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Use wry in a sentence

Definition of wry:

  • (adjective) bent to one side; "a wry neck"
  • (adjective) humorously sarcastic or mocking;

Sentence Examples:

The millionaire made a wry face.

Suddenly makes fearfully wry faces.

He exclaimed, making a wry face.

He exclaimed, forcing a wry smile.

His chum made a wry face.

Robespierre rejoined with a wry smile.

She exclaimed with a wry face.

A wry smile wrung her mouth.

She exclaimed, making a wry face.

Observed Pep, with a wry grimace.

Hal exclaimed with a wry smile.

She muttered with a wry face.

Rob muttered, with a wry grin.

Basil interposed with a wry smile.

Bobbie turned up a wry, tearful face.

Richard winced and made a wry face.

Cheetham made a wry face; but acquiesced.

He neither whimpered nor made wry faces.

"Oh," he exclaimed with a wry grin.

He made a wry face and knocked gingerly.

When it is a rye field (a wry).

A wry smile wrinkled the Mississippian's face.

Exclaimed the dude, with a wry face.

Exclaimed the Angel, with a wry face.

She made a wry face as memories assailed her.

Exclaimed the Treasurer, with a wry face.

His red face puckered to a wry frown.

He made a wry and very ludicrous face.

The general's orange face contrived a wry smile.

The postman frowned and made a wry face.

Returned the old millionaire, with a wry smile.

Yet he makes wry faces over his cynicism.

Men swallow them without wincing or wry faces.

Muttered the young messenger, making a wry face.

The sufferer winced, and pulled a wry face.

The smile was ingenuous and warm but wry.

A somewhat wry smile wrinkled the long face.

"That'll be nice," exclaimed Leon with a wry smile.

She rejoined, with a wry look on her face.

His pale face was distorted by a wry smile.

Doug squinted over at them and made a wry face.

It tickled, and she made a wry face over it.

The millionaire repeated the wry face of a moment before.

I'd like to wring his wry neck for him.

Pouted the royal pet, with a pretty wry face.

Juliet made a wry face at the thought of a corset.

He made a wry face of chagrin as he did so.

His auditor made a wry face to evince his sympathetic attention.

Fin made a wry face, and Waif held her breath.

Presently the hag tasted it and made a wry face.

He made a wry face as a twinge of pain caught him.

Bob made a wry face when the functionary was gone.

Then embarrassed by our glances he forced a wry smile.

Her mouth twisted in a little wry grimace of distaste.

He made a wry face, never before having smoked American tobacco.

An ejaculation escaped his lips, and he made a wry face.

A wry smile twisted the lips of the alleged husband.

Shaping the word elaborately, she made a wry face over it.

When he bit his first cartridge he made a wry face.

The first, after an involuntary wry face, looked at me amiably.

And a very wry face at each recurrence of this peculiar interjection.

Blucher made a very wry face, receiving them with loud grumbling.

With what a wry smile he must have watched that bonfire!

"I thought you wouldn't believe it," rejoined Little, with a wry smile.

Joe felt a wry twinge of humor at the incongruity of it.

He looked at the grub half ashamed and made a wry face.

He made a wry face and ejected the liquid from his mouth.

Miner made a wry face at the thought of the sugary stuff.

His face wore its wry grin of discomfiture; but he said little.

Comedy with her wry face was peeping through a tragic mask.

He exclaimed, and sat smacking his lips with a wry face.

At last Giraud appeared, wringing his hands and making wry faces.

Fifteen minutes later when Rosemary reappeared, Jerry made a wry face.

She added with a sudden wry glance at Martha's impassive face.

Desmond muttered with a wry face as he put down his money.

He hunches his shoulders and pulls a wry face preparatory to crying.

He made a wry face as he again looked at the distorted, smeared countenance.

"That we are in a hornets' nest," he said, with a wry smile.

Charlie rather unwillingly, and with a wry face, drank the mixture.

The Doctor pulled a wry face, and shrugged his shoulders ominously.

She hesitated for a second and her mouth was uncontrollably wry.

He drew a wry face, his lips trembled, and his eyes reddened.

Nash, with downcast eyes, and a wry smile, "are capable of anything."

Peter made a wry face and started for the sweet clover patch.

Hinton accepted the proffered bouquet, but made a wry face at the invitation.

And he made a dreadful wry face, as if he just felt a twinge.

He had received the orders to eject these miners with a wry face.

It is better to do it without flinching and without making a wry face.

He panted like a spent runner, and his face twisted in a wry smile.

Bullion made some wry faces; but the loss, though great, was not ruinous.

And his bitter gallows humor had furnished a wry relief to grim reality.

Those credentials, accordingly, were the subject of some wry scrutiny by their possessor.

The Prince submitted with a wry face and new demonstrations of comical grief.

Her eyes were pitying, but her mouth was a little wry, almost whimsical.

He tried it, made a wry face, and looked inquiringly at the other dispatcher.

Stuffing one of the tarts into her own mouth, Handy made a wry face.

He also professed to "cure hair lips and wry necks, tho' never so deformed."

The youngsters made wry faces at this as they settled themselves to the mutton-pasty.

I was astonished to see the wry faces it produced, and the exclamations also.

The leading Liberals made wry faces, but Phineas was member for the borough.