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Use amalgamation in a sentence

Definition of amalgamation:

  • (noun) a mixture, merger or consolidation | the combination of two or more commercial companies

Sentence Examples:

The fear of amalgamation once vanished, many things will change in appearance.

If of inferior quality, it was submitted to the process of amalgamation.

There are no natural obstacles to such an amalgamation.

In 1889 the amalgamation was carried further still, and at a convention in St.

There had been an amalgamation of the two parties.

The issue of the struggle between them was an amalgamation of the principles of both.

Much is said against amalgamation, as though it were a crime.

Is the amalgamation impossible?

It dissolves most metals, and this process is called amalgamation.

It was upon my suggestion that the amalgamation of the unions was effected.

There was but little amalgamation between them and their military masters.

Mercury, too, is often added to effect amalgamation of the zinc.

Nor will modern languages be easily broken up by amalgamation with each other.

Amalgamation would afford the only true and profound means of civilization.

She wants Frederick Douglass to be the next President, and advocates amalgamation.

The question is whether there is any evidence for such amalgamation.

Already there have been many large amalgamations.

He was a sound adviser, and enthusiastic in the amalgamation business.

Adams, was the amalgamation of the strong Crawford party with the supporters of Gen.

It was largely made up of the amalgamation of great collections.

As for hopes of encouraging any degree of amalgamation, these are vain indeed.

The amalgamations form the greater part of the population of the large towns.

It has been found that such amalgamation has not taken place to any important degree.

This is reflected in the terms of amalgamation with the Great Western Company.

Practical amalgamation is common in every neighborhood where I have been in slavery.

In some localities the old amalgamation process is used.

A more absurd amalgamation I couldn't fancy.

He spoke with an assumed accent which resembled the amalgamation of several dialects.

The various races are not sufficiently distinct to prevent an easy amalgamation.

Dixon trembles at a possible physical amalgamation and would have the races separated.

Savior's on the amalgamation of the parishes, and others added to their number.

What was the result of the amalgamation will form the subject of the next chapter.

Was amalgamation practiced by any of Noah's sons?

Amalgamation of the zinc prevents local action.

I regret that you do not see your way to an amalgamation of interests with myself.

They are met with in every variety of amalgamation.

The amalgamation of the quicksilver with the metal is effected by the tramping of horses.

Then, after a time, there will be more or less of an amalgamation.

The causes which produced this amalgamation of the folks produced the king.

We should all have our throats cut, and the next thing would be amalgamation.

Our language may be called an amalgamation from a great many other languages.

It reveals the fact that America has no monopoly of racial amalgamation.

The thought of amalgamation is not to be entertained.

The inevitable amalgamation of all ship companies took place.

Under each bowl a fire is kept up, because heat forms the action of amalgamation.

Amalgamation is a Southern, not a Northern taste and practice.

This constitutes real amalgamation in a democracy.

I saw that a huge industrial amalgamation could be undertaken, and succeed.

She has a moral chemistry which excels in the amalgamation of contradictory ingredients.

We have left the doctrine of amalgamation to be settled by our opponents.

The same amalgamation continued to take place between the two parties.

Each separate element and vein of thought has its precedent, but not their amalgamation.

Amalgamation is a blending of races, assimilation a blending of civilizations.

Amalgamation is their door to assimilation.

How this amalgamation came about we may learn from the geography of Scotland.

The modern tendency of banks is towards amalgamation.

In other words, is the amalgamation of the races still going on and to what extent?

As a matter of fact, the more education both races receive, the less the amalgamation.

Extinction or amalgamation is now a question of only a few brief years.

In 1854 began the amalgamation of many of the companies.

We believe that racial amalgamation is not a prerequisite of assimilation.

Nevertheless, there is no true amalgamation.

The complete amalgamation of the regular and volunteer units was decided upon.

"Would it have been different if he had joined the amalgamation?"

The pile is often examined to see if the amalgamation is going on well.

The true principle shows an amalgamation of these two.

A partial amalgamation of the two is, therefore, quite natural.

This process is called amalgamation.

I refer to the doctrines or the religious belief of the new amalgamation.

Perfect amalgamation of elements is not possible in a world constituted like this.

How could this amalgamation come about?

In the Opera, amalgamation of different styles.

Slavery is the source of amalgamation.

There were no physical reasons against amalgamation.

The law of caste which forbids his amalgamation bars him out from every thing of the kind.

The line to-day is the offspring of amalgamations.

On this occasion she took a cup of tea and made her meal an amalgamation.

You are a chemist, and should know more of the amalgamation of colors.

What a strange amalgamation of democracy and aristocracy we found in Germany!

The amalgamation of wise and honest men of all parties is the principle of my government.

No amalgamation was possible between them, even amid the flames of a funeral pile.

Between them there was little amalgamation.

We seek in vain for any such amalgamation.

In the islands the amalgamation has been more complete.

Against amalgamation much can be urged.

It is from an amalgamation of the two that the modern local prison has sprung

Gradual amalgamation with surrounding systems.

The amalgamation of 1821 was therefore not too soon.

It was he who first suggested this amalgamation.

The amalgamation was carried out most satisfactorily.

The two races, Saxon and Norman, began to know a real amalgamation.

Racial antagonisms vanished under deliberate amalgamation.

Here also, sooner or later, the process of amalgamation becomes complete.

I am not recommending an amalgamation of the different classes in society.

Four of the companies were still in the West Indies, when the amalgamation took place.

A slight shaking of the surface or the tray will produce this amalgamation of colors.

The amalgamation proceeds easily and smoothly.

These amalgamation slabs ought to be cleaned before each operation.

The complete amalgamation of the North and the South could only be the work of time.

Disintegration is the determinant influence; nothing makes for amalgamation.