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Use amalgamation in a sentence

Definition of amalgamation:

  • (noun) a mixture, merger or consolidation | the combination of two or more commercial companies

Sentence Examples:

The amalgamation was brought about, though not without some opposition; indeed, much opposition.

I would simply ask you to observe that the law you so much approve is not a preventive of amalgamation.

Between these hostile elements many great men have endeavored to effect an amalgamation, but never with complete success.

Charles Pritchard has lately given much attention to this curious property of the metals, and has brought the practical operation of amalgamation to great perfection.

Some unions may have collapsed, and amongst others the movement in favor of amalgamation may have received an impetus owing to financial embarrassments.

Its amalgamation will involve no great difficulty, however; it has been going on peacefully in the countries south of us for several centuries, and is likely to continue along similar lines.

These tales possess peculiar interest as first-fruits in poetic literature of that amalgamation of Eastern and Western thought that is going on before us at the present day in this country.

No amalgamation, no association on equality, no violent disruption of present relations is necessary.

It is not because she approves of slavery, or believes it to be "the corner stone of our republic," for she is as much anti-slavery as we are; but amalgamation is too horrible to think of.

I will leave you to judge whether the fear of amalgamation ought to induce men to oppose anti-slavery efforts, when they believe slavery to be sinful.

At length the immigrant gains a footing; he is left in possession, either wholly or partly, and amalgamation to a great degree takes place.

It was then that a free and voluntary amalgamation of its chief constituent materials took place; and this was somewhat earlier than we date the revival of learning.

I cannot view these two machines without feeling impressed with a conviction that both countries would soon feel the advantage of an amalgamation between the two forms of the machine.

In accomplishing this amalgamation, Helena, the empress-mother, aided by the court ladies, led the way.

In general the Abolitionists were charged by the South with promoting both insurrection and the amalgamation of the races.

An amalgamation of the scattered, competing lines was needed, both to secure better service for the public and proper dividends for the investors.

The government was unwilling for political reasons to give the preference to either of these companies, and tried to bring about an amalgamation.

The great difference between the two races in physical, mental, and moral characteristics will prevent an amalgamation or fusion of them together in one homogeneous mass.

Mr Webb considers that there is no economic limit to this policy of amalgamation, and that the gains it carries with it are obvious.

Therefore, these same letters, these same notes, these same colors, according to their amalgamation, can change in aspect and cooperate in the production of different effects.

A further means of amalgamation has been found in the existence of the double embassies of the great powers.

In man 'love' from the biological standpoint is also an amalgamation of two needs; when the tender need to protect and foster and serve is lacking the emotion is not quite perfect.

The careful insulation of the trough and all parts of the apparatus, and the purity of the metal and its amalgamation, reduce the local attack of the zinc to almost nothing.

This would not only violate the law of natural affection, but would be an amalgamation of the family and state.

Literature, even more than commerce, diminishes the oppositions and increases the amalgamation of nations.

It is not that such amalgamation of human particles with animal or even vegetable atoms can carry in it any idea of personal punishment per se, for of course it does not.

And yet we are told that it hastened that amalgamation of the two kingdoms which has been productive of so much good.

In each case it ended in the forced amalgamation of the weaker union with the stronger one, upon the principle that there must be only one union in each "basic" trade.

Possibly those who opposed him were right, and the two subjects are incapable of amalgamation.

A more serious question is the effect which these amalgamations may have on the relations between bankers and those who are engaged in manufacturing business.

That leads inevitably to the amalgamation of the volunteers with the regular Army, and is a death-blow to the specific character of each of them.

This was a strong instrument of political rights, for community of language tended to an amalgamation of the Norman and Saxon peoples.

Suppose an amalgamation was contemplated one day I would be a buyer of another bank, and if by next week this plan had fallen through I would be strongly in favor of selling to a bigger bank.

In so far as there was a policy it consisted of sporadic murder for the one half, and for the other of an attempt to prevent all intercourse that might lead to amalgamation between the two peoples.

The amalgamation of races in such regions depends upon the similarity or diversity of the ethnic elements and the duration of the common occupation.

These elements are too diverse and their occupation of the valley too recent for amalgamation to have advanced very far as yet.

No new types of races have been developed either by amalgamation or by transfer to new climatic and economic conditions in historic times.

This unification frequently extends to race also, owing to the rapidity of maritime expansion and the tendency to ethnic amalgamation characteristic of all coast regions.

The mercury placed in the bottom of the porous cup with the zinc keeps the zinc in a state of perpetual amalgamation.

The initial amalgamation, while not absolutely essential, helps in a measure this capillary action.

Then comes breaking up the cakes and feeding the fragments between heated rolls, by which the amalgamation of the whole is completed.

It is the same with the whole obscure problem of amalgamation; indeed, he slips into an absolute contradiction, in pronouncing judgment rather too hastily here.

On the whole, she rather approved of the arrangement, not alone upon the amalgamation theory, but because she entertained not the slightest doubt as to who would rule the prospective family.

An advantage in amalgamation with chlorine gas instead of amalgamation with quicksilver in the wet way, is that the ore need not be crushed so finely.

Besides enclosure, another process was going on, the consolidation of farms by the amalgamation of small holdings into larger ones.

Boniface I think he concluded that I represented an amalgamation of fishing interests, for he became exceedingly communicative.

The virgin land lies there, inhabited by a degenerate race, whose one hope of salvation lay in amalgamation with the white race.

Such amalgamation, they considered, need not be effected at one time, but should be accomplished gradually.

Failing amalgamation by voluntary effort within three years, compulsion should be resorted to.

I have come to the conclusion that, with proper handling and amalgamation, the Democrats are capable of becoming the only sound political party at present possible.

The college had already received a terrible shock by reason of the cry of "amalgamation" which had been raised by the mob.

To permit therefore the union of these parties would be to bring the principle of amalgamation into respectability.

Allen denied it, and others thought that they had the most positive assurance from his statements that the amalgamation wedding was a fiction.

An amalgamation of a great center of men for the breeding of better men is the task of the future.

The making of the railway of which I have spoken, and the amalgamation of the provinces would greatly tend to such an event.

Our observations do not support the opinion that the result of amalgamation is "a vague compound, lacking character and expression."

The amalgamation of the conquering and the conquered forms a new people, and modifies the institutions of both, but does not necessarily form a new nation or political community.

This amalgamation of the classifications has been brought about chiefly by the traffic associations and as the result of the enactment of the interstate commerce law.

An amalgamation of the two, however, such as took place in the case of other deities, was neither possible, nor, indeed, desirable.

This was the first application of amalgamation to silver ores, and permitted the treatment of the vast quantities of low-grade ores, which did not pay to smelt.

Each can learn from the other and co-operate to mutual advantage, but race amalgamation, or even a fusion of customs of thought and social ideals is altogether unlikely.

Several of these national bodies were formed by an amalgamation of a number of different but more or less closely allied trades.

Even where there is amalgamation between any two of these race varieties, no name is sought to cover the mixture of blood.

This character, which anticipates the immortal clowns of Shakespeare, is formed by an amalgamation of the pages in the previous plays into one comic figure.

It may even happen that a larger number of persons participate, as shareholders, in the amalgamation than were formerly concerned in the ownership of the units of which the amalgamation is composed.

Whether this amalgamation of medicine with religion or with morality may not be finally dangerous to true morality and true religion is a question which will interest us much later.

Under the old process of crushing the quartz to powder by stamps, and then separating the gold by amalgamation with quicksilver, but twenty-five per cent of the gold is saved.

Historians have often observed that the most powerful states of the world arose from an amalgamation of different tribes.

They included an aristocracy or gentry reflecting distinctions of colonial government, and expanding under influences that prevented an amalgamation of widely separated elements

The "nay" which the nation renders to his cause so badly plead makes the spiritual amalgamation a certainty.

Are our laws enacted for the purpose of preventing amalgamation to be disregarded, and is a man to be punished because he undertakes to enforce them?

By the time a thousand years had passed, the fusion had become so complete that there really was both a new religion and a new nation, the result of a long work of amalgamation.

The official creed itself was an artificial amalgamation of two different currents of belief.

There is little, if any, amalgamation of the two races, nor will there ever be, but there is probably as little conflict between them as is compatible with the difference of blood.

Happily the nature of the situation prevented any amalgamation or loss of the old boundaries and picturesque features of the ancient city, in the new.

She belonged plainly to the third set of which we have spoken; Miss Todd was an amalgamation of the two first.

Had there been an amalgamation of the hierarchies, there never would have been an amalgamation of the nations.

Chemically pure zinc is also exempt from local action, and can be used in an acid battery without amalgamation.

On this point we fully agree with the Judge, and when he shall show that his policy is better adapted to prevent amalgamation than ours, we shall drop ours and adopt his.

A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation; but as an immediate separation is impossible, the next best thing is to keep them apart where they are not already together.

I have said that the separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation.

The separation of the metals is managed with as little judgment as the amalgamation, and the waste of quicksilver is enormous.

Within the last few years, however, mining has received a new impetus, and attention has been directed to the adoption of a more speedy and less expensive system of amalgamation.

Now there may have been a period when this Anglo-American amalgamation included more or less equal elements from England and America.

He agreed at once with the proposition as regarded the amalgamation of the Volunteers with the partially paid forces, and, what was more to the point, promised to find the funds required.

Gardiner are definitely attached, the one to the Morning Post and the other to the Daily News and Leader, of which, before the amalgamation, he was editor.

I tumbled to it from the first that this was a great proposition, this amalgamation of Labor.

It is, therefore, one of the subordinate and purely mechanical processes of the real art of amalgamation.

Indeed, so fast is the amalgamation of railway capital proceeding that even between large cities there is little genuine competition.

The articles of the treaty are a curious amalgamation of independence assumed by the one, and of interference and jurisdiction claimed by the other.

There is a confusion of tongues, and separation of mankind from the undue amalgamation of interests, as well as individuals.

If, on the other hand, the psychological factors do not favor amalgamation, the legacy of resentment and opposition is handed on from generation to generation and the injury is never forgiven.

It precludes all the psychological factors of attraction, education, friendship, adoption, amalgamation.

They opened the new era of amalgamation by co-ordinating, on a vast scale, individual achievements, resources and labor, and directing them to a common end.

It was in this place that the process of amalgamation was discovered, and a means whereby the crude ores as dug from the mines are most readily made to yield up the precious metal which they contain.

Even after the many centuries during which the amalgamation has been going on, we recognize still the varying types to which the individuals tend.

The large pieces of the metal would all be caught by their specific gravity without the aid of amalgamation.

Riffles, and all the devices to get the benefit of specific gravity, are of little use to arrest this "float-gold," so amalgamation is employed.

Amalgamation is a chemical process it is true, but it is so simple that after a few days' experience, the rudest laborer will manage it as well as the most thorough chemist.

Care is taken that the mixture be not too thin, for the thickness of it is important to the amalgamation.