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Use amalgamation in a sentence

Definition of amalgamation:

  • (noun) a mixture, merger or consolidation | the combination of two or more commercial companies

Sentence Examples:

If the desire of avoiding amalgamation has legitimate grounds, the antipathy of race is simply abominable.

At present, however, I wish to consider it merely as a deterrent to amalgamation.

During these irregular and successively repeated movements of wandering populations, it often happened that tribes of different races met, made terms, united, and finished by amalgamation under one name.

Our brethren are dreadfully afraid of this kind of amalgamation.

Gerrit Smith, who later drifted away from colonization, said frankly on the same occasion that the ultimate solution was either amalgamation or colonization, and that of the two courses he preferred to choose the latter.

The amalgamation of peoples goes on apace.

In nearly every garret we entered practical amalgamation was in fashion.

What is the ethnological name given to a person who is an amalgamation of such heterogeneous elements?

Burning questions of amalgamation or of competitive and retaliatory policies are treated with discretion.

He mentioned that there was an opportunity for a great amalgamation and monopoly of the corn and seed trade on those premises, if enlarged, such as had never occurred before in that or any other neighborhood.

In banking, similarly, the absorption and amalgamation of smaller banks has been going on with startling rapidity.

After the amalgamation of the Exchequers in 1817 the case becomes clearer.

It has done wonders in the past, and every year finds it better equipped for its work of amalgamation.

The young gentleman is about as heavy as an ox, and gives you the idea that he is the result of the amalgamation of a horse, a cow, two pigs, a seal, a dozen India-rubber blankets, and an old-fashioned horse-hide covered trunk.

Secretary, that this alleged opposition to amalgamation is both hypocritical and insincere.

By reducing the weaker race to slavery, or by expulsion, or by extermination, or by the amalgamation of the races.

Amalgamation was the usual method of conciliation.

Ireland does not show so well, and England relatively is almost as bad as Ireland, yet England might well have shown the path of prudence to her poorer sister by greater adventure herself in the sensible domain of railway amalgamation.

That world-wide system had been an amalgamation of all the then existing false systems of religion.

How does it happen that for eighteen hundred years they have resisted all the influences of nature, and all the customs of society, and all the powers of persecution, driving them toward amalgamation, and irresistible in all other instances?

Never, never was amalgamation so preposterous and absurd as that of nullification and democracy.

There are, it is true, all degrees of amalgamation of old and new elements or of transformation of old elements, but to think of instincts as remaining intact and unchanged in modern life seems wholly wrong.

The amalgamation of the Field hospital and bearer company into one unit is much to be desired in the Home service, both for economy of working and the more equal distribution of duties to the medical officers engaged.

Two detestable manners, the indigenous and the imported, were now in a state of alternate conflict and amalgamation.

Nearly one half of the entire property of the slave-holding States consists in this right to the services of human beings of a race so different from our own as to render any amalgamation to the last degree improbable, if not impossible.

It proposes the amalgamation of civilization with barbarism.

These questions cannot be answered very satisfactorily; so little is known of the confused period of which we have been speaking that it is impossible to follow closely the amalgamation of the two races.

In dinner-giving, the first process of amalgamation is to select congenial people.

To see that there is no failure of tact in seating guests should be the next process of amalgamation.

If hosts forget nothing that will tempt a guest to his comfort, they will remember above all the quarter of an hour before dinner, and will begin the actual conquest of amalgamation while their friends are assembling.

We are justified, then, in their case as in that of the Pygmies, in believing that their stage of mental and social development is only in part original with them, and is largely due to the influences of education and amalgamation.

The best method of catching very fine gold by amalgamation is to cover a large copper plate with mercury, and let the dirt and water, in a thickness of not more than a quarter of an inch, pass over it slowly.

The pyrites ordinarily contains, or is accompanied by much gold, which it protects from amalgamation.

It has therefore neither the interest of Thierry's exquisite narrative of the same events, nor the interest which might have been derived from a complete amalgamation of the materials into a consistent work of imagination.

Many of the old unions were reorganized, and numerous local amalgamations took place.

Consummated amalgamation would tell when their cup of iniquity was full.

Only through the amalgamation of city and country can the present poisoning of air, water, and localities, be put at an end and the waste filth of the cities be used for the cultivation of vegetation rather than the spreading of disease.

All the alarm created on the subject of amalgamation was totally unfounded.

If either of these be permitted, as innocent, amalgamation can easily be pushed through its first stage; without one at least of these two engines, no progress has ever yet been made in this work of fighting against the overwhelming course of events.

And the whole current of remark proves that those who attempted to promote amalgamation are fighting equally against the purposes of providence, the convictions of reason, and the best impulses of nature.

Conversation did not suffice; amalgamation was at a standstill.

When this is so, the magnificent collections, which have obtained a wide reputation, will be open to a public thoroughly capable of appreciating their merit and deriving advantages from their amalgamation under one roof.

The government endeavored to bring about an amalgamation of these rival companies, believing that the united energies and financial ability of the whole country were required for so vast an undertaking.

The term amalgamation may be used for that mixture of blood which unites races in a common stock, while assimilation is that union of their minds and wills which enables them to think and act together.

We are not content to let the fate of our institutions wait upon the slow and doubtful processes of blood amalgamation, but are eager to direct our energies toward the more rapid movements of mental assimilation.

Rearrangement is never easy, and amalgamation will be slow.

We have two races, physically different, socially incapable of amalgamation: if we make the gulf final, there is no possibility of a united state; if we bridge it carelessly, the possibility is still more distant.

And this natural superiority of the Indian is, perhaps unconsciously, recognized and illustrated in a singular manner by the white man, in the different feelings which he exhibits upon the subject of amalgamation with the two races.

These taunts usually come from men with the odor of amalgamation upon them.

In the true type of block, the layers are in a plastic condition, due to heat, when they leave the drying-chamber; and being immediately submitted to great pressure the result is a homogeneous mass in which the layers disappear by amalgamation.

With them, neither expulsion, nor extermination, nor amalgamation is practicable.

In process of time the increasing number of half-breeds aided in the process of amalgamation, and even the pure-blood Indians of the fields and villages learned much of what their masters had to teach them.

The mixture of mercury and gold is termed amalgam, and the process of extracting gold by mercury is called amalgamation.

We get a good insight into the character of Mr Rhodes from all his utterances and public acts; and an anecdote about him when busy with the work that made him famous as the 'Diamond King,' the amalgamation of the diamond-mines, shows up the man.

In every nation it came into conflict with the traditions of the medieval drama, and underwent great modifications; in England an amalgamation of the two traditions resulting in a tragedy widely different from either.

During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, however, another class rose into prominence and, perhaps because it was originally drawn to a great extent from the younger sons of the country gentry, found amalgamation with the gentry easy.

Was the prelude to the further account of the planned amalgamation with National Steel.

There are two methods of separating silver from its various ores, and these are called smelting and amalgamation.

A full proportion of the popular stories which are perpetuated in our nurseries most probably date their existence amongst us from some amalgamation of races; or, it may be, from the intercourse attendant upon trade and commerce.

And yet, notwithstanding all obstacles, of which our own generation hardly can have an idea, the revival of the unions began again in 1841, and the amalgamation of the workers has been steadily continued since.

Can the slaveholder use the word "amalgamation" without a blush?

A considerable migration to New England, where the Quebec peasant becomes a factory operative, is interesting, because it shows that he resists amalgamation in the United States as steadily as in Canada.

The Bible story kills the Indian tradition, and there is no amalgamation.

One great difficulty is the ignorance of the miners in the science of amalgamation.

It is not from an amalgamation, such as that suggested, that an amelioration of the present system is to be looked for.

It is by the amalgamation of all its ethnic factors that the future American people will be evolved.

"Why," I exclaimed, "do you mean to say that my life is but the amalgamation of countless other lives?"

Consequently, whenever such an amalgamation took place, the very first thing which had to be done was to establish religious rites common to the whole new community, which of course were not the care of the heads of households as such.

Certain it is that, if he is to remain with us, we must educate the alien, teach him our ways, prepare him for citizenship, and do all we can for him morally and intellectually, and that will surely involve amalgamation.

He detested it doubly, because Socialism was the amalgamation of two lies: the lie of liberty and the lie of science.

Exclusive of Headquarters, twenty-eight other ranks was the minimum strength, and when the platoon was below that strength the necessary numbers would be obtained by the temporary amalgamation of companies, platoons, or sections.

In 1875 the first amalgamation mill was erected and spearheaded decades of activity.

Crawford persistently, alluding to the matter of certain amalgamation of tastes.

He had, therefore, a personal interest in the foreshadowed amalgamation.

The glistening white quicksilver was ready for the work of amalgamation with the bright red gold.

In spite of themselves, they shrink from the thought of an amalgamation such as the foregoing observations imply.

Since many of the shorter ones are undoubtedly complete in themselves, it is natural to assume that the longer, which are sometimes very comprehensive, have arisen from the amalgamation of various originally distinct revelations.

The leaders sought to effect amalgamation of the old and new populations, that they might thus attain a broader foundation for their power and place themselves in a position independent of the influence of the Dorian warriors.

In the time of Dante all the three, often in amalgamation, generally in conflict, agitated the public mind.

And the pioneer garden is still unique in being an amalgamation of a churchyard and a dissenting burial-ground.

The claim that their enlightenment will lead to social equality and amalgamation is equally untenable.

Five thousand pounds of ore, yielding one hundred and fifty pounds of pure silver, required four hundred and fifty pounds of quicksilver for the amalgamation; of which, I was told, not less than one hundred pounds were lost.

The idea of both exist in an indivisible amalgamation.

What an opportunity for amalgamation of races and for laying the foundation of American citizenship!

Each of these great revolutions must have tended in turn to the amalgamation of the Egyptians with other nations; and this result may be referred to three principal epochs, independently of several subordinate ones.

The usual fate of these weak provincial banks is amalgamation with the better managed and more powerful companies, but the danger is that a storm may sweep them out of existence before they drift into one or another of these havens of rest.

In order clearly to appreciate the tendencies of amalgamation, it is indispensable to discriminate correctly between the differences distinguishing one race from another and those existing between different nationalities of the same race.

I hear, too, that several of our prominent anti-slavery gentlemen, worthy of respect for their zeal and ability, have publicly advocated the doctrines of amalgamation; but I do not know upon what grounds.

This can never be attained by analysis; for, in reality, actual life is a very complicated matter, requiring the union and amalgamation of a multitude of different elements, each modified and sustained by the others.

The amalgamation of many races and many creeds has tended to produce cleverness and wit to a high degree.

A solution of nitrate of silver will, under similar treatment, occasion on gold a white precipitate; but as no amalgamation takes place, it is readily wiped off, and cannot therefore occasion any fallacy.

She is a product of race amalgamation, a monstrosity, a horror, the germ of a national destruction.

Amalgamation of wires very needful.

The then Chairman of the Directors was appointed also Chairman of the Commissioners; but, except to this extent, at that time no further amalgamation took place, each class of prisons being administered separately.

Nationally, there has ceased to be any peril of so inauspicious and yet outwardly attractive an amalgamation.

As the Cherokee tongue is evidently a mixed language, it is reasonable to suppose that the Cherokees are a mixed people, and probably, like the English, an amalgamation of conquering and conquered races.

Quantities of coarse salt and sulfate of copper were added, from time to time to assist the amalgamation by destroying base metals which coated the gold and silver and would not let it unite with the quicksilver.