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Use whip-up in a sentence

Definition of whip up:

  • (verb) prepare or cook quickly or hastily

Sentence Examples:

The smoke was followed by a vicious lash of flame that whipped up the side of the building and set the eaves alight.

Then, whipping up the horse, he broke into a smart canter, and disappeared round a bend in the road.

He had evidently given his driver his instructions, for the man whipped up his horse, and went out of the yard at a speed which, at any other hour, would certainly have got him into trouble with the police.

A cool wind fanned the embers, whipped up flakes of white ashes, and moaned through the trees.

The New England seaman whipped up his glass and steadied it upon the bulwark.

"I whipped up some mayonnaise," she said.

This lesson I learned when Ace whipped up Dolly and Jack and took our craft off toward Syracuse.

"Very shortly ... as soon as we can levy an assessment" The coachman whipped up his horses; the carriage rolled off.

Quickly deciding which road he would take, he whipped up, exclaiming conclusively, "it's all right!"

The Indian whipped up his horses with an excited grunt, the two old women reeling and clutching wildly at each other.

Dick, Dave and Greg had whipped up and down the stream in turn; Tom and Dan had trolled the lake for bass.

"Of course, the only thing I could do was to get them into the sleigh and whip up the horse," Hugh continued.

Some of these men, while still able to whip up their will into going on from day to day with the same exhausting program, finally conclude that unless they take a vacation they are going to break down.

Whip up the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, and mix them lightly with the rest.

Ejaculated the captain as he whipped up pony, "well, I should never have believed it!"

John alarmed held on to his seat as the sleigh rocked about, while Billy whipped up the mare.

He walked on, with the fine, dry snow the wind whipped up glistening on his furs.

"Then they whipped up an' turned off west in the pike," resumed Bud.

James whipped up his mules, but when he had reached the middle of the bridge the rope tightened, and before the young driver fairly understood what awaited him, he and his team were jerked into the canal.

The Indian girl whipped up the muzzle of her rifle and seemed to take deliberate aim at the angry man.

Harries interpreted truthfully, and she whipped up her jealous rage.

The day was intensely hot; a wind that might have breathed o'er the infernal regions whipped up clouds of dust, and spun them into fantastic shapes, filling eyes and lungs, but no discomfort could dull the joy he felt on coming into his kingdom.

He cursed himself for a fool and a brute, and whipped up an already over-active horse, till it was all but unmanageable.

As Captain Jack Benson stepped out through the broad doorway, however, on his errand of friendship, the driver, throwing away a half-smoked cigar, suddenly whipped up his horse, driving close to the entrance.

It was a dreadful storm, with the wind booming, and the sea all whipped up into a whirlpool.

The fellow nodded; gave one grinning look back and whipped up his nag.

Natalie nodded enthusiastically, her shaved head whipping up and down on her thin neck precariously.

Whip up the yolk of an egg with pepper and salt, and stir into the carrots and turnips.

And she whipped up her pony smartly.

Shot and shell are to be passed up by hand, or whipped up, by the most convenient hatchways.

She went against the rain, leaning forward on it, her skirts torn back and whipped up by the wind into curling eddies.

The water lay still and smooth in the morning light, but no one knew better than the fishermen how quickly a wind storm could sweep down the ravines between the hills around the lake and whip up dangerous waves.

After this ejaculation, which seemed sincere as well as fervent, Sam whipped up the horses and soon reached the house.

Every time she thought of Kerr she found herself growing unreasonable; and she had to whip up her resolution with the hard facts of the case to prevent herself from drifting over on to his side completely.

The larger projectiles had to be whipped up to the muzzle with block and tackle.

Whipping up their steeds, they set off on a rapid gallop in the direction the runaway horse had pursued.

And the prospect brightens, and the horses are whipped up, as we advance.

The pair of rascals could knock these youngsters senseless and whip up the horses for a dash.

Haley whipped up the horse, and with a steady, mournful look, fixed to the last on the old place, Tom was whirled away.

Then he got up upon the seat of his hansom, whipped up his horse, and drove off.

He whipped up the horse, and the wind roared behind them; they passed men and women staggering against it.

The driver whipped up his jade and the procession got under way amid a storm of hooting.

He put his find in his pocket and whipped up the nag.

A tentacle whipped up and touched Flannery, who sat with his hands off the control box.

Tabs noticed that her lower lip was tremulous and that she was whipping up her courage.

There was more than a hint of snow in the sharp, stinging air this afternoon, even down in the valley, and now the keen wind from the northeast whipped up the faces of the two riders as they turned their horses at a sharp trot up the bridle path.

Whipping up a penknife from his notary, he had off the covers pretty quickly, and gazed at and kissed it reverently.

He whipped up the mare and ruminated in silence.

The driver whipped up his horse, and the animal shot forward with a terrific clatter over the cobbles.

The horse was whipped up, and the cab rattled off along the quay amid a chorus of laughter and adieus.

And then, to escape his tormentors, he whipped up his horses and dashed out of the Hall grounds at top speed.

Whip up the whites as stiffly as possible, and mix them lightly with the yolks.

Whip up more froth, and put over the whole. Lemon Ice.

Whip up the white of an egg to a froth, and wet it with the froth, till it is as stiff as a good working paste.

Instead of riding or walking along like a "boss" at ease, I soon found myself fully occupied in whipping up the poorly broken oxen on the off side, while the green drivers whipped and yelled at those on their side of the team.

Then he whipped up his reindeer, and was soon out of sight.

Cried the Friend, as he whipped up his halting steed.

That Martin did whip up, and the wagon whirled away, and Raven hurried on alone.

The rascal has whipped up the other heap!

In the fantasy stories of adventure in space that he enjoyed reading, the hero could always whip up a weird paralysis ray, a deadly, invisible robot bullet, or an intelligent gaseous ally from the void would appear.

Machine-gun bullets were whipping up the earth.

Roman Nose had killed his own cow and was whipping up close to the other when the misfortune occurred.

The man was so amazed at the amount that he whipped up his horse instantly, fearing lest I should change my mind.

He'd offered to whip up some brunch when I first arrived, and now I was feeling sorry I'd turned him down.

The ocean was whipped up into a milk-white foam and was dashing and churning in all directions.

Then he went off home, whipped up his little nag for pure lightness of heart, and so entered his hut.

"I thought you could make this train," he added, as we took our seats and the driver whipped up smartly.

The deepest will of his pathetic poem is to whip up, to set running, to snatch his hearer along with him.

The driver whipped up his horses; the church-yard vanished.

Alfred didn't drive his 'bus, but he whipped up old customers, chaffing them pleasantly, avoiding reproaches.

With yarn ends and mosquito netting, she whipped up a few little mittens, stockings, and bags.

And whipping up his horses Sandy drove on, laughing loudly at the predicament of the chums.

The postman also saw it and whipped up his beast into a clumsy canter.

The frost was pitiless, and a strong breeze whipped up clouds of dry snow and drove them in swirls across the plain.

At the same time I told my coachman to whip up his horses with the reins and to drive over these vagabonds.

He whipped up his rifle and fired, and the white wolf dropped sprawling over the front of the sledge.

The steel cable whipped up out of the water, and sprang taut as a fiddle string.

The casks were rolled under the tackle, and whipped up to the open air.

Better whip up your nag and drive away, or I'll be tempted to pull you out onto the road and give you what you need.

Martin, who was driving, probably knew the meaning of the fire in the old man's eye, for he whipped up the horse and drove off, as though "fearing to miss the stage," as he explained at the turn of the road.

All the long day, I judged, he had been whipping up his cheeky courage to meet some magic opportunity of the evening.

Eddies of dust rose up under her feet, and sand whipped up from the beach stung her face.

"Comes from Morrill's big slough," he muttered, whipping up the oxen.

A gale from the northeast, gray and gusty, whips up the white horses, and frost gives new weight to the water.

The big van went first, with the man with the whip up on top, holding the ferocious bloodhounds.

And as if he had reason to remember the pavement of his Halls, he stood tiptoe and whipped up his legs.

Once a week, however, about a handful of copper sulfate was tied up in a piece of cheese cloth and thrown into the pool, where it was whipped up and down in the general fun until all the copper was dissolved.

Tell the coachman to whip up smartly.

The hot wind roared in the cypresses, and the river whipped up little waves with white crests.

She began to whip up and down the room like a panther, her lips moving, repeating incessantly, "Never, never!"

The coachman whipped up the horses, and away they went skimming over the rough stones.

The horsemen, whipping up, at length got the lead, when they turned to the north in the direction we wished to travel.

The hot sun glared, the wind whipped up the dust, the laborers speeded up to the shout of the boss.

The weather was bad, and the wind blew hard, whipping up small tornadoes of autumn leaves.

Thereupon the three daughters of the King were bound by their hair to the tails of three wild horses, which were whipped up and carried them away to the wilderness, dashing them from stone to stone until they were cut into pieces.

The man whipped up his horses, and they were off at a spanking pace.

Whipping up the mustard energetically.

Shall I whip up a crowd, and tackle the reptiles?

Mash the potatoes, mix with them the eggs, well beaten, and whip up to a cream, adding the milk gradually.

Soak the crumbs in the milk (raw), whip up light and add the eggs and sugar, already beaten to a cream with the batter.