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Use wry in a sentence

Definition of wry:

  • (adjective) bent to one side; "a wry neck"
  • (adjective) humorously sarcastic or mocking;

Sentence Examples:

Tom again made wry faces, took another chew at his handkerchief, and soon recovered as before.

Miss Tabitha acknowledged the compliment with a little wry smile, and Ned and Laurie arose.

"Well, I've felt better," Dave answered, slowly, making a wry face as he limped to one, side.

Wainwright named Coleman a monster, and had made a wry face over her completely conventional reply.

The actors made wry faces at the prospect of passing forty-eight hours in a wretched village.

The musician made a wry face and would have answered angrily, when Eveline uttered a loud joyous "Ah!"

Billy made a wry face that instantly resolved into a grimace of pain because of his swollen features.

Grunted the landlord, making a wry face; "you make my fingers ache with the very recollection."

"I ought to have known better," she said, returning to the business again with a wry smile.

The doctor lifted his shoulders, and made a wry face, that might have been disdain or pity.

They could not lie in this position all night, Travis thought with a wry twist of amusement.

The operator pulled a wry mouth, shrugged, and didn't bother to answer with more than a nod.

Isabel made a wry face over this prospect, and advised Julie to remain with her as long as possible.

Don Denton blinked in surprise, and the corners of his mobile lips twitched in a wry smile.

Did he not make a wry face over kissing each old man's foot, as if it really were disgusting?

"Oh, Sandy," groaned Donald with a wry smile, "I never, never can remember all these kinds."

It was an invitation not to be refused, under the circumstances, though Theodora and Ellen made wry faces.

His lordship attempted a smile, but achieved nothing more than a wry face and a change of color.

Janet made a wry face and with the greatest care eased herself into a chair piled with cushions.

Slumber is to be your diet and medicine after that good soup at which you make such a wry face.

The wry, unsteady smile at the corners of her blue-shadowed lips was like light on something dead.

He could swallow his own medicine without asking anybody else to make a wry face over it for him!

"All right, you," soothed Miracle's groom, a little lame man with tattooed forearms and a wry smile.

Said Yves suddenly, lying back, making a wry face, his accent very Breton, his eyes again half-closed.

These traits will endure, I believe, though a wry acknowledgment may be made of persuasive evidence to the contrary.

He broke off, leaving the sentence there, completing it with a wry smile and a despairing shrug.

In the dim light Tara did not perceive the wry expression upon the half-averted face of her companion.

He tasted and made a wry face, but presently he began to sip, and ultimately swallowed it all.

"Yes," and Dolly made a wry face, "but that's about the same as saying the first of Eternity!"

Stacy made a wry face and felt of his stomach, which action brought a laugh from the others.

She tried to look as surprised as her husband, but only succeeded in pulling a very wry mouth.

He twisted himself round to the spot I indicated, and in doing so tossed Christopher a wry mouth.

"It would take more than your wicked tongue to disturb my faith, Papa," Nicole said with a wry smile.

The Wolf made a wry face, but he was not to be so easily frightened, and attacked him again.

Having quartered the fruit, he had made up a wry face and thrust a generous wedge into his mouth.

It was still the wry smile of Max, though fitting strangely on the handsome new blond face.

Exclaimed Barney, feeling of his neck, and making a wry face, as if troubled by an unpleasant recollection.

After a moment's survey, he drew back, rubbed his ear with his fingers and made a wry face.

"I don't know that I feel in a particularly sensible mood just at present," he said with a wry smile.

"Well, I certainly did get good and mad this afternoon," he affirmed with a wry sort of apology.

Physically his knees really were weak, and he used to smile a wry smile when he read the expression.

In fact, his assistant made a wry face when he saw his chief reaching for one of the papers.

Jenny shook her head, and a wry smile stole into her face, making it appear thinner than before.

"I thought I should have to make some plain, little things myself, suited to its station," with a wry smile.

They therefore breakfasted chiefly on biscuit, merely making an attempt, with wry faces, to swallow a little pork.

He made a wry face at the stuffed birds, and then he whispered: "Old chaps, have you been happy here?"

"Oh, that is nothing," replied his companion with a wry smile, as he limped towards the scoring board.

She repeated Betty's definition of patience to her reflection in the mirror, making a wry face as she did so.

It is apt to cause diarrhea and boils, and I never saw a stranger drink it without a wry face.

Young Farmer checked himself and spoke the last as Dawson made a wry face and shook his head.

She turned to the letter again, holding it very near to her eyes, and made a wry face of impatience.

"I am afraid our fathers and uncles will have something to say about that," said Chunky with a wry face.

He pulled a wry face and shook himself angrily, the thought was like a bad taste in the mouth.

Nadine looked up from the little table she occupied and caught the wry expression on his face and laughed.

He made a wry face as he did it, but he took another and then another, before he set it down.

The Captain pulled a wry face for a moment, and then broke into one of his short harsh laughs.

He threw a glance at her sitting there self-possessed and at ease, and a wry smile came to his lips.

He made a wry face at the boys, and pretended to be angry, and they became frightened and ran away.

The king made a wry face at him also; but he looked the king in the face without regarding it.

It was with a wry self-scornful smile that she recalled, later that day, the emotions of the ride home.

The memory of the ragged money laid aside for Don he dismissed with a wry smile, gritting his teeth.

The act seemed to restore his good humor, for with a wry grin he then turned toward the girls.

Said Jasper, with a glance at the silken canopy and covers, and trying not to show a wry face.

He remembered with a wry expression on his face that he had passed his ninety-fourth birthday eight days back.

The little band of disciplined men alone stood still, and their chief turned to me with a wry look.

Hilary raised himself with an effort on his pillows and began to sip the broth, making a wry face.

"There won't be much coolness for us if the boats are called out," Rinaldo remarked with a wry face.

The white-bearded old Healer asked with a wry and good-natured impatience, scarcely bothering to look up from his work.

Hate not a thing too much, lest you be drawn Wry from yourselves and close to the thing ye hate.

He arose from his chair with a wry face and a half uttered groan, and crossed over to Braden's side.

"You may get your infernal wish sooner than you expected," he said, with a wry smile twisting his pale face.

"Oh, well, don't pick a quarrel with me about it," he replied, with a wry face and then a smile.

The mirror he held, in which to admire his features during the progress of his toilet, reflected a wry countenance.

Helen made a wry face at the name; the Nelsons were a family of Methodists who lived across the way.

These words had the desired effect, and the sick boy swallowed the oil, making a thousand wry faces.

"You'd better wait until you've learned more of the nature of the operations," resumed the Commander, with a wry smile.

Jack made a wry face at Laurel, indicating that they would have to watch Paul and the pretty new nurse.

He sniffed of the draft, made a wry face and tossed it, glass and all, over the side into the sea.

Kate made a wry face, "Well, that is my fault," said she, "or I would not take it from you so."

That was an undoubtedly bitter pill to swallow; but the colonel swallowed it, and hardly made a wry face.

In that short season I had one experience, the memory of which makes me pull a wry face to this day.

"No, Aunt Jane says no," answered the child, making a wry face as she looked at a picture of Tilly's father.

I have seen a child six or seven years old take off one of these glasses, without making a wry face.

Each time he came up with a wry smile on his battered face and did his best to rush his opponent.

He scowled and made a wry face, as he always used to frown when he had anything good in mind to do.

Both gentlemen half rose, the one making wry faces and rubbing his elbow, the other bowing and apologetic.

Patsy concealed the weapon in the bosom of her dress, not without making a wry face and shivering a bit.

"That's what Mother says, only she's sure of it," said Teddy, with a wry little grimace that made Billie laugh.

And so the tall, grim stranger turned him about, smiling his wry smile, and strode away through the green.

Abe made a wry face, took up the tiny bottle of "Jockey Club," and rubbed a few drops on his hands.

"Yes," said Bob, with a wry grin, as he thought of the columns of "descriptions" he had copied; "I know that."

You must understand that we'd given 'em a good many wry faces, in spite of what he had said to us.

"Looking over our bills, and trying to make five dollars do the work of fifteen," answered Ruth, with a wry smile.

He made a wry face, winked one eye, and drawing up the right corner of his mouth, displayed square, huge teeth.

"You are very good," she said again, and sipped the coffee and glanced up at him with a somewhat wry face.

Even as Dave looked, the flight lieutenant slowly sat up, made a wry face, and put a hand to his head.

Many will no doubt make a wry face at the thought of this dish, but they really need not do so.

His carriage is ever of the color of his patient; and for his sake he will halt or wear a wry neck.

"I'm afraid the coach won't let me pitch, unless your father says I can," murmured Dick, with a wry face.

I looked with a wry face at the speaker, and recognized him for one of those I had seen in the garden.