to the groom, he had sprung from the step.

Otherwise, my lady, you may find yourself holding your breath in a hurricane track, with no refuge from the storm you've whipped up but five feet underneath.

He waved his hands above him, and then shouting for the others to follow, he whipped up his horse furiously.

As he meditated, he whipped up his horse, which was proceeding at that fine, regular, and even trot which accomplishes two leagues and a half an hour.

Heat the milk, whip up the eggs, and carefully stir the hot milk into the beaten eggs; flavor with vanilla and sugar to taste.

Grate the onion, and whip up the eggs; mix all the ingredients together, not forgetting the herbs and seasoning.

I had just time to throw my arms round his ascending waist when I was myself whipped up into the air.

Seemingly the coachman was as eager to be in-doors as his mistress, for he whipped up the horses, and the carriage was quickly crossing the plaza and speeding down the avenue.

Noah had whipped up the horses, and we must have covered at least a hundred yards or more before I saw Master Hamilton's face.

George whipped up the horses, the wagon gained upon the boys and reached the house but a few rods behind the little runners.

He was forthwith given over to their care, the mules were whipped up, and at a gallop we rattled into the main street.

Ben had already turned and whipped up his horses, and now they dashed along the road at a furious rate.

He was lying flat on his rock like a lizard, where he had dropped just as his enemy whipped up his weapon to fire.

Instead of tying fast on the cold mountains, we had better whip up and hasten on toward the warm inn where our good friends are looking out of the window, watching to see us come up.

Howling Wolf, a brave man, rode behind us all, trying to defend us, riding back and forth fighting off the enemy and whipping up the slower horses.

Longstreet's laugh had whipped up the color into Helen's cheeks and had lighted a battle fire in her eyes.

The stage was rather behind time, and the driver whipped up and left us to settle our own affairs.

Their own cloud of dust was much smaller than that of the Mexicans, and also it might readily be mistaken for sea sand whipped up by the wind.

Said Jupiter; "clear away the mud, put your shoulder to the wheel, and whip up your horses."

Jonas he whipped up the horse, and we got there pretty quick, and I'll be bound if the Ashby house hadn't got stuck fast right on the track, and stir it one way or another they couldn't.

She, too, had whipped up her horse and had reached home, and was in the house, calling for Hiram, just as Abner turned into the square by Hill's grocery.

"Oh, I think he's quite pleased," she answered, whipping up the fat pony, who responded reluctantly.

In driving to another town where the court was to be held, the mob lay in waiting by the road, but the constable whipped up his horse, and they got away.

The lawyer asks: "You say that you saw the driver whip up his horses when the car was a block away."

And the ball whipped up and away, spearing itself on the point of one of the towers on the opposite side of the room.

The pony was whipped up, and now it seemed to Diana's excited fancy that they quite flew over the road.

With that the guide of the night before swiftly cut the cords at Jack's wrists, then as swiftly leaped to the seat of the wagon, whipping up the horse and disappearing in a cloud of dust.

The boy whipped up his horse to bring a doctor, but on the way spread the news that I had been killed by a fall.

Bob followed a quarter of a mile or so in his rear, and once or twice he whipped up his horse and closed in on Bert as if he had made up his mind to carry out his threat of slapping him over.

Bring it round to the back door, and arrange with the driver to whip up for the depot as soon as we get in.

He felt that he really couldn't afford to spoil them for the sake of any pig, so he whipped up his horse and drove on.

"Thanks to yourself," replied the man, and added, as he whipped up his horse, "Now you had better not look after me."

I repeated the shot, with the same result, and each shot gave me an opportunity to whip up my horses.

The circus-man tied Billy to the back of his buggy and whipping up his horse he started for town.

Jack whipped up the bar with the speed of thought, and dropped it on the head of the man with whom his father was engaged.

The veiled scorn and mockery in her glance was not to be mistaken, and then the horses were whipped up, and she was gone.

Without a word or a glance in their direction, he whipped up his team and started for the ditch.

Then while the man whipped up his horses and called to them in terms far from gentle, the two cars sprang forward and were off down the road.

Jim whipped up, and away we jolted into town, little Edith clinging tightly to my arm, for fear of Bridget.

Putting spurs to his horse he made for this path but the driver, keeping on the road, whipped up his horses.

I whipped up my horse but noticed several more men coming out of the other ditch as though to head me off.

The footman shut the door, the coachman whipped up the horses, and away she went to the ball.

At any rate the unknown had whipped up his horse, and seemed in a great hurry to depart from the spot.

The descent now becoming easier Ben whipped up his horse, and they soon jolted past Peter and his team.

I shouted to the man; and then as he whipped up his horse and flew down the street, "A sovereign if you get there before seven o'clock."

If there had been time they would all have got out again, but he whipped up so quickly that there was no chance.

She was dead by the time he whipped up Macbeth, which is all about witchcraft and directed at King James.

There was only a little brandy in the bottom, but it whipped up a faint color into the sick woman's lips.

The Rural Free Delivery whipped up the white horse and the stern contours of the Rough Rider hat disappeared down the winding, shadowed road.

Whipping up the mules, and keeping their necks well into their collars, we dashed across in safety.

I admit that Caleb did wrong in saying so positively that he had hung his whip up, when he did not know certainly that he had.

Lestrade mounted the box, whipped up the horse, and brought us in a very short time to our destination.

I whipped up my horse and kept within sight of them, feeling very ill at ease, for I feared that they were going to shift their quarters.

As he watched through a haze of red dust whipped up by the morning breeze, the two trees came closer, turned into men wearing desert uniforms and leaned over him.

The driver whipped up the horse and the carriage rumbled away, soon reaching the village street and turning sharply off into a side street.

He grinned back good-humoredly, waved, and whipping up his horses, came as fast as he could under the veranda.

Then she whipped up the baby out of the cradle, tried the hood on the little round head, and shouted with delight.

He again touched his very shabby hat, whipped up the pony, and disappeared down the avenue.

Just supposing you asked me to whip up something to analyze what Betsy receives, so it can be checked on that it is a new wave-type.

Give him something to whip up his brain and his body, something to drive the spurs into them.

Great Claus got so frightened that he rushed out of the surgery, jumped into the cart, whipped up his horses, and drove home quickly.

Then the man whipped up his horses and drove off, leaving Elsie standing by the roadside in a sad state of bewilderment.

As soon as he saw us he ran toward his own camp, and I whipped up my horse and ran after him.

Susannah whipped up her best apron off the chair where she had laid it ready to hand, and hurried out, pinning it about her.

"You will have a storm to do it in, I'm afraid," said he, looking at the clouds, just as I was whipping up.

They would drive along slowly until we almost reached them; then they would whip up and raise such a dust that we were almost choked.

Aylmer gave directions to the man, who whipped up the horse and disappeared down the avenue.

Another point to be attended to is to whip up the whites of the eggs as stiffly as possible, and to mix them with the other ingredients very lightly.

I don't say his counsel mightn't have whipped up a lot of sympathy from the jury, but he wouldn't have got off altogether.

He must have been going through some such argument himself, for presently he whipped up his dogs and, with one last glance across his shoulder, continued on his journey.

While, on her other side, Sir James Bidder sat, repeating that she only had to give the word, and he would whip up the county families for twenty miles round.

The driver had already whipped up his horses, and instead of creeping wearily along, after the fashion of tired hack horses, they flew down the beach like the wind.

When Hung Li, who was sitting with his back to the others, turned and saw that the curtain was not drawn, he angrily pulled it down, whipped up the mule, and they were off at a good pace.

He whipped up his horses, and they did the best they could, because the wolves frightened them just as much as they did the driver.

Then suddenly he let it fall, and, putting the horn to his lips, blew first three, then six sharp blasts, at which the drivers whipped up their horses.

Lars Peter came to himself with a jerk; without a word he felt in his waistcoat pocket, gave her back her coin, and whipped up the horse.

He sprang to the seat, whipped up his horse, and as he reached the main road was rejoiced to see a squad of Union cavalry approaching.

They were whipping up, and yelling at their teams to get past the danger point as quick as possible.

I kept on repeating the dose, with the same result, and each occasion gave me an opportunity to whip up my horses.

Within a day the natives had whipped up an organization, agreed on a plan of action and put it into effect.

Great Claus was so frightened that he rushed out of the shop, jumped into his cart, whipped up his horse, and galloped home through the wood.

The warmth of its breath already pressed against their faces; the funnel effect created by the circle of fire was whipping up a stronger draft.

Then as though fearing that the Major might change his mind, he whipped up his horse and disappeared.

Before they could stop him, he had sprung on the box and whipped up his horses, with a view of placing the two women under safe protection.